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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0

    HellHound VS Soil

    DanielDefo   ​ someone that presses even F3 with mouse cannot be called a good players the only reason why he became who he did its becuz he had lot of money to invest and he was allways running at least 1 grade over his oponents gearwise. but there are couple of good glads out there. dunno if they play on classic tho, imo MuerteLegend strikes me as the most skilled one when it comes to skill usage, combo decision, macro usage, and decision in general.   @SOiL i was using blunt on glad when it was not even cool yet!!! but 2 handed
  2. you forget about the weather. if its raining more chance it will fail...
  3. academy dont exist yet on the classic version of l2.
  4. San0

    Test server unavailable.

    im confident on it, but again it doesnt depend on me only. with info i have it will prolly be available this month but once again dont want to break your hearts so i wont promisse anything.
  5. San0


    i run some test on this when ill have the time, but the stats have very few influence on debuffs in general. its mostly skill lvl and char lvls. buffs. and ofc epics.
  6. San0

    AQ Weird position

    ​Not to mention San0 that the script for mobs/rb back on spawn is not working i think, so far i saw mobs pulled out of spots, not coming back ​it is working, timmer is 15 minutes. and it doesnt apply to RBs. only normal monsters.
  7. San0

    AQ Weird position

    have this ever happened before or its the first time?
  8. San0

    AQ Weird position

    did she stayd out for long or she went back to "nest" after couple of seconds?
  9. damn africa.. control your discord woman!!!
  10. BA.... DUM..... TSSSSS!!!!
  11. San0

    PvP and Fun ^^ (4)

    im not complaining, but now u made me wanna play it
  12. San0

    PvP and Fun ^^ (4)

    did you just ripped off the sound track from Need for Speed: Most Wanted?
  13. nothing was changed on the last weeks on this skills.
  14. noob leader... paying for teamspeak when you could be in discord having fun with me and listen to africa and michael complaining about beast shots all day long while rizos complain about fatal conter.
  15. Sa will be wtv u want it wont be locked to weapon. But depending on rube u use. U cab even go emi with acumen. About the enchant bonus thats not rdy to be revealed yet cuz it will directly ibfluenciate the server market atm.
  16. 1 open window 2 pick mac 3 throw it out of the window 4 buy a real pc xD.  to be honest have no idea, try contacting koll or support to see if they have any solution for this.
  17. San0

    Black Friday!

    ​I bought COL right now and i didnt get "25% BONUS% check it please. ​write a ticket to support about it.
  18. im never angry  just pointed out something you might have missed before.
  19. ​Hello. 1) You can use any account as second ( it musn't be on same master account ). 2) Please contact me at skype: koll.classic , maybe one of the clients stuck in your processes? ​
  20. ​for d grade armor you can make a quest at lvl 25 on gludin that will give you a D grade set heavy/light/robe.
  21. that doesnt exist, at least not on russian official. l2central and l2wiki page is broken.