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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. привет. какой состав-то?
  2. if too many of them will come back after reworked class change system, then rise the payment to some real cost, or make really big level reduction after class change, otherwise no point to change anything, imho
  3. good idea if you want to make a x100k pvp server, thanks, but no
  4. Poseidon

    Dont be lazy ...

    I expected more from might modoyko
  5. For pvp bw light/heavy +6 or drake +8, rest variants are not profitable right now
  6. Poseidon

    DDos Adventures

    even if sjeks's content is not interesting, you hear good music in anyway. sometimes you get both, liked
  7. Prophet is good in some cps and tournaments, about rest - idk
  8. Оборонительная Боевая Стойка Расход MP уменьшен @San0
  9. aRe yOu SloW MiNDed? I wrOtE aBouT POstS pEr SEkOnD, nOt TotAL aMoUnt
  10. I forgot...Are you from modoy cp? Cuz numbers of spammed posts per second is reaching his level. Is this disease transmitting by air? I gotta go
  11. Ofc correct, i spent so much time checking epics ) still many things left, cant check everything
  12. About which unbalance are you talking about? What exactly will happen in your opinion?
  13. Semen arsonist and constructive criticism...you know
  14. Soon - should be a new 2019 international meme
  15. Topic has just started, buy you are already complaining