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Everything posted by datplays

  1. Worth playing here. Server is very active everyday. 2 top sides atleast, for some time even 3 were. Population is like 1k, coz just on sieges u have 500+ ppl, and non participating clans is much more. GMs do pretty well on dailies, they work now on 2.0 update.
  2. datplays

    OOC CP

    ​they are not russian pt, and from what i remember OOC was always (or at least most of the time?) international clan so dunno who is coppying from who, better check your facts before talking ​lol, wtf ur tryhard. It doesnt matter what it was somewhere. This name was alrdy on l2classic.club and was not established by those zorgzor pets. So copycat. P.S ofc nice vid as for someone that cant make AQ sorc for 4 month, and cry about making epics everyday :)
  3. datplays

    OOC CP

    yup, 1st OOC here was also rus. Who knows. Nothing to try here, pure fact, copycat.
  4. datplays

    OOC CP

    If he was here at 1.0 in 3rd month of server living and created first OOC, then my bad. But if not, copycat.
  5. datplays

    OOC CP

    1. Nice copycat for CP name. 2. tru, u finally lost this fight, nice standard PR. 3. that day yet u went -8%, or atleast some of ur members. 4. the next day u earned -% also. 5. fun vid, meh. 6. profit? Dun think so.
  6. Weird, coz everytime Perkunas enter LoA they make 9+ of such cameras not a big achievement, try harder Btw, u play day before Christmas? During Christmas too? At new year too? Damn, u must be sad ppl :)
  7. datplays


    ​San0 are you really sure about that? I dont want to be drama queen - i understand you have plenty of work with 2.0 stuff but i guess it is at least worth checking (when you guys will have some free time) ... ​Thanks for test. So what i said is true. Bcoz i remember that day good when LS got changed. San0 is right, it got fixed (so it not land on RB and is not 100%) but it also got nerfed to 50%. The day it got "fixed" 2 SK i know was saying that its 50% after restart, from very high % before. Maybe it was set not intentional, maybe San0 forget he set lower landrate back then, it doesnt matter, but from what can be seen on offi it lands pretty often, while here its 50% in every test - back after restart in the day it was "fixed" and now. It was not possible to check it back then, but now there appeared vids from GK for example and we see how the landing. But its just objective look
  8. datplays


    Well then smthing were changed after 1st fix? Coz i remember the 100% landrate, and the fix which occured in ppl testing it on around 50%, while we see its like 80% on movies. Seems the interested ppl should check that and compare.
  9. First fix it, then lets talk about bug imho, coz 100% RBs farmed re done like that. There was this fix porting mobs back when they were pulled away from respawn, but RBs was not included, so i assume nobody consider it as a bug.
  10. datplays


    I agree, but u guys missing the point, the point u want some other characters also to be, to do the skills with proper values, coz why some classes have nerfed skills while other has them op still
  11. Other thing is ppl putting 10 shops with lowering prices BW rec 1,3kk, BW rec 1,2kk, BW rec 1,1kk, BW rec 1kk... etc to finally sell it for 800k, and rest shops just hangs out there and welcome lag server, gg.
  12. datplays


    Dont forget that most A grade armors have paralis resistance, so LS with chance like now will be useless, thou w.o A grades when it work normal it seems to be OP, but all comes within time.
  13. Dee is the king... of cripples. All he do best is lvling and ganking low lvls vs enemy with same lvl he bsoe quickly
  14. datplays


    Well LS atm is like 50%. Yes, ppl were QQ about LS op, but back then it was not 100%, but high smthing like fear. The main difference is LS is active and fear is not, well yet DA can make stun. Well when LS was being nerfed nobody was overusing fear back then like LS and somehow fear got untouchable, but comparing LS to fear, its sissy, coz fear is way more op, not to mention not only DA has it, but also shamans, necromancers, which have alot of other strong skills. So if those are not touched, LS should be not too. I believe back then nobody knew what was the landrate of LS so everybody though is bugged, and went for fair fix 50%, but now we can find proofs for that. Same goes for mana drain of Orfen and even for Fatal Counter. Imho after 2.0 gms should focus on fixing formula for skills like they want to do with Orfen. I agree on global nerfs like Vampiric Rage. But through some time we talk on forum i feel its not right to nerf 2-3 skills while not touching other. Or if so, nerf or maybe lets call it "ballance" other skills too.
  15. I just participate this topic conversation like everyone else, question itself was to topic creator also, coz haven't seen u Uchiha before in this topic, im curious of advantages of DA above Pala or TK. Seems like u re just against me. Well nothing left for me except quit conversation. No offense Uchiha, but u act like 12 years old now, that for whom normal conversation is problematic Thanks.
  16. ​after u will tell me, that u are not retarded ​kid, pls, why u have to cry every topic? :') ​What? I just saying that u m8 retarded, i'm not crying U cry. I'm asking nice, and u go full monkey on me thats not good advertisiment in recrutation topic of ur CP, thats an bad attitude of an CP leader, if u dont want to answer i dont mind, but dont be mean. Anyway, wish u good luck!
  17. ​after u will tell me, that u are not retarded ​kid, pls, why u have to cry every topic? :')
  18. maybe afk, low lvls. Coz u tried few times 1v1 me and sadly died u re higher lvl, atleast when i played my char
  19. bcoz they re for free and u can put them as much as u want. If u make them non limit u can put them 100 (nothing stops u from that) and server got trash and lag. While from personal angle when they last only 24h it makes me to put 2 shop max. Edit: not to mention u re simply lazy asses, lf excuses :)
  20. Why not Paladin? Or Temple Knight? He is fast, he can reach archer members fast!
  21. i just want to remind u guys, that Zorgzor wanted to rage quit after Perkunas took Giran castle back. ~ Taduliz 11.09.2016 - Giran Castle loss to Perkunas ​but hes kinda trash at promises too
  22. ​so new quests re so much usefull as all on the server 1000 years, End of Lamentation 1000q items = 28.106 adena, more adena i get in simple train this stuff is same for all quests, not a single Q is worth doing (well maybe class change re:)) ​/bump, still relevant sadly, quests are completely broken and should be looked at immediately. ​nah, i dont need them anymore, too big lvl
  23. there is smthing like "end war" if u want to be ally and not being killed, im simple man, i see wartag i kill. Moreover not to mention ES was pvp with me one day before siege. They need to decide, they re not little kids Zorgzor is sad, coz he left Perkunas thinking he can steal Giran castle as UQ and be someone, sadly now he is Vigilance slave and nor Unique or Vigilance have castle All left for them is to make lvls... oh wait, u re alrdy top by nolifing. Btw, i wonder how Vigilance communicate with UQ at siege if UQ dont know word in english, they got only cirillic alphabet xD
  24. ​Pls, just dont say my, mine, i did P.S. gz on vid http://www.ravenprodesign.com/ source ​of any intro of vids posted here so far i think gz on vid, btw.