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Everything posted by qloc01

  1. that purple one is gorgous, you little sh!t head, i cant believe we have an ally like you, now we go war !
  2. about that clip above, zorg made a small mistake in trying to finish off WC which a class with big CP/HP, that mistake gave soil and warball a slight chance to get closer to them faster and nail the fight, if zorg chose a safer play and that is step back then fear warball - warball would be unvailable for 10 seconds, then even if soil stun zorg, Dee will nuke the sh!t out of him and can finish soil off in few seconds. - Analyst potato and it was 3 vs 4, tada
  3. the purple one is good, pls burry the guy that made new clan crest for perkunas
  4. life is hard, right? theyre doing their jobs, thats all, "and for ppl who farm, long, too long", yea, except you, the rest of ppl here just joined server for a month, LOL and why gm has anything to do with soil's orfen ? is it that weird that soil's cp has 1 orfen lv3 ? oh god, now you sound like all that pathetic players who used to blame gm for always "help" reaver
  5. you so lame, unreal, youre really unreal, now you bring some pvp fraps so long ago for what? we had one ourself anw back to the topic, you seem like you realized how lame yourself after all the agression towards sano but you just too stubborn or so narrow mind to accept that sano did the right thing to nerf orfen
  6. we here to discuss about how orfen should works, not about your exp game packs
  7. some proofs from fisher stream prove that in official orfen is not broken like we are first is the video to prove that fisher still has orfen lv3, just in case some ppl think he so poor that hey cant have a orfen lv3 himself, start the video at 0:43 you will see he hits Maluk Knight with hero weapon, and obviously he will need recharge later or at least when he hits next mob he has to pray that the SA trigger will happen so he can regen mp fully himself second, he AOE with very very big train, with lv78, with hero weapon and he lost almost 40% mp to finish this train
  8. i feel a little proud coz i was in soil pt and saw soil raid and orfen drop her earring a few times, dont know why you UQ guys make it like something so mystery, i feel like a ninja LOL the trigger chance of SA is obviously too high, it needs nerf, its so broken that you UQ even set up pt with no WL/tanker to exp in LOA heart, thats why you so crumble now, i feel sorry for you, 2 days ago i told soil " buddy, some ppl is making you like reaver", its so fking true now
  9. soil is becoming reaver in some ways, LOL, lets grab soem popcorns
  10. i hate politics anw, lets keep it simple
  11. oh my god, i pked a whole 9 people yesterday at Alligator Island as well, then i saw hellhound name and i dont care anymore
  12. qloc01

    Any news?

    [ in] there are rumors that it is "enough" ​Yard by yard, life is hard; inch by inch, life's a cinch [ out ] ​you just never die =)))
  13. i clicked on your vol1, eisg and his folks, where are the old guys ?
  14. ​its a miss translation i think, check some vids on youtube you will see, Sk have touch of death and shield of faith
  15. ​3rd probaply better, but you need to get to 76 first, and believe, it wont be easy, fortunaly, were not official server, we have class change service, so just pick DA or SK to enjoy and when you reached 76, change to paladin if you like
  16. people dont think anything, its a one shot class, pls dont tell me your pt member have to stun or something, we pvp with pple not with bot, ofc you always need support from your team, about glad i only see one problem with sonic triple slash since it should be 10 seconds cooldown not 5 seconds, but im sure as hell that soil always will still rekt you anytime you meet him, about necro, yes, its a OP class but still in check and if our admins have any ideals to nerf them wisely they will do it, i have faith in them
  17. DA or SK pls, TK and paladin just suck, suck real hard
  18. qloc01

    PvP PvP!

    hate to say this but only soil give me some nerves in pvp, rest of gladitor is just around at level of meat bag
  19. ​for god sake, pls never - CON, if you still low lv and alone with box, go for 12 str - 15 DEX or 8 str - 10 dex
  20. yes, you also admit it OP and it need nerf, yay
  21. qloc01

    WTB AQ/Orfen/Core

    miss me yet ???????