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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Get a clue dude. Just wondering how since as core cp (uchihaitachi cp) in main WS clan (perkunas) our cp didnt have even 1 epic lvl 1 until 1 month ago if we were such a wining side all the time :D. Biz ebayed em all? You made my day.
  2. Nice joke, i thought you are serious. Or just joined server several weeks ago and dont know server history at all. When i joined server i actually had my own clan having war with perkunas and vigilence. Joined perkunas cos my ppl stopped playing and i had to find new cp - again chose weaker side that didnt farm epics etc. Worked for its success for months while suffering everyday on farm spots, built a lot of friendships even managed to bring 2 guys from my old clan to my actual cp. Eventually became core respected cp here, what is the reason for us to leave clan after this?
  3. Rizos

    PVP :D

    No flames this time. Not bad fights, i liked solo actions/solo ganks, gladi in its environment ^^. Nice gameplay to watch (i like meele gameplays). Dont forget about 1min selfbuffs next time and start clicking off bless shields and ither sh1tbuffs instead of geting overbufed ;). Several days ago i found your previous movie on youtube, totally by mistake, did you post it on forum aswell? It wasnt bad at all.
  4. I would join weaker side aswell and ur wrong. I actually joined uchiha cp when WS was weaker side. Uchi joined this clan when it was only 2 cp clan lol. Not leaving cos of loyalty. Simple as that.
  5. I meant items requiredto enter rift * just typed wrong
  6. Toi has so many so many floors and spots to farm that i dunno how u wanna lock it with 3-6 cps (what we usually have in prime time). Cloaths drop since floor 6 or 7 so every random can farm it. The only limit is you need 75 lvl pt to enter instance.
  7. Im sure that no matter how a grade is gonna look like on 2.0, chinase and korean players gonna outgear the rest, after opening their wallets :D, but i also hope a grades gonna be ultra hard, i also hope enchants B gonna be much more accessable..
  8. Rizos


    He na MA sie nada i do 'tankowania' zgadza sie. Sr przed 60 ssie - najmniejszy dps ze wszystkich lukow, dopiero rapid fire zmienia sprawe. Jednolity setup bez zroznicowania klas zwykle ssie bo jest mniej elastyczny,niemniej cp 4xpr z pewnoscia byloby lepsze niz 4x he. He ssie na klasiku, sprawdza sie do MA potrafi przyjac wiecej dmg i to by bylo na tyle jesli chodzi o jego uzytecznosc. Jakbym mial wybrac innego luka niz PR to zdecydowanie wzialbym SR a nie HE. Porownujac hp pr i he, roznica jest niewielka (10%). He odemnie z CP mial mniej hp z -15 con niz ja z -10 con. Roznica to jedynie sporo wiecej cp, ale cp nie jest tak wazne jak hp Edit: po 60 lvlu pr ma wiekszy dps niz he, chybaze ktos w pt pulluje moby i HE moze stac na snipe, wtedy ma taki sam dps jak pr (mowa o dps na ful bufie) Cp z jednym He to dobre cp, 2 He to juz chujnia.
  9. Tbh i believe 2.0 wont bring as intense pvps as we had on 1,5. 2.0 has too many exp spots and ppl wont be forced to pvp for spot :(. It will be mostly pvps for rbs/epics/castles and oly i think :<
  10. Its more like your ally lost ppl, than we recruited. With rest i agree
  11. Quoting and talking to ur clan/ally mate about his ally that cant react to changed environment? 1st time i agree with you
  12. Sorry bro i forgot you are so pro that you dont waste time for 9v9 with such nonfactor random that drop orfens. You go only 2 pt vs 1 so its faster P.S. Dont forget to repeat your propaganda 999 more times so mabye you start to believe in your own lies
  13. Haha i acomplished more than you on every server i played. Botter thinking that he has any skill in this game. Hmm i think i have some kind of dejavu. Wasnt this topic about same guy as you are? oh actually its not dejavu, you are the guy who didnt give up after multiple bans. Keep going bro
  14. Thank you, next time when im in abg ill try this tactics.
  15. brb following your advices "to make server future better". OOOO wait bro, where can i find guide "how to become noob"? I typed on google and cant find any good guide. help plz
  16. We need to become same bunch of unorganised random crap to make you happy so you can compete. Sure problem lays in our side not yours. Go cry me a river lol
  17. I heard that future hero 1 key char SR Modoy made hit 666 pvp score yesterday. /discuss?
  18. Rizos


    Hahahhaa JuanBsoean bsoed even in arranged 1v1? HAHA this guy is a joke
  19. dude ur such a pussy in game i guess u bsoe before my pc can render ur char, but the truth is i thought u use other nick in game than in forum cos i never saw u. If not forum, i wouldnt know you exist P.S. Investigation costs ticket + 5 euro, its not for free , so go ahead pay 5 euraski to check if im boter
  20. Rizos


    musisz obejrzec na pc a nie na sprobuj teraz. Ma ciągłość gry. Zobacz ze caly czas biegam na full hp a itak robie duzo wiecej dmg niz HE. Zobacz 17:53, fatal counter 3,6k na prawie full hp, a po nim double shot(skill z HE) 1700..
  21. Rizos


    Myrciu nie płacz już.. He nie robi nawet polowy dmg z double shota co PR z fatal countera. Jak ci sie nudzi to obejrzyj moj filmik
  22. Rizos


    He nie polecam. Lepiej pr albo nawet sr. Co chodzi o clan to polecam anathema