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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Why sadly? For Europe is it normal status. Tell me how people from Europe play in summer? Kids having 2months holidays, people without work and who next? Regrettable are only people playing all days over summer by PC in EU. EU activity : Springs: 80%, Summer: 20%, Autumn: 90%, Winter: 100%
  2. Im so fcking hot girl, with beard and pennis. Hm, now i know why Demoss is so crazy from me.Tyriastena has only pennis, he is not so hot for him after using woman hormones. Wow, second post for long time and again about me + inspired my goodbyes. Its so nice. We helped Perks to makes epics? I hope than they lend us some epics. Last night i was on burgers/beers with members from clan and after play only few games poker. So sry, but we dont play here so long and now we have a summer break. Btw. I have archer pt? Hm, Myrciu, we need your help again. Take off your hands from your pants, stop watching on my face and help us.
  3. Cmon, stop fap on my face and help us!!! If u think, its must be true. I have login on all chars from archers/mages cp, are u sure what u said? So bad, that im not selfish or thief. I can be so high lvl and rich bi.tch.
  4. I want back items for u, cause game is unfair to u.
  5. More than 20! Its not normal!!! San0 pls give him back items, its not fair.
  6. And u wrote pointless topic. So much fun for all. Btw. How long im playing DA? 1year or 1,5year? Im little confuse. Myrciu, little boy, can u help us???
  7. I dont think that topic is pointless. Its funny how long u wanted epics jewels and u cant have it. Its funny how soloists with buffer army envies team players. And best part all of it is fact that loosers without orfen crying how much OP it is and how much easy u can have it. Funny true. So yes, this topic is funny and bring 2 views from game. 1. From people which have orfen, know about it all. How hard they farm O3 and how, where and with what u can exp with O3. 2. From loosers or soloists which are full of envy and cant farm O3 or havent idea how hard is it. I love MMORPG. I love this game and server. This is COOL GAME. <PR> Stiba
  8. He ask on open beta 25.8., true or no? If u dont want understand, dont answer as jackass. If u are checking forum, u get info from GMs team in right time. Dont worry. Maybe on Discord is more info, but on this forum they write all important info too before they add it to game.
  9. 1. For ally/clan? Yes. Only epics/ CH/ clan/ally system can be compare. I dont care about solo players, who know me, know it. Everyone can be changed. Its MMORPG. U can be best in pvp, but as boter and selfish player u are in result totally nothing. Example, its same if rest ally fight as one by epics and u are looser which ignore this part of game. Yes, TT join to WS if our side was wining. We get all for free, we were crying on TS as longhair bitch that we cant exp cause enemy. Nice fairy story. 2. 10h+ is 3h+ too, true. Dont forget, if u play as activ person, u never do thing exactly same way longer time. If u start use bot, your char repeat same things again and again longer time. 3. So bad, that i dont care about opinion from players out of our ally side. If players as u, botaki, borz will dont like me more and more, its only good.
  10. If they see your crest, they are mad. Its all. I was exp with your member and i know how hard u exp. Ohh, monkey. Go find your bananas and dont forget take some others for your banned clan/ally member Exotq. 1. "Dogs shit" has jewels epics fair way. Wow, how much down and how call clans playing here longer time than our national clan and they havent epics, they havent CH giran/aden? Bad products? 2. U were boting, sad that GM arent to much activ in america prime time, if u turn on bot. I will saying it again and again, i dont care about boters reputation. One day, GMs catch u as rest banned boters. Its big plus on this server. 3. Dont make from self randoms archer. Its rediculius as Nevalon, Boleros or tons of others loosers which want only free exp without pvps on top spots.
  11. Envy is bitch. Solo noob get rekt and start crying on forum. I love this server. Its so sad that u were manytimes using bot and u havent same level. Im waiting on this moment when u get ban for it and u start crying here. Some like "My little sister...." I totally forget on u, i must visit u again and make help u with delevel again. Your friend from BS.
  12. Stiba007

    Shall we begin?

    U get proofs from other video about your lies as Borz before few days about our exp and u havent balls admit it. U can talk about others, but your words are nothing, your cp is one big joke. U are lier. One worst garbage than second. Violence pt = squad from liers or boters.
  13. Stiba007

    Shall we begin?

    Now, u can see how much u piss to your own mouth. Check video from your own pt member. Time 3:16 starting. U can see how Kuba,Kurg and Dostanesprespicu, Shortik are boxes follow Doonny. Dony jump on sws and giving songs, than he continue for Sps. I have my char and Kurg+Kuba probably, Dony + sws, Scorpio + Dostanesprespicu, eQQz + Worfik. Wow So surprise, but thx for it. 4 activ people and "clever" boys as u think than we are like full activ pt.
  14. Stiba007

    Shall we begin?

    Its nice how much enemies care of me. So sad that i dont care about them. Do u get finally any epics jewels? Dont answer, i dont care, we have and i like it. Its important for me. Enjoy Summertime, for 2months we are back. Btw. I watch only 1/2 video, boring, ganking and killing afking or boxing pts. Not interest for me. If he used Bsoe, i dont think that he won pvp. My pt had 3-4 activ people, they dont kill me, second pt return, they bsoe or die and we continue farm. GJ.
  15. Stiba007

    Gra ktos tu?

    Cześć Nordic bracia, teraz jest okres letni, każdy gracz ocumuje dziewczyna. Polskie klany tu powiodło, słynny BeMyFrag tam kiedyś, ale to nie przejdzie. Czas, kiedy Polska klany zniszczone Rusak minęło, jak to było na Averia lub RaidFightu.
  16. 1. I just test it 2. Its not true 3. I dont know it But its unfair, i dont know guys with using bot, cmon. LF new friend. Fishfool?Botaki?LierBeast?LocoJLP?Exotq? Cmon boys, help me and i will be your friend for 30CoL on week.
  17. If you are lonely boy and u want exp without breaks, i think that best way is bow + root. But its totally crazy for me exp support solo. Many players constantly going to GH buying buffs, they will kiss your ass for free buffs.
  18. Over weekend i made for 2 days (friday/saturday) over 200M exp on DA. +-50% on 71lvl to 72lvl. We arent noobs from adens church, we know how fast exp. 2 videos check date, check exp. + bones 3rd video where we won pt vs pt if enemies have avg lvl +5lvl more than our pt and u can read all chat from 2nd enemy pt All this videos u can see WS´s zerk vs low numbers enemies and our PR PR PR PR PR.
  19. Hm, new version? Lie v2: Someone from my pt want invite u, not to TT, but to ally. Everyone see how u talk lie by lie. Only one of us die from reflect, it was me, if i was boxing sorcerer and i want fast kill u and go exp. Dont exist chance that i wrote u something like u saying. Result: we have power exp as hell, fun from u and others loosers trying ruin our exp. Losers as u have fun, xx% delevel and losing time for nothing. Both sides are probably happy. Btw. Hey little donkey, check data this video. My pt had on video +-60lvls, now my pt have 65-71lvls. U werent alone => many rude solo players try stun us, bring mobs on us or away from loc, many RBs they bring to our spots. U, daemya, pangawi and many others..Noone dont stop our farm, only some mage/healer and 1agro go kill u. Next 2agros continue in pulling mobs.
  20. Thx for next title for me. I said u many times, with people as u, i will talk only on forum. I use TS, skype,QQ only for ally or respected enemies. Again, your pt die vs 1x76lvl necro. We Are not stupid as u, we used PR with +-60lvls with boxes vs 3x +-70lvls. We all know how much time u lost with your parties trying killing my party. U start hunt us in AB if we were 52-61lvls. In same time u were 66-70lvls? U didnt stop us, we have good tactic with our short playing time, we are now 65-71lvls, your lvls are 68-72?? After summer time we meet in battlefield again or during CS. <PR> Stiba
  21. We kill u everytime if u smell around us. U dont go there, u are not dying. We dont losing our time finding enemies. We never stoped farm because of one guy try ruin farm, u werent alone. We have rly big fan club. Max 1-3people run from farm spot and after max one train they were back. Everyone know that TT is only national clan. Nice lies about invite to us and pm how good person u are. Its same fun as we have from Myrciu on our TS. We just say his nick and all have fun how big retard human can be. Btw. How is possible that u can come to us? If we have 24/7 babysit from ally? Boys, cmom, if u lies to much, u must talk same lies. U get rekt so manytimes with same numbers that u stop going to AB, its all. U can find some TotallyToxics videos or u can post some your fraps if u try fight so much from eu prime time. Ouch, sry, u had movies only from AB after eu prime time, if most of us have many boxes after 3-4hours free exp. U didnt go there, but u know, that we had there 5-6pts.