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Everything posted by Yomana

  1. You dont see us coming to interlude forum or youtube to talk about you. I wonder who has the complex you talk about. 😐
  2. some other people consider achievement to pve in interlude. happens.
  3. Yomana

    Game time

    how would you know , you never had 6 good players in your cp to take their heroes solo.
  4. Yomana

    A Grade Items

    thats not true. The truth is its not usefull to unseal a grade items that are +3 , and its very hard to farm top a grades cause of patch. Cloth pieces are easy to farm , they are just farmed by top clans. In previous patch cloth piece costed 300-400kk and now it costs 80kk. Just farm 80kk and buy them if you want A grades (which are poop) so much. I actually never heard anyone having problems with cloth pieces anymore.
  5. Yomana


    This agathion and many more items were part of previous events. Admins like to make events with unique accessories that you are not able to buy later as a special reward. Now if you are streamer you end up being able to buy anything cause you are promoting server. Lately after community asked , Gms started putting cloaks for col. Maybe they decide to do same with other accessories soon.
  6. IDK whats the range here but this is official range on provoke.
  7. They know exactly whats causing the bug its been reported
  8. these items dont exist in this server
  9. I agree with @Donkihot that ES should not be able to do that. But considering all these bugs server has that are already reported and more i might report , i dont understand why people are so irritated about "fixing" this ES thing. Its rly irrelevant shit. Its mostly called from solo players that want to pve free.
  10. Congrats to myself 👏🤜🤛👌
  11. They do go to extra bar but if you have full buffs and use fruit you lose first buff. Thats what rizos says. They count as normal buff even if they go to extra bar. @MusulmoN you dont have 25 slots. As rizos pointed , fish scroll buffs dont count on normal slots so you can go over 24 buffs with them.
  12. @Kse @San0 @Koll pls ban this bot spamming in every thread for adds. Ty
  13. My quest is actually rdy. Even 700. I just dont finish it cause of dyes... Haters
  14. If you want to nerf sunmoner on oly , change banes like they did in official (if im not wrong). Make banes DEBUFF (resistable by guard) and not canceling buffs. That is actually a pretty big nerf if they cant remove your acumen/haste/ww whenever they want
  15. ES 77-79 is food for daggers. Only 80 lvl are a bit more difficult and even then dagger can win.
  16. zzzzzz - ZlarakiToday at 3:50 PM Its for the best guys. You would be replaced by a much bigger community. Its a win situation for the founders zzzzzz - ZlarakiToday at 4:00 PM This shouldnt concern you guys. I can talk with the founders about this and get a nice deal going YOU ARE MISSING A BIG CHANCE SAN0
  17. But what is the mana consuption to cast all those skills on SR ?
  18. i heard puffa sells nice zaken 3 chi..gough..na
  19. its competitive enough. For sure more than ncsoft joke classic.
  20. Yomana


    castle scrolls have cooldown
  21. I agree with rizos , for the sole reason that this rule is 90% of times correct. Yes you can be unlucky and get unfair ban , but in my 5 year playing here i rarely remember such cases. If you change this rule you make a point that people shouldnt get banned if they arent caught personally. Which means they should also change rule where they ban every char botter/cheater logged. Which means all cp can bot/cheat and when one gets caught they will just have 1 ban instead of whole party. As Rizos said botters almost never play together with normal players , so dont try to create loopholes to avoid some rare unfortunate situations.
  22. Somehow its only brazilians getting "unfair" bans in this server. Idk they must be the most unlucky people ever
  23. still waiting for restart to happen when admins say ?