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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. UP! New lower price! pm!
  2. Rizos


    Miałem taki zamiar ale jak zobaczylem ze daggerzy biegaja w doom heavy i aw ssie pale i nie ma nawet blinding blowa to mi sie odechcialo
  3. Modoy ur alive! ​San0 simply cant understand this :(
  4. Rizos


    <- Raidfight rizos/throh
  5. ​Yea cos u exploit minions bug ( pulling minions away) Did u try to kill minions?
  6. Rizos

    Back to buffs

    ​I have no doubt about stun, I tested it several times ppl complain about stun land, but seriusly like Y have +12 con , or resist shock 4lvl, I even think ppl with tatoo -15 con complain about stun lands. I tested stun and like my 34 con + resist shock lvl 2 and from 5 stuns only 1 landed when without this buff all 5 was landing! I'm sure if I have like 45+ con and resist shock lvl 4 stun didnt get me at all SO I think stun works correct if y dont have anything aginst stun resist why it shoudn't land on you than? ​Its not good way to report it. You should make test with video. Empty words are not helpful. I noticed DA fear works +/- same with and without mental shield so mby u are right. MAKE A MOVIE! ​I'm not sure I abel to do this I mean Video(only because of my low pc) but I believed some ppl who can do it can make a video and upload here I will appreciate this, maybe also I post this topic in wrong section, but I just didn't know where to post it... ​Con doesnt change stun resist on Classic and i also think that stun land rate/stun resist buf works correct
  7. Rizos

    Back to buffs

    ​Its not good way to report it. You should make test with video. Empty words are not helpful. I noticed DA fear works +/- same with and without mental shield so mby u are right. MAKE A MOVIE!
  8. sell nectars, make spoil 20lvl, spoil coal near dion and sell for 4k+ each. Get some adena like 1-2kk -> make offline shops in giran harbor with buying col/mats/enchants and selling for higher price
  9. Rizos

    Lucky Enchant =)

    OMG are u kidding? Gz
  10. Rizos

    Lucky Enchant =)

    gz, i dont play with u anymore
  11. did u ever play PR on our server? How can u know what dmg it has? I just see u have no clue
  12. Dmg on our server its nowhere close to dmg on this movie. U can dream about ur 7k dmg into c grade here What i want? I want PR to be fixed to be same as in official, not bugged. Ill log test server make pr 59 with +12 str pl set emi +3 and pp 75 buff and shoot into fking unbuffed ee 40 in divine set so u cant find any excuse pr on movie had better conditions. ANd i can bet with u im gonna make much lower dmg than the pr on this movie. My point is to see doubleshot dmg and compare it to fatal counter dmg. Proportion should be +/- same regardles of items. If he crit DS for 2.7 and FC for 7200 then on our server if i crit with ds for 3k, i should do like 8k dmg with fc on 15% hp but i make 4k not 8k. Its ONLY 50% weaker, who cares right? Only 50% who would even care about such a marginal nerf. Ok ill tell u 1 funny story. I think most of us agree that Glad is pretty strong class here (not to say OP). Now let glad have 3 sec aoe reuse (on offi its 10s) and triple sonic slach 5s reuse (on offi it has 10s). U Know, ppl like gladis so let them have more fun ^^. So since every1 loves gladi let him have bugged skills for over half year but instead lets nerf PR dmg by 50% cos u know, no1 loves black skinned sh1ty archer, ppl are racist etc etc and PR much more OP than gladi right? Now here is a competition. 1st correct answer wins a cookie. This story is real, question is on which server didit happen. 1st corect anser wins a cookie edit: Damn i forgot test server is off :x
  13. Here is SKELTH movie - EU official so u wont talk "its korean server blalblabla" DOuble shot CRIT 2700 dmg, fatal counter 7200 dmg with 400/2200 hp. When im home i make test on our server but i can bet its gonna be 2700 double shot crit and 3600 FC
  14. Rizos

    Fell Swoop

    omg again this butthurt boi here :D. Hes hating everything everywhere. I just hate ppl with such a negative attiude to everything. Get more of this bro! This guy being jelly that new players now can exp a bit faster than he did few months ago. What a jelly egoist. Now why dont u cry that u started with no grades and ppl that start now and have friends or some $$ exp with d grade +7++ from 20 lvl? They exp faster than u also, dont they? You should consider making new qq post about it beatdeath :D
  15. GJ with this move! ​Stop cry lol! and use this:
  16. Rizos

    PvP and Fun ^^ (2)

    Nice movie. I liked that moment on aden castle. Whole VR vs 3 pt perkunas. That was funny moment: -VR zerg inc!!!!!! -PR?? -No lets fight for SPARTAAAA and die with honor
  17. ​Some time ago some "cheater" posted screenshot on forum with online check, and it was much more than 800 so i guess u would be satisfied to play here
  18. - Cat Eye 30 lvl RB is unkillable for his lvl with his heals. I tryed 6 times to kill it with good party and succeed only 1 time. And that time we had: WC lvl 60 for buffs and PP with Berserk2, half of party had C bows (Akat or Eminience), 2 shamans that was burning mana from healers by cooldown (without shamans i guess it still wouldnt be possible) 2 bows D overenchanted 8+, and Elemental Summoner on side that was giving us Mass cubics ......................and we was killing it 25-30 minutes.... So i want to ask you REALLY? RB LVL 30 really need to be so difficult? Thats how you meet new players on server, just saying. You can make it hard, or even very hard, but why its supposed to be unkillable..? ​i tested this boss myself countless times and in none of them theres any heal + none of the minions even have healing skills acording to the scripters. can you please tell me the exact conditions on when this happen and if possible make a video next time you go to raid it? ​I think Boar rb is bugged too. Not sure if it should be like this but minions are harder to kill that the rb itself. Some1 reported it already some time ago but sano said all works fine
  19. All clear sano, every1 know it, just 1 guy has doubts
  20. I was pretty sure this problem appeared cos of god