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Everything posted by shibb

  1. Hey guys, shoot a mail/pm Sloppy/Johnburek for any requests! Accepting Offers Lance Doom Heavy Set Demons Staff +5 Orcish Poleaxe Yaksa Mace +2 War Axe 3 Fulll plate Sets B grade recipes - Send a mail/pm to request Top C weapon keymats (LOADS) B Grade armor keymats (Most in stock) Dual Crafting Stamps (Lots) Books In Stock ​Summon Hog CannonSummon Siege GolemMass SlowImmortal LifeSpirit SharingSummon Aqua CubicSpirit BarrierMystic ImmunityBroad SweepSand Bomb HastePurify
  2. shibb

    Special Keybinds

    OooooooHHH now i see theres a seperate keybind for enter chat. Thanks
  3. Hey guys, a request. Anyone know how a friend of mine was able to add spacebar and ~ key to their shortcut bar keybinds? Would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Lead the charge and make a easy item name list to put on shops, Throw it on market subforum & ask the gm's to sticky.Problem arises when people have to get creative and list multiple items in shop title. ​
  5. WOAH, with the surface of perkunas/korea video's. Its definitely more noticeable than koll stream that UQ/ES was extremely outnumbered probably even doubled vs perkunas, and to the naked eye it did kind of look like vigilance assisted perkunas for the first giran take (intentionally or unintentionally its all speculation). BUT on the off hand you could also see UQ/ES members dieing out of position spots nowhere near their parties/allies. I kept seeing bishops in the front line. Tanks at the back line of the enemy instead of soaking/agressing hits & stuns for damage dealers as their front line. Even a few Bsoe's mid fight.
  6. Vets we don't mind buffing you, but please don't abuse this to go and pk/pvp other players with the buffs. Remember this is for the newbie population.
  7. Free Buffs!!! Where??? With our return, we will be hosting a daily event for the fresh players of the server to help those move along in the new world of We will set up our buffers for the next few days & also keep this topic updated for when we will post these events. Where & When will you find us? We will be stationing characters at Giran Harbor @ 19:00 - 20:00 GMT +1 (Its a free teleport). You will see characters with the title "NF Free Buffs" Come by, say hi & get some buffs.
  8. Hello Classic Club, its been a bit. Some of you may know of us from the past, we died down a bit nearly 3 months ago as summer was beginning. A few our core had the nostalgic feeling to come back as we hear 2.0 is coming this winter. A little history, We led the Last Hope alliance which was fairly a success in the beginning due to inactivity problems inside clan & different timezone's between ourselves and alliance members, we decided to take a break from classic club as a group. We left ourselves in a position to where we could come back & that's just what we are doing. Now, lets dive into our goals. We are coming back relatively casually and calmly, last time around we were kind of forced to chose a side & leading a side in the end. - Casually PvE, remain as neutral as possible to all sides. (Now with that in mind, we have a old name so we do expect to be pked randomly) - Create a community, bring some new people together, we have a community forums to keep those in touch who don't even play classic at this this time. - Helping new players move into classic club, host buff stations etc. - Clan raids/events - Minimize CP style environment, keep in mind that we are not AGAINST cp style, its just not a requirement. Clan/Ally Recruitment Okay so here are what we are asking of you. *English is the universal language of the ally. We ask to keep all chat in Ally/Clan in English. *If you go inactive for 3 or more days, please send a mail to inform one of the leaders. *We only recruit main character's, we will host a clan outside of the alliance for all buffers/alternative characters. *Refrain from PKing/PvP for the time being. If an issue arises bring it to the proper channels. *All levels/races/classes are being accepted, old head's and fresh meat. *We have two clans & can throw in a third if need be, so space is not limited. Both clans have 10% exp. Edit's will be made as things pop in mind. But for now, you can contact the following players, if we aren't in game send us a mail! Sloppy JohnBurek See you guys in game! ~~~ Waterworks
  10. I was a spectator this siege to see how the clans are operating now. Vigi & ROK took dion from wickedsick then lost it protecting their own castle, your claims of them assisting perkunas doesn't make sense. Vigi were late to the party on giran. Wiped you guys, someone was attacking gludio, they had to soe. You were simple caught at bad times between them, and that's partially your own fault in lack of strategy. UQ/ES guys were sitting in gludio for almost an hour with no movement from what i saw. Perkunas were just faster to move around, faster to get golems up and moving & mobilized. Vigi seemed like they were purely on the defense & would rarely step out to just try to get the most fun out of it when there wasn't a threat on their homebase. Theres a big saying that revolves around this. The best defense is offense. Overall it looked good , numbers or not. All clans were doing equally well, just need a few minor adjustments in communication it seemed on unique side. And that one is the killer, miscommunication can bring down the top. We all have seen this time and time again.
  11. shibb

    War (red) bug?

    None of this pertains to my topic. I made the mistake of responding. create another post if you want to complain about your ego point resets weekly. Thanks!
  12. shibb

    War (red) bug?

    ​Aye its been like that since the beginning.
  13. shibb

    War (red) bug?

    So I just went red on my alt while both clans are in war. Little confused. Any way to get my karma reset? Leadership of nonfactors was changed, that could have been the root of the issue (Oh it also still stays in clan tab that Water still is the leader). Or it was a 1hit backstab. Could have been a few things to cause it idk.
  14. Zorg has cried about the curve since the beginning, wasnt he complaining about Ete catching up in levels and landing stuns on him too?
  15. ​Dont worry, when bizzquit quits/fails, everyone will deem him as the bad leader too :D. We are all end up bad leaders sooner or later
  16. Last Hope Ally final siege was a mess, but NF/Sin were very close to pumping down Oren, they made it to the throne room in the final 15 minutes with less than 3 party's and maybe 4 or 5 pushes since we were moving between Giran,Dion & Oren & fighting a full cc of enemies on all fronts since we owned Dion at the time(Soulmate who was our highest levels in ally were unable to help siege Oren due to owning castle). I think our CC number was 86 at the time, and a lot lower level & gear than the majority of the top allys on the server now. A rare few of us had B grade. You guys could definitely muster this now. Our average level was 60 at this point. New guys, stand up unite and take that Oren!!!!!! Don't let Bizzquit pretend that they can stop you. The second they leave, the opoosing force will hit them harder at their castle than they'll hit you. They cant sign their main force, take advantage of that. For the people from the LastHobbit allies who left server and got destroyed by US. You are not matched to talk about Perkunas Come back, build your allies again and WE will DESTROY it AGAIN ! Fight like a man, build allies yourself but not throwing trash on forum and ask people here to stand against us LASTCOWARDALLY ! Hehe. You obviously don't know nonfactors history if you called us cowards. Any who, that joker aside my post is to encourage outside of main Allys. A unclaimed castle is not as intimidating as it seems. Tactics and practice could easily get you oren . It can easily be obtained withing 30 minutes uncontested of course between 4 or 5 pts of 60s with headquarters on the field. Ez pz Boise. Grow, make unofficial alliances and have some fun.
  17. Last Hope Ally final siege was a mess, but NF/Sin were very close to pumping down Oren, they made it to the throne room in the final 15 minutes with less than 3 party's and maybe 4 or 5 pushes since we were moving between Giran,Dion & Oren & fighting a full cc of enemies on all fronts since we owned Dion at the time(Soulmate who was our highest levels in ally were unable to help siege Oren due to owning castle). I think our CC number was 86 at the time, and a lot lower level & gear than the majority of the top allys on the server now. A rare few of us had B grade. You guys could definitely muster this now. Our average level was 60 at this point. New guys, stand up unite and take that Oren!!!!!! Don't let Bizzquit pretend that they can stop you. The second they leave, the opoosing force will hit them harder at their castle than they'll hit you. They cant sign their main force, take advantage of that.
  18. Best bet is farming EV satyr's and elders and such. Or maybe lizards shamans at angels.
  19. shibb

    Vigilance recruits

    Give me a character to drive!!
  20. ​contact water and tell him to cum back i miss playing with him ​ huehuehue im still lurking around the forums but yeah i got banned. Apparently i had Adrenaline hiding in my processess from a alternate server even after exiting out (I never turn my pc off). But that was me being stupid. Oh well., I cant imagine leveling another char sadly . Glad to see everyone is still having fun here, the servers still kicking alive and well. Perhap's we'll round up the crew and hit 2.0? who knows, we are all still in contact, most of us are all playing WoW. We still chat on our forums and keep up with each other, playing new games and whatnot.
  21. Haha i logged in for the first time after a month and found out waterworks was banned. We were considering coming back but i guess its not possible now. I even still have 20 euro sitting in main acc panel. And I got the run of the mill copypasta response on the ticket.
  22. like 70% of us moved
  23. shibb

    Clan/Hall Auction!!

    Thats like 300 euro in col right? Seems like chump change considering what shawn has scammed/donated