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Everything posted by Reddish

  1. Can we assume that Nansey > entire BR ? ?
  2. Reddish

    Happy New Year!

    One nice evening run takes smth like 5 bsoes,which is still 6xtimes less than 1 brez;) And yeah, sometimes I fail hard, but why u go dagger if u afraid to go outta town w/o a party? Its my opinion, I feel like it’s the best use TH can get, those mini, solo/duo ganks
  3. Reddish

    Happy New Year!

    My 2nd video, with best wishes;) For those who are not able to see video on youtube, here is the link for Google Drive Would be glad to see feedback, as it was last time, pros and cons, with arguments, thx!
  4. This should be pepega of the year
  5. It all depends also on a chance of items that could be spoiled from the mob, that had spoil "activated", for example if mob has only spoil of enchant weapon, which has rly low chance (1-2%), then they will be emty like 99 times out of 100...
  6. I just cant imagine how are those stacked DA's pissed off when u are chilling the fok from their bodies >.<
  7. Reddish

    Dagger pov

    Okay, nxt time i will make i bigger gap inside movie (altho i thought these 5 sec and change of music will be obvious), and write there : now here is smth more like pvp:D
  8. Reddish


    Welcome to the club) Every time tyrant is using stun on me while im in UE... But tbh once in a decade u can evade. But u gotta be extremely lucky, same goes to the stunshot. Free tip: use evasion talismans, they work better;)
  9. Reddish

    Maestro - Olympiad

    why in the world there are THs at all..Every single class including dorfs can bitchslap us ?
  10. Reddish

    Event Frozen Holidays!

    U know, u ruined the holiday dinner this christmas also.. Ave Event!
  11. it was a joke, yet bad cuz I had to explain it
  12. yeah,yeah, let them kill foking tanks in foking ud
  13. Reddish

    Lost account

    @Koll Oh i got the same question and the same problem, i know the password but dont remember account name or email it was registered to..Char name - Stack its -34-35 lvl , created somwehere like month after server was opened
  14. Reddish

    Dagger pov

    Welp, will try to improve at 2nd, would be nice if u point what sux Nope, actually -2
  15. Man, can u even imagine for a second how many times I would "reach a limit" of being a pussy so much? Oh my.. Where world is going on...No offence to women, but I smell vagina in such topics Even my allies now were telling rlyrly nasty things to me, and i do undestand it, they were pissed off, it was a desperate, full of anger, yet sencerest thing u would ever hear. Manthefuckup >.<
  16. Noh, i'm not accusing any1 of being more or less racist in anyways. Guess u misunderstood my point, which is: there is a lot of spanish ppl who have spanish a a motherlanguage, nomatter are they immigrants or live in Spain, Brasil, Argentina, Cuba or whatever. Thing is, if any1 calls someone a monkey or insults him in anyway - thats just low behaviar, not more. If u wanna get somebody pissed off - there are different elegant ways, not just pleb rudness;)
  17. And that's where modern "tolerance" brought us - we are distorting reality and history for our current profit, mental, moral or material.
  18. Maaan, native americans, u know that's already a dark joke to indians?:D
  19. Dont be so stubborn) I wouldnt call US - 3rd world country, and Spain? Check EU map, its aint small country even if we will bring out Cataloniya (tbh, Cataloniyan isn't far away from Spanish), it's still a huge piece of land populated by spanish ppl.
  20. To the facts, check it 1st. It's huge piece of population on earth who has it as a mother language Us being uneducated and unprepared to face that not only eng and chn are spoken in the world mostly - is just not cool. Also eng and spanish languages rly influenced most of other EU languages, altho I myself would be more pleased to be influanced by Greek or Latin languages< but..well, I'm Russian(Greek alphabet was the fundamental btw here), which is kinda Ok also)
  21. Spanish btw is one of the most wide spread languages over the world, to be accurate. I would put it in the same line with eng and chn.