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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0

    Bot reporting

    and the time it took you to write all of that you could have just gone to bot report section and right the names of the ones you found and they would be checked and if found  boting, banned.  we know its not the easiest way for you guys but its the most functional for us. bot report button would just be stupidly abused where everyone would be reporting eachother in pvps and everytime they see enemy chars etc turning out to the point where everything we would do all day long would be looking for fake reports. this way ppl only report the ones they rly think are boting cuz they are lazy to go to forum and spam about everyone that moves. you dont even need to log on forum to do it.  you can find me on skype/discord almost 18 hours per day some times more. just pass by drop the name and i will check it as soon as its possible. (skype: san0.classic - discord server )
  2. posts are removed cuz u writing in russian on the english forum.   and no those new armor effects will not be on 2.0 that is a extra content update that was made after 2.0
  3. i just fixed it for you homie!!!
  4. how is giran harbor as market zone working any diferent from mdt used as market zone on official? just the diferent place. rest all is the same.
  5. to enter rift of heaven you need to have a item, to have chance to get that item you have to farm toi. so the pvp will exist for toi. and you dont jump from room to room u enter in one room, tho you can still fight for the entrance.
  6. from the info i have only dual kesh existed on ru off on the time 2.0 went live so thats what we gonna follow i believe. but again, we try to avoid this kind of information to come out so it doesnt impact the market that exist now. same reason why we dont say yet if there will be or not the soulshot bonus per enchant and increases on the enchant power etc. cuz its things that would have impact on the market as it is now. there for the only way to realy be sure about this is to w8 for the final patch notes where everything will be disclosed.    about the unsealing part. there might be possible for some other ways to show where u can get the cloth, but the main one will be only the rift of heaven.
  7. San0

    BUG needs fixed

    thats on older chronicles, in classic chant of movement doesnt give evasion anymore. it might be indeed a bug and if it is will be fixed.    
  8. after restart its dropping all pieces to me.
  9. it was already said many times in diferent posts that update will be as close from official as possible so it its still +12 on official and there was no changes on official most likely there will be no changes here neither. stuff will get done as on off and then we will see how it will work.
  10. On da the zerk is ok if u play "safe and smart". No one will want to attack him so it keeps him the offensive bonus. Tho he should remove it if he gets the focus from mages and shield deflect magic is in cd. Overall. Quite ok. Just need to make better use if shield deflect magic, like for instance use it right before poping a hate aura near multiple mages. The rest seams fine. Just create chaos on the fight, leave the kills for the dds, your job is to piss ppl off and protect your party members. Fuk i miss this game
  11. San0

    Dagger class.

    no off topics please.
  12. San0

    Dagger class.

    ok boys and girls. from what i have seen now the dagger classes seams to be the ones with bigger amount of possible problms still existing. There for i ask you to use this topic and report everything that you find it work not correct together with some explanation of how it should work correct. (and if possible provide info/proof from official server) please dont spam with suggestions for changes just becuz you THINK its wrong or you dont like how it works. This topic will work as a guide line for me to check it all and it would be easier if i could have all the "problms" reported on the same topic. i will also create a dagger channel on discord so if you dont like to use forum you can just speak your mind in there. discord channel:    
  13. i didnt even knew this option existed on forum to be honest.  its working normaly for me. i just tried to add you to ignore and it shows the window you say with what to ignore and the ignore list. im using chrome also. dunno what could be. anyone else with same problm?  
  14. San0

    Master Account bug?

    Most likely y.
  15. San0

    Master Account bug?

    webers making some work on the website atm so some function might not work properly.
  16. San0


    Im not even gonna answer to the topic, but for acusations against administration soil's forum account will be banned for a couple of weeks so you can chill a bit.
  17. Dont one shot them. If u kill quest mosnter in one hit sometimes it doesnt give item.
  18. San0

    about sv

    i will, but i need to w8 till everything is done so we can check it out and see what we want/if we want to change something.
  19. San0

    about sv

    yes there will be 3rd class and oly on the update. you can find the official patch notes here: our update will be quite close from it with some small changes.