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Everything posted by datplays

  1. we sent several videos of PR, seeing his lvls, seeing his buffs w/o random sh1t buffs from ncsoft shop, seeing how much % of HP he had, doing dmg on doom knight, we recreated this situation on our server, and its pretty clear how it should work ​ Havent seen any retail video of PR farming doom knights and recreation it here. Maybe i missed it, then its my fault. But if u wanted to be taken serious u should do it like this from begining, not bringing korea boosted videos. Anyway i cant confirm that. Edit after Modoy last post: But idc, im glad skill is nerfed u guys can QQ
  2. ​for is for posting, game is for playing. Ofc i wont be posting my ingmae name on forum to avoid QQ in game. Mixing forum with game is mistake
  3. ​ok, i keep trying FC was NEVER working like on retail on this server, at the start it was totally broken, and admins "fixed" it to adjusted value, why ppl assumed from videos it will be OP? maybe idk also on some videos we know setups, and we recreated same setups on this server, nothing more to prove i know gms try their best to bring server, but your argument "hurr durr skill borken" is not just we ask them to change w/o any proofs or anything, THEY KNOW IT, THEY CAN COME HERE AND TELL U " YES, THE SKILL IS NOT WORKING RETAIL LIKE, IT HAS DMG REDUED TO 50% BUT WE ADDED CHANCE TO CRIT", its not even close to be secret or anything, they dont try to hide it, thing is for us to proof its not only thing which is OP, and should be given back to work like on retail ​I know they know, they decided to work it like that, just like VR. (i was editing my post when u reply, its contains more info now) Dunno gms statement, but if u want it 100% retail i believe it may be discussed if u bring retail calculations if u want it to work like retail, but for that u need to login retail, farm char and make video. Bcoz videos shown so far was not bringing info, bcoz u dont know the exact setup there. If not, GMs decide whats fair ​what dont know exact setup, we sent several videos of PR, seeing his lvls, seeing his buffs w/o random sh1t buffs from ncsoft shop, seeing how much % of HP he had, doing dmg on doom knight, we recreated this situation on our server, and its pretty clear how it should work ​I saw video of PR retail hitting some robes for 7k, full buffed from PP. U dont know it was PP 58 (gmight 1 etc) buffs or 68 buffs (gmight 3 etc) u didnt saw his dyes. Rizos video reply was him hitting his tyrant in some setup he had for some dmg amount, but still it has nothing in common. Nvm, even if u do this PR hitting robes here u dont know what was exact setup of PR from retail vid Edit for fun as the topic is for: But i believe FC is nerfed so it does 50% (coz nobody hides it) dmg anyway, so nothing to test here
  4. ​ok, i keep trying FC was NEVER working like on retail on this server, at the start it was totally broken, and admins "fixed" it to adjusted value, why ppl assumed from videos it will be OP? maybe idk also on some videos we know setups, and we recreated same setups on this server, nothing more to prove i know gms try their best to bring server, but your argument "hurr durr skill borken" is not just we ask them to change w/o any proofs or anything, THEY KNOW IT, THEY CAN COME HERE AND TELL U " YES, THE SKILL IS NOT WORKING RETAIL LIKE, IT HAS DMG REDUED TO 50% BUT WE ADDED CHANCE TO CRIT", its not even close to be secret or anything, they dont try to hide it, thing is for us to proof its not only thing which is OP, and should be given back to work like on retail ​I know they know, they decided to work it like that, just like VR. (i was editing my post when u reply, its contains more info now) GMs decided to work it like that, no need to abuse their decission.
  5. I alrdy told u in topic u bring here in ur post. Im against abusing server and GMs decisions. If somebody says "hurr durr skill broken, gm dont want to fix it, it have to work 100% retail like" i ask him to go retail farm character, test skill, bring video proofs - not something youtubed w.o knowing setup. GMs provide what they can do best, they have official files, but some packets may be broken, so they fix this stuff to be fair. Usually its 50/50 like debuffs landing which was not working. Next moment is somebody say "hurr durr i hope PW will work in 2.0 like in this video" i say, why u suppose it wont be working like this? We dont have 2.0, u will be QQing in 2.0 when u create PW, recreate situation from ur vid and prove that its broken, but how u can assume its broken when theres no 2.0 yet? The third(?) if GMs decided to nerf something like VR, deal with it, they know what they do, VR working on skills was joke, it may work on retail, but remember retail have 3x more players, and there it makes abit more sense. But still retail classic is Linemage, GMs did wise thing nerfing VR to avaoid everybody playing mages, i know how it looked before nerf VR and how it changed after nerfing VR, server got bumped with more warrior classes, not only mages around. U guys can talk whatever or attack me, but i did my statement and i will keep it. I will be the one that disagree, bcoz i'm thinking on long term, not like ppl that want all free, or be boosted and they leave anyway, and leaving their mess. Fairplay is key.
  6. so why u re so suprised that u re in tricycle with Rizos and RazEto?
  7. Do i lose arguments? I doubt, but atleast i response to all arguments, when they re brought to u, u re picking some other way of flood not answering to right post. @EtoRazEtoDva @Rizos please remember if u want to make fun and me to response, keep this topic with atleast abit of propiety, coz so far i see @EtoRaz is some kind of troglodite and keeps breaking 3.5 rule of forum and i wont response to this lack of humanity buckethead. ​)))) this guy can teach you smth and would be easier for you to comunicate ​ Rizos, source for u https://www.google.com/search?q=monkey&biw=1600&bih=1094&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjeh_m0vtDQAhWK1iwKHYsnC-EQ_AUIBigB
  8. Do i lose arguments? I doubt, but atleast i response to all arguments, when they re brought to u, u re picking some other way of flood not answering to right post. @EtoRazEtoDva @Rizos please remember if u want to make fun and me to response, keep this topic with atleast abit of propiety, coz so far i see @EtoRaz is some kind of troglodite and keeps breaking 3.5 rule of forum and i wont response to this lack of humanity buckethead.
  9. And what u need about @zorgzor ? @zorgzor in game: Taduliz Zorgzor bufere - is his PP forum: @zorgzor @Unreal short story of his begining on server: @MoDoy dont worry man, im awared u re most normal from this triangle, personaly i like u, yet u attacked me with Rizos before when we had argument, and i missed 1 to tricycle, coz 69 is for UQ/Vig
  10. ​nope girl, i love it this topic makes me more famous than u re :3 i love also Rizos/Modoy/EtoRazEtoDva tricycle together, its even more than 69 of UQ/Vig keep trying only making trash of this forum by u guys makes me abit sad and im here to make peace and love
  11. Haha, thanks girls, thats cute But u forget that trolling is an art. I also loved YoMana on siege screaming every 5min "!who is datplays on forum!?" i almost pissed myself then Also some other ppl QQ in game is making my heart melt
  12. datplays

    Here we go again

    ​ ofc u re pushing ur nolife system, when u got went OL max lvl u get back on tyr, i know, u got killed -4 alrdy couple of times. But this try hard to say zorgzor =/= taduliz is fcking funny zorgzor == taduliz no matter how hard u try You are funny guy. But you know nothink abaut us, like i see. ​Enough Zbignev the pizza boy!
  13. real argument of ur behavior > ur flood
  14. ​Hey little boy, history likes to repeat http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/11797-forum-ban/ ​ ​Like how u waste time on forum searching. Got anything else? Fun to read Btw, yet another topic u turned into sht flood. U re reaching 1 flood topic per week, u re getting better in it What u try to achieve? U got rekt by arguments, which, oh, well again u didnt response to them, and now u try what, make someone to ban me? GL, u couldn't reach more bottom. I think i will do from 80% to full ignore u, coz i need cancer cure right now.
  15. Ill tell u 1 more thing but please dont cry after reading it ​:) ​ye, atleast get rid of the pain in the ass, stopped u to qq abit.
  16. datplays

    Here we go again

    ​ ofc u re pushing ur nolife system, when u got went OL max lvl u get back on tyr, i know, u got killed -4 alrdy couple of times. But this try hard to say zorgzor =/= taduliz is fcking funny zorgzor == taduliz no matter how hard u try :D
  17. "not even worth reading", pretty much your only argument to any reply in any topic, u say what dmg dagger make with list of buffs which half dont even affect its dmg, and then when someone shows u the dmg w/o buffs ypu mentioned, its not even worth reading its so nice when randoms are losing in reasoning with "forum troll" ​ Go, go let it flow Half doesnt affect, but half does. Good u suspect for "working PW in 2.0" when u dont have 2.0 yet U guys re rly this stupid? Why if server is not working for u, u keep playing here and complain on forums? Well most likely Rizos, bcoz modoy in a moment will keep saying "im just making opinion", true, but Rizos QQ and u agree (couple moment). I'm just here to say how stupid Rizos act with his QQ and complaining, bcoz nobody yet got here ban for that, but they should when it comes to Rizos saying "dont play, server bugged". Damn, such cancer. I will keep posting my rights to stop abusing server and GMs decisions by Rizos, and i will keep not reading parts of ur posts just to not get cancer from it. I know its polish mentality to flame in every game, but damn, when GMs not even using warning system on forum u go so far, even abusing their decisions. Aha, FC will stay "nerfed" until u go on official and make PR and test it. GL. Want something 100% working how u think it should? Test it on retail. GL. GM's have own sources, files, they decide. It's my last post to any of u explaining my statement.
  18. ​Did you ever read any post?! ​Yes, just not read 80% of ur flames. 20% is when u type in new topic. 100% read of other players that seem interesting for me.
  19. datplays

    Here we go again

    ​Ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh​hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh​hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh​hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh This is top post on this forum since its creation. AHAHAHA. I didnt knew its even possible If zorgzor is not taduliz then my nick on forum is not datplays, or... i just can't find words for that U re awared im playin here since 1st hour of the server online? I can tell u every monkey move of Zorgzor/Taduliz on server, what clans he was, who he scam, when he rolled from tyr zorgzor to ol taduliz, coz his weak warrior cp couldnt hold 1.0 mobs OMG U WON ME with this comment ​I think you can only BLABLABLA, and know only what happened in Perkunas and also not yet just a fragment of info. Half year left since we left Perkunas. If you know - write here who and what he scam, contingent of our CP, who do I play for? And I know I won you anyway ​You cant win a forum troll that cannot read. You can put logic arguments but he still cant understand/read em so hell think he won ​I see Rizos even become russian monkey to just flame me Btw, i also felt sad about forum maintenance week ago, when u and modoy were discussing how sad it is u cant troll during that time
  20. lolo Rizos and Modoy gay troll couple again on me not worth to read even. PS. Focus Death Death Whisper, misspelled
  21. ​ Ofc why not? On hero zerk, CoV, G. Might lvl 3, focus death lvl 3 ans some weird donation buffs, i can tell u he will deal this dmg. More like, this dmg even seems low. Nothing to hope here. Again u post smthing not looking through all the stuff.
  22. datplays

    Here we go again

    ​Ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh​hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh​hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh​hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh This is top post on this forum since its creation. AHAHAHA. I didnt knew its even possible If zorgzor is not taduliz then my nick on forum is not datplays, or... i just can't find words for that U re awared im playin here since 1st hour of the server online? I can tell u every monkey move of Zorgzor/Taduliz on server, what clans he was, who he scam, when he rolled from tyr zorgzor to ol taduliz, coz his weak warrior cp couldnt hold 1.0 mobs OMG U WON ME with this comment
  23. ​bcoz they got social life compared to ppl from this list http://l2classic.club/stats under "Lev" tab on 1st page.
  24. ​Damn, Even Koreans approve. Quality piece indeed! ​What Koreans? Bcoz RepublicOfKorea is not Korean clan for sure