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Everything posted by datplays

  1. datplays


    via main page link topzone: ERROR ! This server is not on L2topzone.com list or it hasn't been activated yet!
  2. ​go back on ur l2j x5
  3. ​Yeah thats true but in the end this is part of this caner game Still remember DvP's Videos with hero glow xp his Th 35 lvl at cruma marslands and pvp with wars,Priceless Moments ​Would like to see if u find somewhere and if 35 lv, he had alot of dlvls
  4. So u have to wait, coz so far there is no subclass in classic, not in 2.0 and i dont think soon will be. Ye, sounds cool, but most likely it will end up ppl farming sublasses got ganked by ppl on mains. Rly fun.
  5. I disagree on this idea, simply coz of ur low mentality puting in every post Perkunas, i know u re jealous but damn, u got serious problem
  6. To be clear. With newbie starting pack + boosts u can do lvl 40 easy. Also everyday i see on party matching low parties 20-30lvl or 40-50 so u will find party, of course the best option will be to go nuker or other char having aoe skills and best of best is to play tank/sws/bd but u need to like to run, coz ur job will be mostly pulling mobs for aoe farming. Why puller? Coz its most rare character to get into party, 90% of time there is support/damage dealers but no pullers for party. PPL love pullers. Being tank/sws/bd i believe u find pt on any lvl, but also u are easy target :)
  7. Forum needs warning counting
  8. On real classic win who have bigest lvl. There can win all. If wana pvp pt v pt just say. Last was oppa cp with 11 v us 7 and thay all die two times, and no one die from us in this fights. Or i must remember how we with dee and tipitapi gang full partys of all clans ? Like i say. Come and show what you can. Not just flame on forum. ahahahaha ​Yeah u showed us today u lasted 2 seconds before PR, u dont go outside of own CH w.o tipitapi
  9. lol love this, u guys pathetic YoMana, we maybe had like 3 exchanges of posts compared to those cocroachs in love triangle u re valuable forum user worth to have argument with these three guys not worth to fight with, now im just laughing of their investigations they go deeper and deeper in this cesspool
  10. datplays

    AQ Weird position

    ​Not to mention San0 that the script for mobs/rb back on spawn is not working i think, so far i saw mobs pulled out of spots, not coming back
  11. ​wrong :), im just a forum troll. i dont even have a character. about recording sh1t, bizqquit doesnt give permision party memebers to post stupid videos like killing afk or on farm. btw true warriors bsoe all the time, whats up with your clan members? ​Wasn't talking to you at all, that was for datplays ​^^ im famous as AF, i just entered this thread after 2 days just to do 1 post ​i suggest using internet to see what AF means, coz u sound like ppl who say RIP in peace ​thanks, fixed its just bcoz i wanted to write whole sentence, but im trying to keep culture of speech on forum (opposite to some ppl that live in pigsty) so i made shortcut, not deleting "as"
  12. datplays

    AQ Weird position

    ​vig got aq drop ​oh, cool, gz, they had alot of ppl
  13. datplays

    AQ Weird position

    How this AQ ended finally? Coz i went eating was scared to ask CP
  14. ​wrong :), im just a forum troll. i dont even have a character. about recording sh1t, bizqquit doesnt give permision party memebers to post stupid videos like killing afk or on farm. btw true warriors bsoe all the time, whats up with your clan members? ​Wasn't talking to you at all, that was for datplays ​^^ im famous AF, i just entered this thread after 2 days just to do 1 post ppl call me many names i see I just wonder what will they achieve by knowing it, they can't get deeper by that how they got so far by all this pathetic actions on forum (not meaning u here Lordenson, stay heavy :))
  15. ​Why? Following this though, u shouldnt post videos how u gank 5-10lvls lower ​It's like im typing to walls, because he asked me to test his dyes and I had delay. So he shouldn't post it, it's simple if you got brain ​ same as 5-10lvls wanted to close lvl to yours lvl, also being ganked under train But well i heard u wanted rematch, so why not do it? To be clear im not any side, i dont like u both And imho same classes pvp is not worth to bother, its even more crit/gear dependand like u said than different classes pvp.
  16. ​Why? Following this though, u shouldnt post videos how u gank 5-10lvls lower
  17. ​agree with u some ppl wont understand, i wont be explaining them so many times
  18. ​And every next was discrediting GM decision and QQ all around. Too bad for u, we not talk in game, but coz of one name, when i see u in game makes me sad coz i know what u type on forums :( The rest i will just do screen, coz im eternal
  19. Check ur own post u made so far by on forum monkey, monkey u try to hide, yeee
  20. //summon myself ​reporting bugs in not to discredit GMs choices, know the difference //soe
  21. datplays


    ​yeah we do mistake unbaning cheater, but well... everybody has it chance
  22. ​did u just said i play glad? i never played glad, they suck. After 8 months of server i had to drive gladiator for cp, bcoz he was offline, this sht was boring as fuck, so i started to read skill descriptions, after i found out it has bugged reuse i posted it as bug. And u try again try to reattachement the story to blacken me, ahahahaa bro u sink so deep better go compare PR hitting robes to PR hitting tyrant in heavy saying there is difference in dmg Fck me im out of this topic, this guy is total idiot ^^ //soe
  23. ​for is for posting, game is for playing. Ofc i wont be posting my ingmae name on forum to avoid QQ in game. Mixing forum with game is mistake ​i think your whole participation on forum is mistake, thus my opinion ​yes, then pls dont quote me anymore. Enjoy tricycle with Rizos and RazDwaEto