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Everything posted by San0

  1. Why this kind of class changes arent in retail?     becuz on retail you pay 10 euros per month to play and they dont have to find another not game breaking aspects to generate their income.​  
  2. we dont have good vodka in portugal. its either weak or it tastes like pure alcohol ethyl.
  3. im totaly a beer guy and i rly rarely drink wine. but theres a chance those bottles will go for a rly high price in like 10 to 20 years  
  4. and this is why we shouldnt touched it at all from what it was. one change was suggested, and even tho it will render this system not so usefull it will still keep it functional. this suggestion gets accepted even tho it might hurt servers income... and sudently 500 more suggestions show up to change it even more.   im still curious to see a stacked party with daggers killing mobs even 1by1 and see how much slower it is comparing to the AOE farm timmers of respawn, running, training, resting, and so on.
  5. please contact support, they will check your problm and see what happen in your case.
  6. Wtb cheap porto's bottle from 2011 year of production. ​That's very easy to get San0 if you really want it just let me know where to mail it, that should cost around 10-30 euros each bottle. ;-) ​Vintage one? oO its will most likely be the best one during all my entire life. the dudes says it is defntly the best of last 20 years and theres a big chance on next 50 there wont be another one like that.
  7. since i was in the neighborhood. BUMP! 
  8. Ok guys. we were talking now about this. we gonna move this poll around and make announcement in game about this so more ppl will come to vote and we get a more global opinion. This poll will stay open for 2 more weeks till December 26th. After this poll is closed, if the option to make changes win, we gonna give a 2 week warning for everyone who are now on one of the groups and wants to change for the other to have the last chance to make this change, and after this 2 weeks groups will be adjusted. If the option to not change it wins. nothing will change.   Poll will now be moved to General discussion, sticky and added to announcements.
  9. San0

    Christmas Events!

    ​Added to the rewards spoiler! ​ty, time to grind for lil freya agathion ^^ also are snowballs tradeable? i dont see this info ​snowballs yes. the candies no.
  10. Wtb cheap porto's bottle from 2011 year of production.
  11. San0

    Body Impale

    will check it.  
  12. no its not god description, its the correct classic description is just working wrong way. is not even working as any of past versions. till high five it was around your pet and after in h5 it became 900 range around your target.
  13. ill check it out. page on l2 central was updated 2 months ago so the info there is from 2.0 need to find if it was not changed on updates after 1.5. if not we will fix it. atm is working around you, y?
  14. From this point on, sieges will happen 1 hour earlier then they did until now. So sieges before were happening at 18:00 CET, from now on they will happen at 17:00 CET. This change applies for next siege already.   Also Due to Holidays on different religions, countries and locations, siege cycle of January 1st will be skipped. This means there will be no sieges on January 1stas they should. next siege will be on December  18th. and after this one there will be sieges only in January 15th. This way we cover all major holidays like Christian Christmas, New Year, Orthodox Christmas and all other big celebrations happening from December 25th till the middle of January.   Both this decisions were made after extended discussion with all the castle owners and most of the clan/ally Leaders involved on the sieges, with all of them agreeing it was the best solution.   Best regards. And Happy Holidays.
  15. i will take look at all suggestions after im done with my part of 2.0 for now i have too much on my head and all i want is to have the update running as soon as possible and decently.
  16. we will talk about that when time will come, for now it doesnt matter. all that matters now its 2.0 to be rdy. after all ok with it we start talking about other stuffs. but i am the biggest hater of multiboxing so most likely any server we would open in future it will almost for sure always be with same system we have on classic.
  17. San0

    Sieges Recap 04.12.2016

    off topics removed.
  18. San0

    Sieges Recap 04.12.2016

    you guys ruined my post QQ.
  19. San0

    Pvp siege

    U should use shift when u trying to click a target, so u dont run up to the enemies. Shift and S are 2 important keys for a archer in this situations of mass pvp. Its still cool to look at all this ppl going at eachother in a 13 month server. I was watching skelth sieges after ours. Almost fell asleep xD.  
  20. Sry for long video i tried to shorten it as much as possible but some fights were really long and didnt want you to miss some action.  
  21. but but, rain is wet, wet metal gets rusty, rusty metal breaks easier!!!!! FACTS!!!!!