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Everything posted by San0

  1. i wonder how were you living till now
  2. i agree. but we wanted to give the ppl the benefit of the doubt and see how they behave with it, it still a very useful tool... just need to hope ppl wont abuse it, so we dont have to hurt the ones who just want to simply use it.
  3. honestly my personal favorite is when dude is killing evil elpys for 10 minutes and makes ticket saying he was just farming with the friend and suddenly got dc and ban.
  4. you will still see wierd sh1t happening around you. You will still see your chars geting displaced, you will still take normal actions. everytime ppl comes with complains about gm didnt checked or they were there and no one pmed them etc is pure utter garbage. char are checked in ways that if you are there, you will notice it and you will react to it.
  5. its very simple boys. if in the moment you are checked you are not there and charcaters are making magic things, it counts as afk and char gets banned. my personal advice. dont use them if you going afk. couldnt be easier then this
  6. 1 no. (we dont need to pm you to know if you are there or not) 2 yes.
  7. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed clan unity buff and buffs from dance scrolls being overbuffed. - Fixed Golden Egg not being able to be used or not being consumed while using it. - Fixed being able to fish while on mount. - Fixed Elmoreden's Lady sometimes not droping Energy or Insolence. - Fixed An Arrogant Search quest to give 5 items instead of one when selecting the 1000 mobs path. - Fixed Shot consumption of mechanic golem lvl 78 - Fixed Reward from Whisper of Dreams quest part 1 and 2. - Fixed Fish Stew of normal buffs to display on normal buff bar instead of special buff bar. - Fixed Color Title item not letting player choose the color. - Fixed Break Duress to remove immobilize effects of paralyze type like anchor. - Normal Experience penalties added to characters when dying during sieges on siege ground.
  8. its 58 hp per second not per tick. if you notice you regain hp more often then every second. so lets say it gives 58 per second and end of 2 seconds it would be 116 hp if it tickets 3 times for 39 over 2 seconds and the end of the same 2 seconds the amount of heal is the same. meaning that if you calculate the healing value of the spell during its full duration and divide it by the number of seconds it lasts, it will give you how much it heals per second. note: Healing ticks/Damage over time ticks is not the same as 1 second.
  9. the ppl on official do not have access to a test server like you guys do, you can just log there and run your own experiments. "admins" on official server have basicly nothing to do. bot hunting is basicly unexistent, patches and content and major events are coming to them without them having to do basically anything, and same goes for the fixes. Unfortunatly here we have to do everything by ourselves not leaving much room in a normal time frame to do this kind of stuff actively. i do it every time its needed on a bug report or something but doing it just for curiosity is not something we can rly afford to do atm.
  10. those skills are a costum feature from this server, they dont exist on classic thats why you cant find them on official data base.
  11. you dont have enough gems for the extraction.
  12. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed missing lvls for the skills that can be learned by fishing. - Fixed Summon Mechanic Golem lvl 10 calling same golem of Summon Mechanic Golem lvl 9. - Fixed Core Ring not giving mental attack rate. - Fixed Target limitations for skill scrolls from golden treasure chest. (grey explosion, slasher etc) - Fixed some skill missing on Eva's Saint learn list after on lvl 76. - Fixed Great Fury skill attack speed % bonus. - Fixed Queen Ant Ring giving root resist when it shouldnt. - Fixed Fast Run not disappearing from pet when character unmount. - Fixed damage not displaying on screen when attacking char with transfer pain (it will still not break up the damage to char and pet, it will just show the full damage you deal before it splits.) - Fixed Golden Treasure Chest to be tradable. - Fixed Enhanced Orfen Earring and Refined Orfen Earring to give different % of mental resists. - Fixed Bow/crossbow weakness/resistance for monsters in silent Valley location. - Fixed problm causing reactivation of beast shots every time a spell was casted on pet or finished from pet. - Reviewed some skills with stun effect to ensure all chances were correct and fixed on the cases where it was not.
  13. from what i know, open sourced tools (free ones you get on internet) are still not able to work with this files. contact me on skype, tho we might find a way to work something out.
  14. l2 wiki magic. they just linked skill to "older" one. this skills doesnt have 16 lvl in classic and it shows only on 3rd class.
  15. San0

    Fishing skills

    it goes off when you get oberbuffed as it was mentioned on the the proper report about this problm.
  16. San0

    Fishing skills

    dude.. you are choosing withdraw from wh option. thats is showing you how many items you can withdraw and not how many items you can depostie on the wh so that number is not the wh slots but your inventory slots...
  17. San0

    Fishing skills

    1- theres no skill to increase inventory. 2- the other skills are working. if you dont have them working its cuz you think they do something else then what they do, or you checking it wrong way. expand wh expand trade also but not less important i think you picked prolly the worst place to make this topic. moved to reports.
  18. San0

    pro money maker

    its visual problm on your side. i see it normaly.
  19. the client it self gives you the misses and resist on screen.
  20. using gm commands i can use skills on myself as lady gaga would say: "if it isn't rough, it isn't fun". Wise words.
  21. made some changes, get the new file. something very important was missing.