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Everything posted by HellHound

  1. If you think like this and really mean it... No comment.
  2. ​ Dont agree - i saw man use 4 bsoe in one hour... if he pay 1kk every hour he would use BSOE much less...
  3. Hello, please rise price of BSOE in clan halls / castles... to avoid ppl use it all the time... its boring then... I suggest to make price 250k, its cheper than bought in market from NORMA / COLs... but still its not so cheap to use it everytime... THX
  4. Still you dont have the point -> it has reason why some classes have different cost of skill and amount of skills to learn... even tho I admit that reset scroll is not bad idea. Just dont boost SP earn or dont add SP scrolls that immediately increas SP.
  5. ​Just fyi im from Perkunas and we are having 20 War Clans atm ​So its easy.. stop ZERG the others.. you ANTS... all the time i meet somebody from perkunas ally 1vs1 so the guy die or bsoe or run away... rarely i die 1vs1... even 3vs1.. 1 death, 2x bsoe... so wtf you are proud of ???? :D:D nob ANTS !!! SOLUTION => dont be nobs and stop BSOE / PR when fair fight is up & stop zerg...
  6. Well if you have such a good CP then farm more... as i said before.. it has a reason why some classes got max skill lvl 35 and some 45 while different SP cost... and amount
  7. ​I do not agree with you. It is a part of game and it has been designed like that. Classes got different ammount of skill and its cost different for its purpouse... its not just random... If you want more SP, go kill RB that gives a lot of SP or farm solo for a while... or dont hide and join pvp then you will have enough SP for sure ... low SP = no PVP / stop hide = ++ SP Thats easy !
  8. Hello all, well, I am looking for constant party lvl 58+ I am glady lvl 61 well geared... I expect smart and inovative ppl, english speaking... I can use TS or else comm channel. I can play 16:00 - 22:00 CET, exceptionally out of this hours... =P pm me in game or leave mail nickname Hellhound
  9. Do u forget about 60% chance to be successed? All top b weapon has risk to make except b dual. And the key is not cheap at all For example : AOBA SOES and Lance key are 2-3kk each ​Did not forget... read carefully.... you was unluckly thats all... you can build 100% weapon its as expensive as the duals are.. or you do it cheeper and take your risk... STOP CRY !
  10. ​Many ppl cry... adjustments are needed all the time to make things better... but better DOESNT MEAN EASY !! +1 STOP CRY !!!!
  11. Well, to make it clear... for SLS*SLS you need: 2x Samurai Long Sword.. by now price 16 - 19kk 45 SOP - 1,25kk or more in dependance on market price 500 CryC - 1,25kk in dependance on market price Dual Craft Stamp - 1,5kk or more... so SLS*SLS = 36kk You can craft your B weapon in price of 22-30kk or buy full item for 30-35kk.. any kind... so I guess its fair enough ! PS: BOP is harder to get cause of rcp/keys... its obvious... that you failed 2x is unfortun but not rule.
  12. offer me here or send mail in game to Trademister
  13. hello i got haste, offer here
  14. HellHound

    WTB SB

    hello I got haste.. offer here...
  15. HellHound

    WTB SB: Haste

    Hi i sell... offer me in game.. nick Trademister, send me an email or ofer here
  16. Hello, please take action againts trades in Party Matching... its one of really good things and ppl missuses that for trades.. as you can see below in the screen. This add-on in game "party matching" is very usefull for low lvls... especially newbies who dont have any bounderies on server... so stop fcking trades here and let it serve to its purpose... dumbs... use "+" trade channel for trades... Sugggestion: temporary BAN, not account but IP/MAC... cause those accounts are not usually mains...
  17. ​Virtual machine you starting on same PC. So it's not the same. You are not allowed to start 2nd box on virtual machine ( our protection will find it ). ​Not in case of virtual NIC usage... TESTED ! WORKS..... ​Show it. ​I have reinstalled my computer recently... will not install virtual again... But if you got two different types of OS (windows/linux) and you successfully share graphic while set virtual machine to use virtual NIC you got 2x different MAC. Different IPs... within your LAN. Unfortunately I have found out when i was like 49 lvl... so did not used adventage of it cause I was not interested to lvl up buffer to match lvls.... ​I don't understand what it will give because: Protection checking for VM machine. Hwid limit doesn't check for MAC/IP. ​ ​It depends what do you use for HW signature, it was CPU type but it was changed too. Those configs can be changed. All of them.
  18. ​Virtual machine you starting on same PC. So it's not the same. You are not allowed to start 2nd box on virtual machine ( our protection will find it ). ​Not in case of virtual NIC usage... TESTED ! WORKS..... ​Show it. ​I have reinstalled my computer recently... will not install virtual again... But if you got two different types of OS (windows/linux) and you successfully share graphic while set virtual machine to use virtual NIC you got 2x different MAC. Different IPs... within your LAN. Unfortunately I have found out when i was like 49 lvl... so did not used adventage of it cause I was not interested to lvl up buffer to match lvls....
  19. ​Virtual machine you starting on same PC. So it's not the same. You are not allowed to start 2nd box on virtual machine ( our protection will find it ). ​Not in case of virtual NIC usage... TESTED ! WORKS.....
  20. Hi, WTS SLS, offer me ..
  21. Hello all, WTB Staff of Life WTB D mage set pm me with offers - write price and your nickname in game Thx
  22. Even before updates.. when adena was 1x and for death you had -10% I have did with fighter class lvl 36 in 3 days... without buffer... and I did play like 4 - 6 hours/day... so what you said is not true... now I am lvl 60, 40% and I got 558h in game. Its like 9 reall time days. BUT !!! FOR SURE do not add any NPC... ! PPL had hard times... this server should be hard and now its even easier than before and than it should be. STOP cry and play.. If you dont want play 3x, find another server. This is made for ppl who celebrate this game... its not some damn pvp server which is alive for 3 months and then die. ​In which country is 558 hours 9 real time days? ​Ok ok, my bad. bad count... no comment.. shits happens...
  23. ​If you need help with anything, let me know I got enough free time, little bit exp with java and healthy mind
  24. Even before updates.. when adena was 1x and for death you had -10% I have did with fighter class lvl 36 in 3 days... without buffer... and I did play like 4 - 6 hours/day... so what you said is not true... now I am lvl 60, 40% and I got 558h in game. Its like 23 reall time days. BUT !!! FOR SURE do not add any NPC... ! PPL had hard times... this server should be hard and now its even easier than before and than it should be. STOP cry and play.. If you dont want play 3x, find another server. This is made for ppl who celebrate this game... its not some damn pvp server which is alive for 3 months and then die.