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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0

    Back to buffs

    so, on test server we have this new function to show on chat the chance to land a debuff when u cast it on the target. on the video, the target is a lvl 75 Dark avenger (ofc), the caster is a 75 necromancer. target has no jewels/epics or any buffs/dyes. you can see first time i cast the skills its around 90% chance to land (except for fear) and then after mental shield buff chances decrease drastically.   point of this being... buff works. you just cant expect it to work always. 49% its still a big chance for something to land and it gets increased if caster has epics and target doesnt. also it get increased if the skill level of the caster is higher then the target.
  2. San0

    Little video

    ​he has a "Nigga stole my bike" macro? oh, am i allowed to say "nigga" without hurting anyones feelings? oh, am i allowed to think some ones feelings being hurt by thinking i can hurt someones feelings? oh, am i allowed to say feelings without hurting someones feelings? damn so hard to talk now a days...
  3. as basicly everything that is a drop on this game, it is based on a chance, if you hunting the right mobs in the selected locations keep trying my young padawan, force will be strong with you and shall bring you herbs!!!
  4. San0


    - Slightly increased drop chance for Herb of Progress.
  5. the key word in here being "TOP"
  6. San0

    Horror DA

    like all DAs movies. if you watch official DA movies, most of what they do is spam agro and horror. Mostly horror
  7. ​no rift or dungeon. most likely everything that is a dungeon or a instance theres a big chance we will not implement it.  TOI talismans at least for now are not in plans either. and gludio castle will stay a gludio castle.  the rest most likely will exist. tho we dont rly like the time on those pvp events. we will most likely change that.  about baium, i personaly dont want to change its status, it should be hard considering it will be the only way to obtain TOP A grade full items. maybe with this some new clan politics will show up and bigger allies will form, but still, lot of stuff can happen. as i said that was just a sneak peak on some of the stuff about to come, some of what is there might be changed, and some of stuff that is not there might still show up. so all the answers you will have only on the final patch notes. either way, everyone is a on a hurry to get it rdy, and that makes me be on a hurry to get it rdy tho its against my own personal will, as i mentioned before, in my own personal opinion, i do not think server needs the update yet... if we keep adding new update everytime the higher level get to the top, the lower levels will never have the time to catch up, and for now we have like 1 party or something in whole server with ppl on max level. but again, not always i can do the stuff by my will only so we are working to get the update ready as soon as possible.  
  8. San0

    Horror DA

    its a bit higher then 50/50 i believe if theres no epics on the target, i just tested now and it was about 70% with target without buffs or epics. if target has epics the chances drop, same way if user has epics chance increases, but it will never go on 100%.    
  9. San0

    Horror DA

    It does not have 100% land rate and it obviously does not have 0 seconds reuse.....
  10. pretty much anything that is some kind of instance we will not have almost for sure.
  11. San0

    Test server

    test server atm is not fully functional for players, untill 2.0 client is fully instaled and shared you might have problms making test server working decently for now, and most of the times it will nor work at all.
  12. new banners are being released already. those were old ones. you should find something that resembles to this for now
  13. its for the monster that are listed on that location. so basicly if you want to know what mobs drop in breka stronghold you open the breka stronghold location on l2wiki and the monsters displayed on that location are the ones who drops herb. in the breka stronghold case this is the list.
  14. no, this sets will stay as they are, they provide you with D grade p def in trade for basicly 15 minutes of your time. They are not the best to use but they are free.
  15. up up for the things and the stuffs!!!
  16. San0


    - Fixed logout window info about exp gained during session.  - Fixed Exp gain on screen message.   - Fixed problm causing divine inspiration to not work as intended not increasing the number of buffs user could receive.     Mini-Update lowbie love instaled on live server   - Added Moon Knight Quest. - Added Herb of Progress. - Increased ADENA reward for some quests. - Increased level till which newbie shots can be used from 15 to 19. all info about update can be found here:   Please make sure you update your client.  
  17. ​thers an easy solution, WIPE ​we both know that not happening
  18. San0

    Fell Swoop

    i saw not long ago some post on 4game forum where some ppl, namely warlord and spoilers are facing similar problms, like when they use AOE skills (mass spoil, thunderstorm etc) they most often hit random amount of mobs. like you pull 15 mobs in a corner, use thurnder storm and you hit 10, next time without moving you use thunder strom and hit only like 7, and then on 3rd time you use same skill on same place with same amount of mobs you hit some other random amount of mobs.  he also had same problm with auto attacks, but he decided to focus more on the skill problm since skills are suposed to be 360 degrees and even that way it still hits random amount of targets. if you want i can get you the link for you to see the discussion maybe you can understand something more detailed from there.
  19. San0

    Fell Swoop

    yeah its same as some of mage aoe, mostly the one from spelsinger ice wall i think its called. since the range its so small, if mobs move a bit they are already "out of range"
  20. they do not stack so they will take 1 inventory slot per herb. and they disappear after 10 minutes if you dont use them so no one will be able to stock tons of them. we thought about they being use when pick but that way we wouldnt have a safe way to prevent the high levels from using them. This way we can be sure that ppl higher then level 40 is not gonna take advantage out of it.
  21. San0

    Fell Swoop

    yes there is  it goes from 14 - 18 to 20- 23 or something, tested this myself couple of days ago. i think it doesnt work on skills tho but its prolly one of the hardest things to test for sure.
  22. In order to make the mission for lowbies to catch up, or at least get to a more popular level, in a more accessible and not so long way we decided to implement some changes to some of the low level content, and also add a couple of new things that might help on this agonising journey. We also hope this will help new players not to shy away from the game just because its impossible hard and they think they will never reach lvl 40 + to be able to party up with other players. So on this small patch notes i will mention all the changes we made on this small update. - Minor changes to starting pack. - Some quests increased ADENA reward. - Herb of Progress. - Moon Knight Quest. 1 - Minor changes to starting pack. The starting pack it self its already a very good and strong help since most of the new players before the starting pack was implemented couldn't even dream of having their hands on a mid NG weapon while with the pack they get access to a TOP NG weapon. Altho the fact people could use the newbie shots only till lvl 15 made it so most of the newbie shots would go to waste, and players would have to use more of the normal shots on their hunting leading to a increased amount of adena wasted on shots or a increased amount of time wasted to make shot quests. There for the soulshot usage level for the newbie soulshots from the starting pack was increased till level 19. We believe this way players will use most of the newbie shots if not all of them and they will have less to worry about farming so much shot quests or invest so much of their precious adena on soulshots at this levels, being this way more capable of saving up for their next weapon. 2 - Some quests increased ADENA reward. The transition from the early low game for the early mid game was pointed out to us as being the hardest part in the game, for a player with a normal play time when they get to about level 30-35, the newbie weapon is prolly about to finish, and they gonna have a hard time. To make this problem not such a big one, we increased the adena rewards of some quests between lvls 20 - 40 so players can choose to make the quest while they level up and by doing so having a better economical life. The following quests ADENA reward was increased by about 5 times: Grim Collector Sense for Business Vanquish Remnants Hunt of the Black Lion Arrow Vengeance Leto Lizardmen Hunting Conquest of Alligator Island NOTE: Only ADENA reward was increased from this quests. In case any of this quests have other type of rewards, those ones stay with same reward as before. 3 - Herb of Progress. After studying all the ideas you guys sent me on pms about how to help the lowbies, (thank you for that btw <3), i grouped up all of them and created some kind of mash up. Lot of the ideas were very good, but they would jump a bit too much into the custom and they would require some time from manton and the scripters, time that we dont really want to take from them to not slow down 2.0 progress. So the main points on those ideas were basically giving the lowbies some exp bonus, not too strong, just enough to make them have a bit faster progress, that could not be easily abused, and that higher levels would have no way to exploit it somehow. After considering all of this and some of the ideas NCsoft came out for 2.0, the HERB OF PROGRESS idea showed up. - While hunting in some specific locations players will have a chance of receiving by drop a Herb of Progress. - This herb can be picked up and it will stay on your inventory for 10 minutes. If not used after 10 minutes herb will disappear. - To use this herb open your inventory and double click on it (or right click). - After consuming the herb, player will receive a 5 minute buff increasing the exp/sp gain by 20%. - Herb cannot be used if character is higher then level 40 (40 still can use it, but 41 and higher cant) - This herb drop can be obtained in the following locations: Ruins of Agony Ruins of Despair Abandoned Camp Partisans Hideaway Execution Grounds Cruma Marshlands Breka Stronghold Death Pass Wastelands Plains of Lizardmen NOTE: Most of this locations have also quests on which ADENA reward was increased so players can combo it up for a smother and a bit faster progress. 4 - Moon Knight Quest. We know this one might bring some discussion about the D grade market but this decision was taken after 2 weeks of analysing the market and seeing the fact that during this 2 weeks, the pieces of D grade armor on market were either not existent or over enchanted ones with prices that no lowbie/new comer will be able to afford. So... Moon Knight Quest was added giving the lowbies/new comers access to a set with D grade pdef stats. This set has no bonus at all besides the P def it gives, it cannot be traded or sold, and it cannot be enchanted. To be able to obtain this set you need to talk with Moon Knight Jones in Gludin Village and fulfil a number of small missions and favours for him and his friends. When all the jobs are done he will allow you to choose what kind of set you want to receive among Heavy, Light or Robe. This quest can be done by characters between level 25 and 40. Quest Walkthrough. HEAVY SET LIGHT SET ROBE SET NOTE: In order to have all this new items changes and addition available you will have to update your client after the 14.10.2016 maintenance. Best Regards. L2classic club team.
  23. lil slugger took a late summer vacations. try now.
  24. if your probelm still exists please contact koll on skype, he will help you with this Skype: koll.classic
  25. San0

