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Everything posted by qloc01

  1. i understand what you mean, but there's already un-official alliances in our server that are not declared, and who is playing in top clans already know who is helping each other. an example would be the new NFactors clan helping perkunas. they're not in the same ally, but they help each other in war. the limit on clan members and alliance isn't really something that is preventing people to help each other. at the moment those limitations are there just to be annoying, because people will still use the command channel, teamspeak or other programs to organize themself when it's needed, even if they're not in the same ally. the suggestion of increasing the number of clans joining an alliance was made simply because it's way easier to manage 120+ people with a single ally chat, rather than having to create multiple chat channels or organize stuff with 120+ people in the same teamspeak. ​you understand but not all of it, that alliance channel chat is big, very big, espeacially when we are an internaltional server not like grain kain where they dont even need red chat to command but just TS
  2. this matter is hard to dicussion, the pupose of 40 max is to prevent a side has more than 120 ppl, becoz if its the same as some old chronicle, invicible side will happen, but if you keep 40 at maximum, politics would get involed more orfen, like right now its Vig and UQ, between soil and zorge, they hate each other like fck but for the best benefit for their ppl, they still can sit on the same table and discuss terms. but why i said its hard to discussion, becoz we dont have that large quality players like korean or grain kain, from my experiences, just about 20% of our players is dedicated enough to get this game serious and actually bring politics into a game, the rest would just quit or get a 2-3 months break then start over again. So we have 2 choices, we can make it like some old chronicles and to make the game once again easier for everybody, but the consequence is maybe oneday we should remove our "classic" tag in our server, or we just keep it like it is and let the newcomers suffer from the hardcore obviously 80% of them will quit
  3. ​dont know your in-game name, but your oppinion is always as objective as i see
  4. ​pls die ​should i report u? ​no need, just die
  5. qloc01

    Part number 10

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2ywK6LSz3w gladitor damage on robe is fine, but on heavy i think we have some problems here
  6. you are reacting like everyone is against you, zorg
  7. qloc01

    Server time zone change!

    ​this is what we want, 1 hour earlier jsut for sleep, that 1 hour is pretty big for us asian
  8. qloc01

    Resist Buffs

    soil and zorg shoul just marry
  9. qloc01

    Server time zone change!

    pls change, the last siege began at 0:00 AM for us, too damn late
  10. ​youre being unreasonable, madness overhelmed you, tyrant is melee, and he has a skill name Doom Punch, cooldown 10 minutes
  11. ​it depends on how you manage your cp, youre RU, right? angel squad, infinity squad, avtsh squad, morrow squad, they all use 10-11 ppl in their cp, so all the gank comming from ROA its always a unfair fight if ROA come with 1 Cp, thats how they play and win the game, deal with it, zorg
  12. ​This isn't an excuse, it's the honest reality. These guys do not deserve any attention or praise what so ever, they do not play on a competitive time period. Their presumption that they are good players is nothing but an illusion. ​no, its you who always lving in a illusion, theyre well organized, they know how to play this game whatsoever, they are big donators also, they well hardcore as well, they fck your clan mates times to times, days by days , how long till you accept that?
  13. your excuse abour other ppl prime time will last for eternal, bizz
  14. ​just die, you mother .... buger
  15. u guys getting desperated
  16. qloc01

    Honor CP

    me, me... but....
  17. qloc01

    Daily PvP

    ​I never said I didn't like or not recognize Reaver's work. We played under this tag for 10+ months, I don't see reason for name change. ​i know you work hard, but all the sh!t that made your foundation, hall, epic,,clan, its all on reaver and his RU players, and as datplays mentioned, if you hate UQ that much, just remove their stink completely, i say this not becoz i wanna be friendly with you, even i have to say, you threw away your FC name to join perkunas for stronger protection, and now you trying to recruit ppl under the name FightClub, but if you log in game, wickedsick is perkunas, tfd, coma, youre making yourself a joke, bizz, just stop doing that, buddy
  18. we are newbies who just joined server a year ago, pls pm 0xWindx0 or iFat ingame to name the price, thank you
  19. qloc01

    Daily PvP

    i still dont understand why dont you make an alliance with your own name, wickedsick, perkunas, it was all built on reaver's name, we have service which can change clan name, we can disband alliance and make a new one in few days, just why not?