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Everything posted by datplays

  1. ​wow that troll was easy on u. If u want hard game stop calling for free items or other boosts. Also can go for x1 C3 server, where u had to work out for items, now all parts for top B drop for mobs, back then u had to spoil it. Doom Helmet recipe? 1 month spoiling on FoM
  2. datplays

    Here we go again

    ​ok lets brake it down. first of all in l2 there must not be such thing as 1v1, its stupid. because every class has its bad matchups. please dont talk sh1t about bsoe, because your guys also pr and bsoe. it only depends on levels, for example if perkunas have low lvl they dont have time for recreation activities and gang because of the 3h prime, but the guys with 8h prime and higher lvl can spend 1h for fun. arcanum, u can prove honor by shutting up and not crying about this. true top players dont give a fu ck about what people talk on forums, but what do we have here - soil frapses how he kills afk and people on farm like 60% of his fights in movies, taduliz frapses a 27vs27 fight where enemy 10 lvl lower or how his party gangs in a location where mobs are blue to them and yells he is a hero. :)))))))))))))))))))))) if mobs are yellow for you and you die from enemy change spot or dont cry. Its open world pvp. So we can go dion and pk all and you nothink to do. ​i start to think your main target is not to explain your point of view but to annoy people. nobody is crying and you can kill even in talking village its ok, just dont make a big deal of it by posting videos, those videos look poor. i dont want to talk to stupid anymore. Show me at least one video i post idiot. I never post videos. All UQ pvp is 3-5-9 v 9-18++ so. If someone not dieing from us, its mean thay play different time.and we are not 24/7 on ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDIsYUfpB4U&feature=youtu.be Derp monkey strikes again
  3. Nope Rizos and Modoy u couple of trolls Not this time. https://eu.4game.com/lineage2classic/play/saviors/classes/#skillschanges Duration of debuff skills has been changed: In short all stuns: 7 sec all roots: 15 sec all silences: 24 sec thanks god: finally yes
  4. ​ If u re kid that explain ur rage. And i called u kid, bcoz u expect something in 1st post and then mention some clan trying to blacken them thats why i expect u to stop saying bullsht. Take care of ur own zerg alliance, coz Perkunas has the lowest amount of ppl from the top 3 clans so far. We got some custom things here but its to balance, not disbalance so i wouldnt touch alliance amount. ​Yea we make custom skill instead of fixing bugs or making worse game mechanics better (like ch, ally, clan,friendlist amount... .... ...). Tell me what disbalance u get making alliance to have more clans? It gives only one thing, ally chat, so u dont need to use third program searching for people and pming them. P.S. u are also a kid, u didnt land from nowhere. Another smart ass that quote, but delete half post.
  5. OMG PLS DO MORIM PATCH I MISS IT SO BAD Oh i almost forgot, welcome back
  6. ​Show me atleast one guy who alone wants to put his time being level 65 and making "fourth side". You wont find any, because people think about reaching top players, not about investing time into something, that will never give u any pros. And most of the server dont have 24/7 to do it. 24/7 people are on GK and still server is two sided. AND even if he tryes to make fourth side its impossible to do it because people wont see a reason to join him. SOOO instead of making bullsh1t speaking in server better agree that we all are happy with three side and we want to pick all people in those sides. And stop this agressive chatting in forum with no arguments always please. Calling me kid doesnt change anything, because i am kid. BTW not our problem that people dont like u and want to join us. SO all in all, whats better to use some third kind of programs for grouping people (discord bla bla bla) or just fixing some bad game mechanics. ​So 2 side or 3 side? If u re kid that explain ur rage. And i called u kid, bcoz u expect something in 1st post and then mention some clan trying to blacken them thats why i expect u to stop saying bullsht. Take care of ur own zerg alliance, coz Perkunas has the lowest amount of ppl from the top 3 clans so far. Whats the problem of using teamspeak and global chat there? How do u think if official have 3k online and also only 2-3sides how they manage to group 300-400 ppl if they dont have custom of +++ clans in ally? Of course they do it on Teamspeak or other 3rd program software. We got some custom things here but its to balance, not disbalance so i wouldnt touch alliance amount.
  7. Perkunas 80 with boxes, nice try kid. The system as it is now is ok, moreover if 2.0 brings more slots in clans - more than enough. ​Nice try kid ? da fuk? Im saying that Vigilance is full of people and we getting more, and we need space. Instead of using 3rd program for communication i ask for everyone to think about making alliance bigger. I just dont see why people have to make some clan discord pages or fb pages, while we can solve it in game, by using game system, ally chat. And dont lie kid, 3 sieges ago in CC u hate 108 people. I know everything in perkunas, believe me ​ Okey from my low knowledge, i guess on 2.0 max alliance clans are 3, but each clan gets improved member amount to 50? What u guys think, maybe we could make alliance amount of clans 4? That would bring 50*4 I think Perkunas also have problems with players in alliance. 120-150 is not enough at winter time new players want to join clans but their are full... Perkunas 80 with boxes, nice try kid. The system as it is now is ok, moreover if 2.0 brings more slots in clans - more than enough. ​Nice try kid ? da fuk? Im saying that Vigilance is full of people and we getting more, and we need space. Instead of using 3rd program for communication i ask for everyone to think about making alliance bigger. I just dont see why people have to make some clan discord pages or fb pages, while we can solve it in game, by using game system, ally chat. And dont lie kid, 3 sieges ago in CC u hate 108 people. I know everything in perkunas, believe me ​Stop making zerg and instead of recruting everything that has 2 legs let players play and maybe u will see more sides on the server one day. Making more slots in clans/more clans in ally occur in all server sitting in 2 ally, total bullshit.
  8. Perkunas 80 with boxes, nice try kid. The system as it is now is ok, moreover if 2.0 brings more slots in clans - more than enough.
  9. ​And GMs want u to go official, create all those chars and gain this epic and record how it works. U act smartass but know nothing. As i see ur acting to gms i wonder how u manage to be still on this forum and they didnt ban u. Summon Buff - added after ppl asked and QQ, so whats ur problem? Try tell me ur CP is not using Cat Buff - u re funny.Orfen - is reported and gms said they know situation and when it will be working 100% as official - after 2.0 - to not take disadvantage after 50% server used it bugged its only nerfed for now. Try tell me u dont know it since u re on forum 24/7Fatal Counter - nice try here, FC is like it is, u went YT watching korea vids where every skill hits 20k and u want it here, u tried to bring some other "proofs" but they were never right, when someone explained u, u re wrong u /summon MoDoy and start flaming ppl. Still waiting for u to go retail and record vid of how should it work if u expect GMs to be it retail like.Debuffs - same story, even if we have official files we can't expect everything comes 100% working, something can be broken and GMs fix it to be fair. Still waiting for u to go retail and record vid of how should it work if u expect GMs to be it retail like.Vampiric Rage is nerfed to state before GoD bcoz its not working for our realies, of not so big population also to avoid L2 beeing Linemage like it was before nerf - nobody wanted play meeles. Nobody said Classic retail is perfect, thats why we dont play there and we play here where we can avoid mistakes like classic do - for example op Vampir. My last statement. For me u re just dumb looking for attention, expecting server to do what u want and work like retail 100%, server where u can play for free. Server is like it is, its created for players also by players. If u dont like it, u re free to go. ​
  10. I like the crits on flames, ive found that out alrdy on begining of server, on 1.0 low lvl mobs, when u did crit it took all mob life left him with 1 hp Fun fact, i told such cool story to my later CP, nobody believed it can crit Go go fix it, its great skill.
  11. @Phoenix aint it time to stop this? Close this topic or even better to delete it?
  12. ​U can get chance, if u didnt pay PA, u will have now to pay for unban 5e. Its one chance only
  13. ​u made trash of ur own topic
  14. ​Yes my friend, it exist here. More over half kill exist on classic, but its not in Mortal Blow description, so i believe Lethal Blow will have it too. Or myby half kill is bug and should not exist if its not on skills description?
  15. ​my lovely topic tyr could have max 6k hp on +con dyes, (i guess he was +STR so even less) go stun, double shoot, fatal and u have him no 1 shooting in L2
  16. ​Ofcorse Bizz we die everyday everywhere http://images83.fotosik.pl/161/0efc9b07a11fa78fgen.jpg ​dunno if everytime everyday, but for sure quite a lot, getting kicked from your main farming spot by lowbies ​​Top lvl gap implemented into game. Slowly see how lvl gap of players is closing to nolife players that all had was lvl. See them die. Profit.
  17. ​They re worth to play now and will be more worth to play in 2.0 U better start now and make cash to be ready for 2.0.
  18. datplays

    fighting ! xD

    ​its on youtube, but only for ally members ​something like that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb8uQJFilUU ​yes exactly like that PS: things we know about castles, you will never even imagine possible. ​I dont think so))) We could take aden a mounth ago but was no will of the leader then was desicion to take Giran from you. Now I think conditions are good to figth for Aden with you see you there. ​To take aden u need brainz, no brainz no aden. Now who took aden who not? Lider decisions, ha, u re mess of nolife ppl, u zerg it out or not, at ur clan theres no lider moves seen.
  19. datplays

    9 vs 9

    ​Rick Astley at max
  20. datplays


    Bcoz it was not in report section. Soil had to do that for u, but he did it 1 week ago, so dont expect it to be fixed as priority bcoz u want to. Keep not entering forum man like u did before coz u too angry.
  21. datplays

    9 vs 9

    The first pvp u could feel L2, this obstinance of ppl res and fight made this pvp with sense. Just gotta wait for +4 -4 dyes and top lvls and will be good, so fights wont be lasting 2min and ppl wont care bout %.
  22. datplays

    pov = play 2

    Use that damn freezing shackle
  23. datplays

    Daily PvP

    ​well hard not to agree, simply just to be not recognized as the old Perkunas that had UQ scumbags in it :P