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Everything posted by Yomana

  1. re mlka tell rizo to not show our sercret weapons
  2. if it was soes +11 i would buy but i dont like DS
  3. They dont hit as hard as mages. They are way more durable though. So yes in that patch there is no reason to play mages (except heroes).
  4. which sucks cause our summoner pt is almost rdy
  5. do you bet he has +4 con dyes?
  6. dude +8 b grades are better than all +6-8 a grade except dc robe , maj heavy , nm heavy (only for bards) Now good luck making +6 maj and nightmare set. So if your argument is that tallum +6-8 or dc robe +6 breaks the server then again sorry , you have no idea from end game.
  7. Yomana

    WTS 3rd class books

    WTS (some of them rly cheap) mana gain over the body insane crusher salvation indestructible sound warrior servitor real target spoil crush seal of despair counterattack ghost pierching ghost walking
  8. or pay 10 euro for freaking 1 month? in 1 month you will be 50+ and find parties easily
  9. i usually dont use red ones cause they are limited ,so only on good events. But yellow fruit is once per day so
  10. About yellow fruit its normal cause we dont rly have chance to use it anywhere else.
  11. i just noticed you wasted 4 nobl scrolls. GJ guys
  12. it works bro , demons need to be extinguished edit : i have seen plenty of animes
  13. you vamp if you auto attack players , no?
  14. Ah you are this tekmar? Ok now i understand ??
  15. if only san0 implemented 5 min songs then my pain would be just dual boxing this poop
  16. cause we are semi heavy semi support semi USELESS CRAP
  17. Yomana

    top meele cp POV

    if you saw in second pvp we went 2 tyrants and dagger setup
  18. Yomana

    top meele cp POV

    @YipMan @iAxZp You overestimate tyrants. 2-3-4 doesnt make any difference
  19. Yomana

    top meele cp POV

    Some people cant admit they just cant win. But how @axzp told me in start of zaken update , i still wait till they finish their setups and dominate us again :DDDDDD
  20. Yomana

    top meele cp POV

    What is exactly the ton of consumables we use? Is this another rumour going around ? :d cause in this video i see only Knom has noblesse. TON of consumables
  21. Yomana

    top meele cp POV

    Yesterday after orfen :d