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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. HAHAHA too bad i cant vote for all of them :DD. good topic, you have my credit
  2. Rizos

    Dino island xD

    4th bar is donate bar :D. All pay2win consumeables there, insane?
  3. Rizos

    Dino island xD

    10k MP 16k hp EE. Cool story
  4. Why are you talking about me? Is my character there? Oo
  5. I dont recomend bishop. He doesnt manage mana well. Doesnt need dualbox, but its not very desired class for random party exp.. If you want to play bishop, make sure you would have constant party since low lvls.
  6. Problem is in current meta ppl play with setup containing 3 dds + tank/dd +sws + bd+ buffer and 1 recharge. They need both rechargers buffs(in mage party) tho so they dont want to sacrafice 1 dd slot for recharge so they box SE, because they want to have EE with party return in pt. Ull find party easier with EE for this reason. Both of them dont require dualbox. Pick EE if u want to be sure you find party easy. Or pick WC/OL. If u are interested in mage party then Get OL not WC, WC is for fighters. WC is char which can be afk for long time if u want to surf internet while you play l2 :D. He has very good buffs (almost all that fighers need so he is part of almost every fighter party. On exp, he just buff and sit, sometimes sleep some mobs, he doesnt have anything to do cos dont have any other skills for party exp except bufs. He has nice skills for pvp tho and hes very useful there when hes active. However Overlord has better pvp skils than WC, has lower number of useful bufs tho and is chosen by mage partys mostly.
  7. If i would create new character and wanted to play support, i would choose SE. It is very versitale class, you can get meele party, mage party, aoe party, Its needed everywhere. It has unique skills like empower and stigma which onyly this class has. It can heal, recharge mana, root enemies so they cant move, cure some of debufs. U wont get bored for sure on this class. Its counterclass is Elven Elder. Its healer aswell, with recharge, its more popular in party setups but it doesnt have, so many interesting unique skils. Its easier to find party on Elven Elder tho, because of party return skill. If you want more interesting and versitale slacc, pick Shilien Elder, u will enjoy it for sure. If you want char that finds party easier then pick Elven Elder because its more like meta pick. PPL tend more to box SE than EE because ee has party recall skill and it works on party members so it needs to be in party, while SE can buff EMP, recharge or even heal out of party so ppl prefer to have live EE in party setup and just make SE as a box. Every mage party however needs both EE and SE to have all important bufs.
  8. 1. $ helps but u can be competetive player without stending a cent. You kust need to find good group, else you need to spend a bit $ for premium to box support. 2.haha funny, i wanted to exacly suggest you se/wc/ol. They dont depend on items, are interesting, needed and good classes. Dont need to donate anything, just find good constant party - wont be hard on such class. 3. I dont understand what you mean. 4. You cant buy it with adena. Only with $. You can get limited amount of them from time to time from events. Not many ppl need/use them anyway. You can also buy donate coins (col) for adena and buy scrols using these cols (at nostalgia npc next to every gatekeeper npc) but these are pretty expensive. 5. Dualbox is must for most of solo players. If you wabt to make support class you will find party easily and you dont need to dualbox (dualbox is important for ppl who play damage dealer clases) 6. Search in game oprions 'system' pad or smth. The option is called "disable initialize button" or sometging smilar- not sure tho if its the thing ypu are looking for
  9. Good for you. Have fun discovering the game!
  10. That every1 knows cubics work this way since ever and you either are new in l2 or ur just not very inteligent or just pretending
  11. If u farm wirh vigazerg guys in ur pt why do u complain that ppl kill u? Doesnt make sense
  12. I think 50% tax for seling items in auction is crazy. Way way too high, 20% would be reasonable..
  13. obviously you are wrong because hp is calculated this way (4154- (set bonus hp))*1,3*1,35. You calculate it this way (4154- (set bonus hp))*(1,3+1,35). Learn math bro, percents (%) are being teached around 4 year of elementary school..
  14. The best part is that ur convinced that you are good player and did good movie :D. I thought ur so self confident to post such trash, but i found out that u rly believe you are good and wining 5v2 is big achievement for you so you put it into movie
  15. Monkey get real. Every1 makes fun of you after watching ur pathetic movies. Only your allies try to be nice to you :D. Keep going i like to watch comedys. I think its safe to say you are the worst movie maker on the entire server . You cant imagine how much fun we had on ts cos of you
  16. Looks like we have new server monkey named Legiana :DDDDDD. Hello monkey, need banana?