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Everything posted by MoDoy

  1. afaik empty slot in armor has some base "P def", thats why full armors have slightly more p def than one would expect, because they virtually take just the upper slot, while leaving bottom slot empty
  2. since when this changed into DA vs necro instead of actually bringing lowkey classes into game :<
  3. cant believe things are actually moving at normal pace on ... what has corona done to this world? >.<
  4. actually @San0, you were thinking about how you could boost slightly suitability on dagger and i think this is perfect idea, not boosting damage/speed or any other poop, coz people would already complain (hurr durr i play mage and i get 10k one shot from dagger, who cares if mages crit for 3-5k from 900 range, but w/e, thats for another discussion) what you could do is switch/trick/shadow step not being resisted by mental/debuff resistance, right now its very depressing when you time perfectly your switch/shadow step to interrupt crucial enemy skill, but it does absolutely nothing (the best is when enemy evades shadow step, thats even cooler). Also this change is not noob friendly, because if you just randomly spam it, you wont achieve much with it ps: if you are worried TH interrupts every of your skills already now, ask admins to check his throwing dagger again, i am certain that it got bugged again with some reverse changes like other dagger skills and is not 25% anymore
  5. well, idk how long you want to invest in this, but i would say that buying 1st 3rd class skill which requires spellbook is legit end point (its much easier than last patch, but depending on class people will vote on you might struggle, e.g. with WC/OL its not so cheap thing), but reaching 76+ with totally new char without equip/dual box while you not camp bosses might take really long time (e.g. 2-3-4 months) so would be nice how much time daily you can invest (+- ofc) and how many days you intend to do it (2 weeks? start of summer? start of new school year? etc.) so people can give reasonable end point goal you need to reach
  6. "if mages werent broken and people were actually playing melees/archers, TK would be actually hella good i believe " - fastboi 2020
  7. only able to listen to K-pop while grinding, now that would make grind definitely harder than normal player would have it
  8. and here i thought once you make high enough lvl, i will sell you my hero making service qq
  9. why stupid? it would be like "1.0 challenge", cannot use anything from achievement system, shots only for pvp ;x or too pussy?
  10. but if you really want to go for zero to hero, i think only possibility for you is go playing summoner 1) grinding even solo will be sustainable 2) only 3rd class skill you need is 3rd class summon, which is free (and generally other summoner SB are kinda cheap as well) 3) it actually doesnt necessarily need any equip (sure, equip helps a lot, but it means the least on summoner), no need for epics, no need for insane armor/weapon, you could do it with BW light +3 and CM with some nice yul rune (which isnt expensive) if you are skilled enough tho summoner might not be that much of interesting class ppl want to see, but who knows
  11. this, i know its not as fun for you as playing the nostalgia game you once used to, but generally would be nice idea to start finally thinking about long promised tournament, about its restrictions (gear/level/classes/etc.) about your stream, sadly this will be flawed i believe, as there will be people who will try to help you (e.g. you will create party matching to look for some buffer so you can go grind, someone might go and buff you with high lvl or just pretend they want xp and log low lvl PP so you instant get party and generally will try to help you out and on other hand there will be handful of people trying to stream snipe you only because of admin streaming such stuff)
  12. thats not what i am saying, but if we want to actually fix broken stuff, MoH wouldnt be on my top 5 list i think
  13. finally something that can kill DAs and necros showed up, you better nerf it asap san0
  14. so let me tell you something, the approach you have is wrong, sure, MoH hitting like truck, its relevant mostly in oly (finally someone can rekt those DAs/necros with at least some chance), does it matter in normal pvp? doubt, also rather than nerfing classes and seeing waterfalls of tears, you increase powerlevel on other non played and useless classes and some people might be happy (those few brave warriors who stick to their class no matter what), people might try new setups and experiment, etc. etc. and even then, the moment i would start talking about nerfing "OP stuff", i can guarantee you i would smash those fear classes before touching anything else
  15. so since SR/HE seems like done, next few classes which could use some boost @San0 1) warlord - give him some debuff, but it goes through puri (same like aggro/provoke/stigma/real target), range ~300 and its casted around the target you have (something like mass curse gloom on necros), lets say duration 15 second and base reuse 30s (so it will go to like 24s with full s/d?) and description would be "decrease targets stun resistance by 20%" and it would be flat, same like BW armor gives - now that way they might land something more during mass pvps for which those classes are used, but to cast it they have to go in front and possibly get bursted and also will struggle a bit less in olympiad with this BW fiesta (note - they still are not going to be OP OP, because they cannot spam this skill) 2) elemental mages (NOT NECRO) - give them this Bind skill, which will help them a bit in olympiad, because thats where they struggle a lot while they are fine in open world pvp, which this skill wont affect almost at all, change reuse to something like 30-40s so its not spammable like retarded necros silence/doom (dont forget, we want to balance them, not make them OP OP) and make it be physical AND magical (so pretty much slightly less retarded brother of curse of doom, because it will be just 10s duration and 40s reuse)
  16. i dont think PR need boost (and if he got boost, that would once again just nerf HE/SR), dead eye is not really that useless of skill in mass pvp, sure, you lose some atk speed but on the other hand you get nice P atk boost (helps with aa AND FC dmg) and crit dmg boost for auto attacks and on auto attacks, well, you dont really feel that much of a difference (the worst you see it on skills), so that kinda punishes PRs who only plays with fatal on the other hand, they gave you way how to increase your atk speed by giving SR atk speed trigger, if you think that can boost your PRs even more, you can try SR in your setup
  17. up for wrong values on elixirs, which are unplayable right now
  18. sure, but despite that, i still think HE is unplayable on official and HE >>might<< be playable here, but not because of this snipe boost, but because of trigger dash this snipe boost is only to compensate the lack compared to PR, so you get at least slight value out of HE while being useful to party with trigger, dont take me wrong, this is not "blindly following official", this is actually start of balancing stuff. you class is super duper garbage? here, take this boost cookie so you are a bit better and i honestly dont see anything wrong with this attitude
  19. hm? you know on official they had this change (okay, they deduce HE -20 speed, but come on), so in the end its possible even on official to use snipe+dash
  20. and i say. why not? is that something so insane that it shouldnt be able to work together? is it game breaking or something?
  21. dude, just no ... do you think server will swarm with HE/SR now? at least now they can finally be considered to be played in party (HE having 1100 range instead of 900 can be nice in mass pvp, SR having 20% more atk speed on 900 range than HE and 30% than PR can also make at least some sense, with new triggers)
  22. so no changes on sieges? everything like its supposed to be in the end?
  23. buffing sticks not that i particularly liked buffing 20 times during prep time in oly same buff to proc mental/btb/focus, but i think view on olympiad arena was nicer in past, rather than now, which is wall