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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Following your logic lets give zerk to wc because he had it in old chronicles and now archers need to box pp? :/. Bad idea imo.
  2. If its truth show me my name on ban list. If not gtfo lie somewhere else u little pizdabol.
  3. I just proved u cant read, you are trash as person (betraying friends, lieing about them, scaming them), i proved ur liar. And now i know that tonearest and qweqweqwe is ur alt acc. Now cya trash
  4. Ask him who reported him, im pretty sure he will say it was me.
  5. Ok ask san0. Also show my name on Ban list cos if i was banned i should be on ban list right? Nice try
  6. I didnt bot u Fking pizdabol and u know it. Also after playing in 1 cp over 3 months you should know i wouldnt be happy to play with you or or other ppl in cp if they boted. ********************* didnt want to point this out before he replies with his poor excuses, so ******************************** u can put mouse on video and go to these times one after each other, those are only times there were not visible mobs for the soft, and our kingbottaki went to our old known "rest point", which is like the oldest feature of the bots what u can see there is he came to EXACTLY same spot, which is indicator of using soft which will bring u right to the spot (and its pretty impossible that only times there were not visible mobs that he would come to EXACTLY same spot) 27:4028:5031:2734:37 its nice that u try so hard and doing active botting (for ppl who doesnt know what it is, its pretty much u put L2 client into background botting while u do job/watch movies/bworse internet, while u set ALARM to notice u when ppl run in certain range (u can put w/e u want, preferably 4-5k+ so u have time to finish things and alt tab to pretend u are active), but sadly this is too obvious u are actually using software to help u play ************************************************************************************************************************************** Just learn to read bro
  7. Don't ignore this please, why u were playing with botter and continue doing this while u hate such people? and don't write smthng like "i did not see your post"; nothing to say when truth says you are twofaced liar? Loki you actually didnt forget to relog forum account to make the post. You didnt make Modoy's mistake ^^ Ask me with ur main account or dont expect any answer. I dont speak with box accounts.
  9. Nice clown fiesta Meanwhile when kkthx forum post appeared i could see this in game: 1st victim of forum boiz!
  10. You said you didnt notice anything wrong in movie while in 1st minute of movie you can see pp buffing with bot. So i assumed you are either blind or didnt watch, but since you can read my posts i think you cant be blind so u didnt watch it.
  11. Guy saying this without even watching the movie. Only brain damaged ppl wouldnt notice defending context in this post.
  12. no. You dont get my point. Read this if you didnt attend to school cos u nolifed in l2, mby they didnt teach you this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_proof So you didnt evenb watch the movie but you already defend the guy? Nice competent defender ^^. He buffs with pp with like 20s delay between buffs in 1st minute of the movie so you didnt even watch 1 min and u coment here LOL.
  13. Ofc, he always had alarm when another player appeared in x range, so he alt tabed from his movie or whatever he was doing during boting, and played actively on tank. But since Modoy was siting close to his spot for over 1h AFKing, kingbotaki let the bot do the job and ignored alarm about modoy, isnt it simple explaination? Still you didnt prove wrong any of Modoys arguments especially the one about "resting spot" but you bring arguments that ppl saw him active. You know what? I saw nixy pt in loa active a lot of times and sometimes they boted, does it mean if i saw them several timesz playing actively in loa that they never boted? Its wrong logic . Its not about proving that at least ONCE in his live he didnt bot and played active on his char in pve spot, but its about to prove if he EVER boted on his char lol. edit. When i was reading your posts about bot reports etc i always thought you are legit player, hate bots same as me and modoy and want legit players on server and you have a bit of sense of justice, but sadly when bot report is about clan mate you already change your mind. Its not how justice works
  14. Rizos

    Rizos #3 PvP Movie

    I can show you like 3 min material of Anytime fragging but from Rizo's POV :DD
  15. Rizos

    Rizos #3 PvP Movie

    @kktnxbye if you live in world of dreams and you rly believe ur party kicked our pt frpm loa and that ur pt is so strong but you cant proof your words then lets make 9vs9 today 21CEST in coliseum. No potions/scrols/additional boxes out of party allowed. Refusing the offer without offering another day or place is going to result in loose and admitting your cp doesnt stand a chance. Edit: Ok so you didnt show up, didnt answer to my invitation or anything, so I see that you gave up. Then dont you dare to shittalk my cp if you cant provide proofs and you are afraid to 9v9 US.
  16. What exacly has this char valivijelie in common with modoy? :O. @MoDoy its ur box? I just hate botters, dunno why you mention me, buf if you already called my bame ill say that in my opinion the guy on 50 min movie is obviously boting. You also didnt give any proof defending yourself. Movie that you posted showing some random tank, Should it have smth in common with me? Also i dont see any strange behavior of that guy to say its bot, mby you can explain me why you posted this video?
  17. Wow someone actually watched 42+ minutes of this sh1t :D. If there are live player actions from time to time, what does it implicate? He might be close to pc boting, watching moves and playing manually from time to time lol.
  18. Rizos

    Rizos #3 PvP Movie

    Ye when you have 1 person 75 ppl consider ur party already as full 75+ pt ^^. Also about numbers when i counted our side ppl on the movie pvps, i added all boxes aswell (it was always 9 or 18 or 27 etc and for sure we didnt have 100% live ppl, same as enemy side) Numbers might have small mistakes cos i just counted ppl manually on movie
  19. Rizos

    Rizos #3 PvP Movie

    I didnt play last 4-5 days cos of Easter holidays, some1 was boxing me, but when i played i dont remember ever dieing to any pt in loa 9v9 lately. Once we died to AD when i played and thats it.
  20. haha nice welcome to this botaki