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Everything posted by San0

  1. ​you would be surprised we actualy beated our own record of last 7 months i think on last weekend.  (by about 200 ppl) anyway back to topic. i dont think it would solve the cH problm. smaller clans who would get into bigger clans would just keep the CH to use on their alt chars in their alt clan having more slots into a alt clan ending up inviting more ppl to that alt clan there for leading to the same problm it is now, so even if we do this. in 3 months we will have still no new clan halls, and clans again complaining they need more slots cuz they have 7 clans in ther side and would be good to communicate all together and so on and so on. dunno if you guys see where im heading here... 
  2. San0

    Ant Queen Bug

    QA will be removed from game till monday after fix. AQ will disapear at 01:00CET. Both sides had time to try it and both sides realise they will not manage to kill it this way. there for no AQ till monday after fix.
  3. removed crit chance. increased p attack dependence. (skill takes more advantage from p attack then for instance double shot)
  4. San0


    - Fixed the block change against some skills. The following skills now ignore shield defense: Spinning Slasher Hammer Crush Excruciating Strike Fatal Strike Triple Slash Burning Fist Soul Breaker Body impale  - Fixed Drop list for monster Death Wave. - Fixed Shot consumption on Big Hammer. - Fixed Fatal Counter skill. removed crit chance.​increase p attack dependence. 
  5. yes rest was correct.
  6. Would be better if this would be on report section and not on suggestions boys.
  7. San0


    on aion and on other chronicles/servers. you dont drop your gear when you die. lets say we put this set up you guys saying. some dude is farming pulling small trains and his internet crashes. char stays in game for 10 seconds and he dies to mobs dropping his weapon and his gear or even epics he spent over a year to get. now imagine that guy was you. still think its a good idea?
  8. San0

    Clan Halls

    Clan halls are monotorized as much as we can. Not so long. Ago 2 chs were placed to auction due to rmt deal and before that there was another ch put to auction due to clan owners inactivity. We just cant go to ppl who won a ch bid and take it from them even if clan has 5 ppl on it if they still playing.  
  9. Atm quests from first class are with 1.0 version rewards. On 2.0 this quests will have rewards increased.  
  10. Pets speed is same as official. Pet attack range is same as official. Pet attack behavior is same as oficial (pet amost never hit if target is moving) so i still dont know what bug u talk about.  I need to find a video again, i was watching from some archer on olys, he had 3or 4 fights with sumoners over all he got attacked by pet like 2 times during all matches. No he was not faster then the pet, he was just never standing still long enough for pet to attack him.  
  11. ​My friend, EXE is a fighting spot sometimes, there are too many low level players, more than i expected... and lots of dwarf spoiling coals    can i get AUTOPICKUP by donation ? i did n knew that, i thot the gm shop only gives skins   of course i am never only playing l2, i always do something else when i am playing like watch tv, listen to music, drink mate, etc...     ​there is no auto pick up.
  12. if you mean the pet buffers. cat queen crit buff or p atack buff. seraphim mana regen or skill reuse. demon shadow thingy QQ no party buff for him only the agros/debuff.
  13. San0


    Removed Christmas event NPCs and Decorations.
  14. I think the only way to flag disapear is to be killed or te flag owners get a castle.   
  15. San0

    segunda cuenta

    se tienes 2 pcs puedes abrir una cuenta en el otro pc.
  16. San0

    Curse Gloom

    its already on list to fix. ty for the report.
  17. San0

    Death Wave

    lol. its bonus xD. yeah i see on drops its also set from 1 - 3 for some reason. we will fix this.
  18. hmm, i think the problm is in the skill it self. i will check it out but for some reason i have in mind we have all the necro pets with same casting time when skeleton should have a shorter cast time.  ill check it out.
  19. There are no plans about h5 server yet. As we said before nothing will be done for this h5 server until 2.0 is up and runing fully without any issues on live server. ​So Is definitely dead?​   No. Its defnitly not happening before 2.0. ​Not sure if I was understood properly; I mean - technically, even if the 2.0 was to be released tommorow, there'd still be a chance you'd release High Five within the remaining 15 days (including basic advertisement etc.)? ​i said this already in another post which i believe was also created by you but i will say it again. priority atm its only the finish and launching of 2.0 update on live server. nothing will be done regarding the high 5 server untill 2.0 is rdy and live working fully. that topic with announce of this h5 server in future was just for ppl to not be caught by surprise when it will happen. h5 server doesnt matter at all atm, it something that will come when it will come an information will be posted when it will happen. and obviously it wont happen on januray ofc.
  20. 2.0 will already bring more stuff for that.
  21. There are no plans about h5 server yet. As we said before nothing will be done for this h5 server until 2.0 is up and runing fully without any issues on live server. ​So Is definitely dead?​   No. Its defnitly not happening before 2.0.
  22. There are no plans about h5 server yet. As we said before nothing will be done for this h5 server until 2.0 is up and runing fully without any issues on live server.
  23. ​added to list ​nice try 
  24. k made list here of skills with ignore shield defense to check them all just in case. lemme know if you find some other i missed. spinning slasherhammer crushexcruciating strikefatal strikethunderstormquick speartriple slashburning fistsoul breakerhurricane assaultbody impalePunch of Doom