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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0


    its suposed to be lvl 20, seems the checking is not working.
  2. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed not able to start Test of the Healer.
  3. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed achievement system agathion - dancer & singer to not stack dances and songs with other dances and songs from itself instead of not stacking with dances and songs from BD/SWS
  4. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Spears and polearms not attacking multiple targets. - Rechecked all raid bosses drops list to make sure they should drop sealed runes lvl 1 and fixed for the ones not droping.
  5. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Elmoreden's Lady and Angel amon not having celestial effect while guards are alive. - Fixed problm creating error on clan lvling options when requirements to level up clan were not met. - Fixed not being able to take Quest of saggitarius. - Fixed blazing swamp teleport from aden castle taking players to wrong location.
  6. server time had to be fixed on last restart so skill that were on cd when server disconected went into long reuses.
  7. server time had to be fixed on last restart so skill that were on cd when server disconected went into long reuses.
  8. enchant spoil has nothing to do with the offical drops, it was added by us as replacement for the enchant sell on npc shop and yes it stays as it was.
  9. San0

    Bracelet of Duty

    you most likley had full inventory when you colected your rewards and the item just went to narnia basicly. we working on solving this issue.
  10. i believe that was already added to you by koll, not sure tho, gotta w8 for him to show up to confirm.
  11. im not saying its a bad thing i just dont like how it looks from player point of view. ofc it usefull and it helps.
  12. drop patch not done yet for 2.0. that is not for us a top priority but it requires lot some time so if it will be done will be later. herb thingy is normal. zoom, i hate thatstuff but i heard theres already a player made one running around, you prolly can find it if you ask on forum.
  13. i know right? i've been begging for them to change it already, i even told them they could just put some white image there (actualy im not sure cuz of sleep deprivation but i believe i actualy told them to put a drawing of a pen*s there as long as not that one)!!!! not all of us running on redbull infused blood, seems they need to sleep and other non sense stuff. hopefully will be changed or removed or deleted or burned or wtv else today.
  14. magic between anti virus and self updating applications. for some reason they do not like eachother.
  15. your anti virus is prolly blocking it/deleting it.
  16. should be fixed by now. if you dont meet the requirements to lvl up clan it will just not let you lvl instead of making this mess.
  17. stupid question but do you have agathion summoned?
  18. {p_damage_mp;3;25} from scripts = 3 % damage back as mp with 25 % chance.
  19. seems theres some problm when you are not able to lvl it up again. like if you miss the pobs or if you miss the SP or any of the requisites it will drop the clan to one instead of just stoping you from doing it. just in case make sure you have all requisites before doing it again to avoid this from happening till its fixed.
  20. San0

    cant box

    print of error please.
  21. we are aware of this, trying to figure out the problm to fix it.