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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. I would play aw but its only its my main class since i play l2 :D. I think th is much better than aw. It has stelth, fake death, lure so u can be usefull for ur pt and leech exp. Also trick+ switch + dash is MUUUCH better than AW skils. AW cant catch any1 cos no blinding blow at all, Shadow step on 2.0 but 1+ min reuse so u use it once and enemy still run from u and u cant do sh1t. Focus death is awesome but gl with lvling aw to 78. Its hard to exp on dagger and not fun to play if u dont play in meele cp, In good cp i would recomend u that th/aw choice, could be fun
  2. Ok so i hit with FC for 2x 760 and crit with auto attack for 2x1586. Thats for these who ask on lin movie thread why he doesnt use skills. FC is Nice skill huh? on this screenshot u can see how necro (jessi) hit me for almost 3k while i cant even finnish casting 1 skill (im on full buf), so basicaly he does to me around 3k dmg in shorter time than i can cast double shot/FC. even if i manage to finnish FC cast its still 3k dmg from him and 760+760 dmg to him (well max 2300+2300 cos low hp fc hit 3x harder), yet PR is op and nerfed and necro is ok :D, doesnt necro make more dps than pr and can stay on full hp? Oo
  3. Rizos

    Any news?

    And death sting hits weaker than Fatal Counter on full hp, Its not that high dmg, but silence is cool.
  4. Rizos

    Any news?

    ​Well rizo, if they won't change the +12 system like they said (I know it's official thing) many people will reroll to mage, i'm thinking of that too so zorgzor will have no other option to cry. ​1 guy from skelth told me they have +5 max dye system, lf confirm cos dunno if hes telling me truth
  5. Rizos

    Any news?

    Yes thats what i mean. My 1st post was irony. When pr need to have 200 hp to have chance of 1shoting 27 con mage in robe without earth song(and if wont def with shield) with 5s reuse and 1-2s cast time skiill, he needs to be nerfed :D. And when mage makes same dmg wirh 3 nukes (1/3 dmg each nuke) while having FULL HP and casting these 3 nukes faster than 1 fatal counter then all is balanced :D. Wanna bet on 2.0 fatal counter will remain bugged/nerfed and nukers will remain oryginal?
  6. Rizos

    Any news?

    No, staff will nerf archers and boost meeles. Mages dont 1shot just 2shot in <1s so they are balanced, unlike archers ​Wait for Vortex Slug. with 2k cast speed and 40% M. Crit. Still 2shot cos they have to cast vortex 1st
  7. Rizos

    Any news?

    No, staff will nerf archers and boost meeles. Mages dont 1shot just 2shot in <1s so they are balanced, unlike archers :)
  8. Rizos

    Any news?

    queen yes. Admins added queen cat, unicorn sephrim etc to make summoners more popular on this server (custom change summon buff is max lvl 2)
  9. there is delaay on target i think, i have difficulty sometimes also some kind of lags
  10. put +12 str -15 con ull gain like 35% p atk. Forest of mirrors is waiting my friend
  11. Tyrant hex machine :D. Finally he got any hex cos he was the only one warrior on 1.5 w/o p def debuf (except wl/dorf mby? but they get their - p def stuns on 2.0)
  12. And obviously i have internet cos i can use forum without any lags
  13. I cant log in even to proxy selection screen, i just have "Logging in..." message and nothing happens. I also tried to run updater but there is error that "couldnt load options"
  14. Rizos

    2.0 buff

    I was just watching this stram and i was like wtf what bufs he has ;d. Btw 8k exp per mob in loa. Holy sh1t!
  15. on 2.0 casting talisman, using ss/bss
  16. Rizos

    WTS/T BOP +7

    WTS BOP +7 (488 P ATK, EMI +15 HAS 485) PM OFFER ON FORUM
  17. Check date of test post and date of gk 2.0 release. Its march 2016 so its 1.5 its even said in name of test [ Age of Splendor]
  18. Yes, tanks need wind song anyway(on abg) so if u want to use tank u need to have sws also(on 60+ lvls)
  19. ​oO strange thing I also have question. Will tyrant get "hex" effect in ragging force? or they just copy paste skil description from got but skill itself wont "hex" on classic? Raging Force - Attacks the target with a devastating burst of wind with 195 Power, lowers P. Def., and absorbs Momentum. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, fist weapon, or dualsword. source: https://eu.4game.com/lineage2classic/play/saviors/classes/#newclasskills
  20. "For aoe pull i would pick" *Proceeds to mention the worst tank for aoeing.* I would consider only tk better for train pulls but since sk is much better overall in classic than tk and is not much worse than tk( still better than da/paladin) for train pulling, i recomended him SK, problem?
  21. If u read more not just 1st 7 words of my most mby u would notice there is explaination why I think so
  22. no i just want it to work same as on skelth and grankain. U think grankain has 5 chronicles ahead dmg on pr? This is test from skelth so why do u think it works different on skelth server than on this test post, it they made this test on skelth 1,5 chronicle? https://4gameforum.com/threads/594232/
  23. from this link: here is offi landrate: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://4gameforum.com/threads/564968/&usg=ALkJrhgM2vBzUkIwlkydKuLddrK8IyxaLA And here is the thing im suspicious about (backstab x2 dmg chance and STR). I think its broken on our server, would be cool if some1 can test it. I think making 99 str on test server should have HUGE impact on crit rate that u could notice instantly - like 50% chance compared to like 5% chance with 1 str. @Cyane, @Sano https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://4gameforum.com/threads/560661/&usg=ALkJrhgdhlSWoF_R_YHyIlA2FPVFnsyrYw
  24. 40 str 30 dex th - 18,2% 40 str 42 dex th - 22,6% 52 str 30 dex th - 26,8% Both dex and str increase crit rate on backstab, str incease the chance more but dex also gives land rate. On our server i feel like backstab has just static 15% chance and is not modified by str/dex