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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos


    yes. It works only for soil if he cry enough. thx
  2. Rizos


    Guys, can you please point me with finger where does it say it resist fear? I think im blind ;(
  3. My point is ppl like nnixy crying that admins add some new different features and make server very custom but as u see its part of official patch
  4. Looking for support only or full/half cps atm
  5. Destros was good char for small pvps. There are many much better classes to take for mass pvp than destro. Who would waste party slot for it when it cant even reach enemy before dieing. About daggers, they are pretty good right now if played well. Im sure they are better than destros right now and on 2.0 daggers are gonna get big boost
  6. ye im pretty sure he edited post title into wts
  7. Cloak sucks ESPECIALLY FOR fastion. They look so bad with c/b/a sets. They were designed for s80+ sets. They dont look classic at all. I would rather add cloak bonuses(stats) for clan leaders/heros but dont make em visible. ​not a chance, archer and fighter packs slowly reroll to mage pack Mages need more mana than fighters to AOE (necro is exception). Try to play sps and then go back to ur glad and ull see who uses more mp. If u miss mp then invite ee/se
  8. For ppl that cry about mini epics in next update: https://l2central.info/home/classic/998-lineage-ii-classic-saviors-2-0-rejdovye-bossy https://translate.google.pl/translate?hl=pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fl2central.info%2Fhome%2Fclassic%2F998-lineage-ii-classic-saviors-2-0-rejdovye-bossy official patch
  9. lol, i saw wtb :D, also nixy offered homu acu so i thought he wtb ;D
  10. Archers: PR SR HE WK BD SWS EE BISH PP (WC box to safe mp for rebuf) Meele: WL GLAD GLAD TYRANT BD SWS WC/OL SE EE (PP box for bleses) Mages: Necro Necro SPS WL OL EE SE SWS BD(box pp)
  11. i have blunt Same m atk as homu https://l2wiki.com/Stick_of_Eternity where to mail?
  12. what is ur average lvl in clan?
  13. Pussy clan no pvp no war ?
  14. ​+1 and Celestial Shield Might of Heaven causes damage to players in 2.0 ​-1 for trance, 0.5 second cast sleep when debuffs work like this on classic? sure, lets give him also mana burn and with his imba wind strike, ppl will reroll to bp as strongest 1vs1 character ​u forgot bp can have 40% reflect dmg (song + wc/sps buff) and it works on archers and skills (while vr doesnt), BP doesnt even need wind strike to be op, just proper buffs so ppl kill themself
  15. Rizos

    Archer CP lf ppl

    ​I agreed to change nick to join ur ally AHAHAHA. So thast why im in ur clan right now right? Please give me contact to your dealer, he has nice staff ^^. U are nice comic . Butthurt much afer dieing in loa heart? Nice farm, dagger kiling mobs. Good dps . -15 str dye also along with that doom hvy set? ^^ LF Very active SR 58+ or driver for our char, lf bish/ee and sws pm here on in game
  16. Its not on our patch notes tho, so i think it wont be added @nnixy Tyrant gets rush in normal 2.0 update on official, u clueless :D. He also isnt heavy armor user but light. He has no hvy mastery but ppl use hvy w/o mastery like on daggers and archers cos evasion s ystem is fcked up 1)Olympiad; i think we all are knows, with lvl 61 you cannot fight with any who is more then 3 lvl highter then you. wherever whats is your class,so need to rethink lvl limit, or debuff fixes. WHY WOULD U CHANGE THIS, ITS GOOD TO BE LIMITED ON 61 LVL, LOWER LVL CHARS STILL CHAVE CHANCE TO BEAT HIGHER LVLS IN OLY. Keep Debufs like they are now, its official like. Every char is allowed to make 30 matches per week.​ whats point to make fight limit ?? If we have points limit 10 every week, why we can fight only 30 fight?and whats be if i still got my 9 point from last week on ? its be remowed? or i will get extra 10 on top my old 9's ? THIS LIMIT IS GOOD, ITS PREVENTING OLYMPIAD FARMING CLASSES TO GO ON TOO HIGH POINTS. IF THERE WAS NO LIMIT, NECRO/DA HERO WOULD BE WHO MAKES MORE MATCHES, NOW YOU HAVE TO PLAY WELL ALL THESE 30 MATCHES EVERY WEEK AND THATS IT. iT ALSO PREVENT FEEDING AT SOME POINT. U NEVER PLAYED OLY? HOW COME U DONT KNOW SUCH THINGS. While on the Olympic Stadium you cannot use any chat.make sure we cannot use any like trade,friendinvite,any couple dances requests,or any other windows for your partner with choises yes or NO the only good iea from you if both characters have not caused damage to each other during the combat, its considered a draw, and both players lose 1/5 of the points, capped on max 10 points. so its mean tie?? and bot players had changed then 1/5 part of points? or they both looze the point and they just gone ?(like both players looze fight,but non one got partner points)???? Yes both characters loose 1/5 (max 10). Nobody gets their points. It was always this way, why so surprised.
  17. ​San0 On ru off there is change of ewc p atk. C grade enchanted items have more p atk on 2.0 than on 1,5. WIll you implement this change here also? ​
  18. ​Some classes already geting rush on 2,0 official (tyrant). Tyrants in fact are the last class that needs it since its fastest meele clas in game atm. But well its ncsoft decision to give tush to tyrant, so our server follows that change. So your dream is already ruined anyway, if destro gets it also i ​ ​ ​i though the topic is about how Destro is sad, bcoz he cant reach target, so he need Rush. If he has Rush, he reach target, he also have stun + tons of dmg and even if he dont stun enemy, he will kill him with his combo after this. If enemy survives he can stun again. He also have tons of HP. Spoil has multiple stuns, but he has no tons of dmg and less HP and ofc no closing distance skill. Second thing Destro is better at PvE. Tons dmg, kill mob fast. Frenzy, Zealot. More STR, more dmg. I think you missed the point of spoil. PPl play spoil to make money, not to have pvp beast char. Destro cant make money and ppl do it purely to pvp( on older chronicles they did it to farm rbs/epics but not its not an option cos of nerf) So Why would any1 play destro if it sucks on pvp and cant farm money? Dorf is money making char, be happy its so strong already anyway.
  19. Thank you for looking into this. Rush will be great addition to destro's skill set and will make him viable on PVP. Now his aoe fear skill makes more sense. ​I understand your concerns. As I wrote before, Frenzy is just fine as it is now. About rage. Old rage was more about the choice. You could decide if you wanted to be punching bag with high p.def and low p.atk or if you want to sacrifice this survivability in favor of more damage. Over the body: was not stackable with COV/POF/... in older chronicles. Unless this is different in classic, there is no benefit to it unless you are fighting in olympiad. New skills... I would like to see these in action, if they can be compared to over9000 power, no reuse glad/tyrant/warlord skills. Parties prefer punching bags that have agression and shield defense so healers dont spend so much mana on healing them and mobs dont loose agro. Mobs are agroing on glass canon DDs after few hits so not much dmg to soak up if you cant keep agro. After +12 STR will be removed, his farm potential will go down compared to other melee classes. Nobody is single target farming anymore. And destro has inferior aoe compared to other melee. Cant wait for 2.0 to be available on test server, so I can check how it will turn out. Maybe you are right and destro will be great again. ​Always agreed with you, but cant agree with you this time. Destro doesnt have inferior aoe compared to others. He has aoe skill with pretty low reuse and good dmg plus he can hit auto atacks aoe while reuse (other clases except dorfs and warlords cant). Destro isnt "nerfed compared to other meeles" when +12 dyes are removed. Every class will have same change, not only destro so nothing gonna change in comparison between classes. About nobody is farming single target, plz tell me how to aoe with archers so mby i can exp faster ^^
  20. ​San0 On ru off there is change of ewc p atk. C grade enchanted items have more p atk on 2.0 than on 1,5. WIll you implement this change here also?
  21. i think spoil is good enough He can severa stuns, one with cancel and it has spoil so its useful in pvp and pve. Destro was useles on pve and pvp till now, I think this rush can change a lot, nice
  22. ​ ​Cool balance for destro in my opinion +1. San0 what are these 3rd clas dyes? Can u say smth more plz?
  23. ​Join server side or declare war to other sides and create ur own. PPl need pve spots and they pvp for it.If they cant pvp, they pk