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Everything posted by San0

  1. os servidor é so um, isso k ves pa escolher sao proxies para reduzir o ping dos players, esperimenta e ve qual deles tem menos ping para ti, mas todos eles ligam ao mesmo server.
  2. San0

    Event: Classical Squash!

    For you to be mad at us Straw hat is the higher reward on th event its something not for everyone. Grasshoper its just for fun and to look stupid so u can offer it to your friends.  
  3. San0


    As far as i know there are no scams if u read all the info provided. Countless ppl uses it without problm cuz they read stuff. I use g2a on my personal stuff and never had to pay one more cent then what i bought. And they do not pay us anything, lol, they are simply the most complete payment system.  
  4. San0


    You can chose paypal if u select g2a option.  
  5. San0

    Lava wyrm

    ahah, im pretty sure that 154 is wrong  
  6. Is as simple as this, if u crit u deal more damage then u do on official on max damage, if u dont crit u dont one shot ppl.
  7. How is that even connected? How many classes u see one shoting ppl very often?  
  8. I dont think it gonna be changed. Skill is still quite good as it is and still has the one shot potential if u crit, in some targets even if u dont.  I still dont understand how u guys think that one shoting everythig all time is beter. I mean, yeah ofc its better for the pr, its just bad for everyone else who is not a tank including the pr itself cuz it will kill himself more often then now due to reflect.  
  9. Never said fc was not diferent from official.  
  10. fatal counter in were we tunned it down a bit. i also shared the opinion it was a bit too strong so what we did was leave it with same damage basicly as a double shot but with the HP function, so lower HP still deals more dmg then full HP. to compensate for this damage loss the skill has chance to crit. basically you still have that one shot factor that can happen if it crits on low HP, its just not so reliable and constant as on official.
  11. ​apology accepted , have a beer on me   ​what about me? 
  12. San0

    pan dryad

    he is under camouflage, he doesnt want other ppl to know he has better drops we will fix it.
  13. San0

    Lucky Enchant =)

    i could feel the fear on that cursor moving... he was like hmm i wanna do this but im not sure if i rly wanna do this... gz.
  14. San0

    Lava wyrm

    is not max 661 i got over 900 sometimes but theres still something off with it, need to be checked.
  15. up up we go. more ppls. more spam!!!
  16. San0

    Server Features

    hmm, like the first link you find on the first place when u open the forum?   that takes you to this page
  17. dont forget those pets dont exist on official, the drops/spoil patch is based on the official drops thats why it doesnt show that one.
  18. San0

    Lost Account

    log in on web site go to personal cabinet, on left there will be a option called ticket, fill the stuff there and send it  
  19. San0

    Lost Account

    usbmit a ticket to support they will help you from there to get your account back.  
  20. San0


    np. anytime.
  21. San0

  22. i personally spend over 14 hours per day over the last year working for this project and this community, if that leads you to think that at some point we do not respect this community i'm not sure if to ignore that comment or be totally offended by it.
  23. San0


    - Fixed problem causing Excruciating strike debuff to show up on buff bar instead.   - Fixed the following monsters not aggroing on servitors. Doom TrooperDoom Knight- Fixed quest text problm on testimony of Fate telling to kill Dead Seekers when in fact you need to kill Corpse Tracker. - Added Demon Glove Fabric to drop list of the following monsters: Maluk succubus TurenForest of Mirrors Ghost- Fixed adena drop amount for some monsters in Sea of Spores.
  24. The problm with siegable clan halls is. The way game is going, im prety sure sooner or later ncsoft will use them for some weird stuff, specialy dev castle.