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Everything posted by San0

  1. i still dunno what bug he is talking about, he says pet runs after target forever.  well, mine doesnt. so dunno. after watching tons of videos with pets i dont see much difference between the behavior with our pets and official pets now after we had the resummon mechanics to be honest. but ofc is not as easy for me to see it as it is for ppl who play with it everyday.   @rizos sry for breaking your dreams again 2000 posts, damn i need vacations.
  2. he was the actual summoner who showed up
  3. San0


    - Fixed mental shield buff from castle to have same effect as mental shield buff from characters. - Removed Crit chance from skills: Spinning Slasher, Hammer Crush, Fatal Strike, Triple Slash,Burning Fist, Soul Breaker.- Fixed Lightning strike land rate.  
  4. San0

    Class change

    Class change system update! Warrior classes have now a separated group from the rogue classes. Starting from today warrior classes can no longer change to rogues.   best regards.  
  5. 1- A grade will be quite hard to get so i dont think you gonna see any A grade on AH for the first couple of months. 2- i keep saying you guys are too worried about how ppl will get A grade when if fact the hardest part will be how ppl will unseal the A grade
  6. w8 some minutes and should work normally again. prolly u tried to relog in different accounts too fast or failed password too often.  
  7. Welcome Aniana and crew. hope you guys enjoy and have fun.  
  8. Not on classic chronicle.  
  9. This changes will apply after monday. so just as reminder if you are interested in using this service for this proposes monday will be last time when the changes from warrior classes to rogue classes will be possible.
  10. You can do that on client itself. Options. Something preformance. Uncheck that box.  
  11. San0

    account banned

    it was explained to you already on the tickets as far as i know. your account was identified as one of many who received a lot of trades from a LARGE amount of bot chars as well as being loged from same IPs as this LARGE amount of bot chars. couple more chars were banned for this reason recently also, you are not the only one.
  12. dont kill the monsters in one shot.
  13. San0

    Trial of the seeker

    you should be missing some step there, i made the quest and all worked normaly for me, please add me on skype (san0.classic) and get me a screen of what happens when you talk to the npc.
  14. you actually got banned for the usage of adrenaline at 2017-01-05 14:17:18.913 (server time). either way, support will deal with it.
  15. San0

    Trial of the seeker

    ​is this still happening?
  16. ​Sano i write to you in Skype   ​and thats why i came to check   EDIT: yeah i see now it was reported on bot section on sunday.. my bad. but in my defense i have to say i was not in the best state of mind (or liver) on sunday
  17. im suprised it took you guys so long to report this to me. i dont allways check media forum thats why this should be on reports and not on media. eitherway.   obviously they are banned.
  18. ​Cmon San0 we know you can do better  ​i honestly think you should chill a bit...
  19. San0

    crazy stuff

    i smell a dagger meeting coming out soon!!!
  20. San0 Holidays!

    When u talked with him u actualy read what he says? Or u just clicked on it saw he gave no gift and went away?