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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos

    Over Hit

    Agree with modoy and i think cap is 20%. If u did x dmg over mobs hp and that x for eample equals 8% of mobs maximum hp, u gonna get 108% of mobs oryginal exp (without overhit u get 100%). If u do y dmg over mobs current hp and thats 15% of mobs maximum hp u gonna get 115% of mobs oryginal exp, but if u do 99999999999999999999999999999 dmg to mob that has 100 max hp u still gonna get 120% of mobs oryginal exp ( here the cap appears). Dunno if u understood me, but i cant explain it easier ;/. Thats why its not worth to overhit rb. Because u cant do even 1% overhit with 1 skill (u not gonna take 1% of rb hp with 1 skill) so u wont even get 1% bonus exp from overhit
  2. Rizos

    FightClub CP member

    WOW finally some tyrant movie, thats one of my favourite classes alsong with aw and pr ^^. Gonna need to watch this movie with sound and at home with good resolution ^^, So far watched on phone, pvps were nice but in my opinion you speed em up way too much, and i dont like the idea of puting that fast changing text in it. Doubt any1 can focus on watching pvp and keep reading this, atleast i cant. Waiting for next movies
  3. Party bonus for duo/trio is great. Its much more worth than each of these 2-3 players would solo. Sometimes i farm duo/trio in loa me modoy and assiriy and we make smilar exp like in sos/bs solo (around 4,5-5,5kk exp/20 min in loa, around 4-6kk exp in sos depends how many supports u log) To compare numbers 6 ppl pt in loa makes like 2,5kk-3kk and 9 ppl pt 2,5-3,3kk - when we talk about archer pts. Stairs begin on 5,6,7,8 ppl pt. Exp per mob is almost same as in 9 ppl pt and its not worth to build such partys. Only viable option is duo/trio or full pt
  4. ​yea 9v9 is hard for archers since they suffer from some nerf, they are good for zerg pvp, and we had ee box. But GOOD FIGHT we picked the fight and we knew conditions, no excuses.
  5. damn stolen video Q_Q. Tho its a good one
  6. wow htw how did u make that into, this is epic, instant like for it
  7. ​Its not like exacly hate to dee but its hate to his whole cp cos they have the biggest monkey of this server there ^^. And about dee, he just ganks lowbies and if hes loosing v lowbies he bsoe so some ppl including me dont rly like him. this time looks like he had not good enough reflex to bsoe
  8. lol gg wp he can 1shot u and still rekt? good job. I just wonder if he ganked u on 49 lvl spot cos he likes to do it :D
  9. Rizos


    omg PLACKU.. Learn to read... means it should be exacly (100%) same as on official, not 100% landrate lol. On official it lands probably with 90% chance to same lvl/lower lvl enemies without epics or any other resisting factors. Dat Modoy..... About mental shield it increase resist to: - Sleep (wc sleep, mage sleep, bish sleep etc) - hold(Shilien elder root, tank/bd/sws arrest, ol root) - mental attacks (these are mostly detarget skills like trick switch aura flash, shadow step + fear skills like wc fear ol fear, da horror) Mental shield doesnt resist: -magic debufs (hex curse weaknes, seal of suspension etc..) - paralize skills ( anchor (magic), lightning strike(physical)) -Stun (DA stun stun shot hammer crush etc..) -physical debufs ( glad hex, stigma, destro hex etc) - bleeds/poisons
  10. Rizos


    ​Why not, Why not making it 100% oryginal like on official? I dont see point to touch skills like this on some classes but keeping oryginal skills on other "OP" classes. I also think smth is messed up with debufs in general. When i hex mobs lower lvl than me in loa sometimes they resist 4-5 hex in a row, and i assume it should be 90% but looks like its lower. Same goes for stun, not to mention anchors from 60 lvl death waves landing n 70+ chars (hello EU :DD), slows from 30 harpys landing on 70+ characters, or poison in ant nest or bloody queens landing on 70+ characters lol
  11. Rizos


    ​I cant show u proof since test server is closed. And if thats the case its even worse cos u give a debuff with much bigger cd than the stuns/fear/silence etc lower chance than the other debuffs. Actually its the only debuff that its landtime is lower than its cd. Thats exactly the reason why its supposed to have such a big landrate. ​Actually its not the onyl debuff... Sworsingers "slience" (sword symphony) has 10 sec duration (minus mental shield effect i guess? but im not sure if its mental attack or not) and 15 sec cd... and i believe some other debuffs as well...but thats offtopic I guess its messy after that manual "fixing" LS by admins... it should have like 90+% landrate on lower/same lvl enemies and almsot zero landrate on enemies 4+ levels higher ... same as every other debuffs on classic chronicle... but what i saw at this point its like 60% landrate no matter the level difference (higher or lower)... Its my wild guess, i think we should test it tonight Sayo In my opinion it works here exacly like u said. Just fixed landrate, no mater bufs lvls epics. Thats bad
  12. Rizos


    Wow datplays changed his mind? Ur on drugs today bro? :O. Finally u said smth smart
  13. Rizos


    Its not affected by mental. Show me proof movie or i wont believe u Also i was 90% not 100 i think. Now landrate is pretty low (i think lower than offi) but its normal on this server, that dark elf skills are custom nerfed here, nothong new bro . Unless ppl convice gms that its better to keep skills oryginal like on offi and do custom changes only to exp scrols, cp pots etc, there will always appear topics like this one
  14. Rizos

    TOP B

    He wants to buy if to the price of helmet, offered me 30kk..
  15. difference is big and simple and its just 1 word - HORROR.
  16. Since some ppl asked me about Onscreen messages about bufs debufs etc, I uploaded this patch for you, Its made by ve3k, can be found also somewhere deep in forum. Systemmsg for classic - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=42258937916235335284
  17. ​after u will tell me, that u are not retarded ​kid, pls, why u have to cry every topic? :') ​What? I just saying that u m8 retarded, i'm not crying U cry. I'm asking nice, and u go full monkey on me thats not good advertisiment in recrutation topic of ur CP, thats an bad attitude of an CP leader, if u dont want to answer i dont mind, but dont be mean. Anyway, wish u good luck! ​Stop harrasing my friend Uchiha! He didnt even join tricycle, hes not trol and he doesnt cry, U can bump our topic, thx but plz dont trol here
  18. Wtf are u talking about, im the only one who liked his video. Im clown? where? when? u are clueles lol
  19. WTB DEMON DAGGER PM PRICE ON FORUM WTS BW light set +0 36kk pm on forum
  20. oO dont remember such thing, mby ciril played me
  21. ​GG Satyrka already famous :DD. I hoped modoy die so i could flame him ;/ What do u mean with that <--- Rizo she? ​That people could understand who dropped the crystals ​wasnt me who dropped or who pmed u tho. And i bsoed mby 5x on this server. Last time was 3-4 weeks ago and it was from u tho on BS but was 2v1 and me on perma fear if i remember well and i was on 1hp cos of wc poison and runing into mobs
  22. ​GG Satyrka already famous :DD. I hoped modoy die so i could flame him ;/ What do u mean with that <--- Rizo she?