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Everything posted by Yomana

  1. What do you propose , ban chinese and brazil farmers ?
  2. But rbs isnt the only way to exp. So you rebalance chars because of what/how community chooses to play ? There is a reason range classes are much harder to exp than melees (at least in 78+). The reason is they are MUCH MUCH better. Just wait for tyrant fix and you will see how many good melee parties this server will have. when they fix tyrants + reflect dmg there is absolutely no reason to have KOE buff working on mages.
  3. Im pretty sure i heard they had same problem with this arena on official as well. Dont know if they fixed it. Maybe someone who played there could enlighten us. But 100% agree with your post.
  4. Rofl 35 % with baium 3 , zaken 3. I have to admit last time i was crying about being perma stunned after puri ends i actually forgot bw has stun resistance :'D so wl is garbage tier
  5. You were just 5 posts above WRONG were you spoke AGAIN without any proofs or without being there about paladin buff. Yes that denial mode shitter.
  6. Dude you write so many bullshits that you managed to be right in 1. Dont consider that a honor. Friendly speaking. oh and lets not forget your words But also we can agree MoH is most bugged out of them all xd You are wrong cause from video i see death spike being similiar bugged with MOH. Yet people play necros here for 3 years with top gear and never complained I can let you guess why!
  7. My like wasnt sarcastic , tbh im very suspicious about puri lately. Watching you playing oly it doesnt look like how i remember it when i played oly.
  8. i havent tested anything but to me it still feels like people underestimate kiss of eva buff. This 10% m.skill dmg is huge and its normal they hit A LOT MORE with it. (for someone who doesnt know , baium talisman gives 5% skill power) Im pretty sure without KOE buff there wouldnt be any "NERF SUMMONER DMG OP , NERF HEALERS DMG OP" voices.
  9. Now that you mentioned ZP, did you actually watch his matches vs iamthelaw? Cause apparently i saw zp doing a hell lot of dmg And if ZP had farmers to support him he would be same points as lozorius. edit: Anyway im not gonna follow the fiesta , everyone is free to download OBT and go test. Im bored to do so.
  10. Well with that luck , you better be sorry for yourself and not me
  11. Mature responsible response and fact would be to log in test server , make a test , provide screenshots or video with results to admins and see if its bugged or not. "guys i enchant 100 helmets per week and it sucks" IS NOT a fact.
  12. BD and Ovl are better choices for current end game meta than warlord. On the other hand warlord farms much easier solo or with one box than the 2 other classes you chose. If you want to lvl up BD you can box a PP. Overlord is buffer/debuffer , so you better box some damage dealer to lvl him up. Also its very hard to level up solo.
  13. Video unavailable This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. FeelsBadMan @_@
  14. We did get more from china for helping. I dont go back on my words. But sws exp has nothing to do with it.
  15. I was always getting spot in SWS so dunno what you talk about. There was complains that shaka didnt give a fuck about us , which it end up true as he chose baium free farm over his own clan cp. About your question for exp. I could get easy floor to exp as dv8 wouldnt care to hunt me at that point. People never checked toi 10 , which is the floor i made most exp during wars.
  16. DV8 boosted me much more than china on "bosses". And even then i made 70% of 79 --->80 farming TOI. Maybe haogus and dora should be gratefull we shared with them toi 9 during eu prime when your TS had 3 people online. Cut the crap denko , i was in same TS.
  17. which side boosted me to 80 ? I hope you are joking
  18. The only difference is you cry about koreans and you expect us to care , when the truth is you dont give a fuck if you have scammers / botters / cheaters in your clan or ally. You claim "we" know what happened with ch , when the only info is from you or your side. Why should i believe you when i caught you trying to manipulate truth on my face , till i had to post screenshots to shut you up? Why should i believe someone i have caught using 3rd party software on AQ , on 3 hero chars , getting banned again and again WITH PROOF. Your double standards are so pathetic that im not gonna commend more. You can continue hate whoever you want , keep us out of some asian drama we dont give a shit about. @YipMan
  19. Your description matches actually everyone. So i doubt you can exclude anyone playing in this server.
  20. @YipMan i had trade from lowbie china archer that was auto attacking me. You learn propaganda from your chinese overlords now? NOT CHINESE RIGHT?
  21. Yomana

    4/4 WK vs RS ZAKEN

    I dont care what sides do. I talk about you and haogus specifically. Good job with playing it friends though.
  22. Yomana

    4/4 WK vs RS ZAKEN

    So sad you say different things in pm and different in forum good to know who you are , keep going.
  23. Yomana

    4/4 WK vs RS ZAKEN

    Last time i checked we had 4 sides on server.