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Everything posted by MoDoy

  1. MoDoy

    The Specialist of bugs?

    i spoke with san0 if its just packet loss (like for example here that sometimes i cannot see people or its somehow dagger related, he told me he doesnt know yet, if you think our goal is to abuse sh1t out of something, boi you are wrong you are accusing someone who tries freaking hella lot to make server better and help admins as much as possible and this is what we get for it from community? ok pal, if thats what you want, i will find a way how to destroy your side single-handedly if you want to talk dirty about me, i promise you
  2. no, i didnt miss the point, but right now you kill it, it says some weird message lets say and does nothing, if it did something, maybe some of them would figure it out like "huh, our pt doesnt need to avoid gemlins/leoguls suddenly? wait, where are they??" first of all it doesnt work like this on server and second of all even if it worked like this, its wrong, thus bugged
  3. well, i am pretty sure less people would pm you if it was working correctly actually, because right now even after killing hekaton there are legouls and gemlins spawning non stop, they shouldnt spawn first hour after hekaton is killed
  4. MoDoy

    beast shots

    it was custom at start on this server, but on official they were never tradeable
  5. MoDoy

    beast shots

    no, wth, dont be lazy or if you want to carry more, dont lower your con
  6. MoDoy

    WTB Drake boots +8

    up, last session (now on live) didnt go as planned OFC broke to +4 +4 +5 +5
  7. MoDoy

    Dagger Guide

    dont go drake, BW light is the one you want to go for, generally its tankier for both physical and magical skills
  8. MoDoy

    04:00am 9vs36

    this is how i imagine sjeks after that pvp, must felt great :d
  9. nice to see that you cannot even realize what everything changed in zaken patch, with that attitude i can just tell you good luck
  10. its called theory crafting, google the term and start studying, because predicting some scenarios is not "hilarious" but has background behind it
  11. i would be happy if they surprised me (to be fair, in those pvps i was quite surprised already, expected more of a fight to be fair but maybe they will learn in future)
  12. its not teasing, its genuine curiosity question what they thought about
  13. this topic should be rated NC-17 after that rape comment from san0 i just wonder if they thought we were kidding with the phrase "wait for update" when they were taunting us like month ago or they trully believed in things they were saying
  14. i wanted to quote something funny from horzelius, but he didnt say anything funny for a long time ps: since when @San0 became expert of pvp?
  15. MoDoy

    Fist days of Zaken

    plz no focus our pt, we are just useless daggerz :<
  16. MoDoy

    "zaken gift"

    you forgot to add Boss: you MUST stay 2 hours longer, i will pay you triple of your normal salary for it! if thats what boss would say to me 1 day after 2 years, i dont think i would be against it, especially since it pays off itself
  17. MoDoy

    "zaken gift"

    but its still a gift, just because you trashed it doesnt mean it wasnt gift if i give you flowers as gift and you dont put it to water because you have to go somewhere, you come back and they are withered doesnt mean it was sh1t gift, just you didnt take care of it
  18. MoDoy

    "zaken gift"

    i mean, it trully is the best gift you can get, just coz you wasted it doesnt mean its bad
  19. MoDoy

    WTB Drake boots +8

    funny thing is, from like first 30 drake boots i enchanted in past 1.5 year not even one went to +6, then when i bought some pairs +6 and tried with improved, they all broke before update i logged on test server, took 8 boots+6 and put improved enchant on it. result? 3x +9 and 2x+8 .... no comment
  20. MoDoy

    WTB/WTS 3rd class books

    up, balance life sold
  21. MoDoy

    DDos Adventures

    thats crit rate from base m crit, i am more worried about crit dmg :< but i understand hero mages must hit strong, its just unbelievable how much they hit considering its 900 range and cast speed is huhaho :d
  22. MoDoy

    DDos Adventures

    damn, must be annoying to get that daily, in past they used to ddos our ts only during olympiad but now rlly, whats wrong with mage dmg, no matter how much m def and dmg reduction i stack on myself, they freaking 3 shot me anyway :< nerf nukes sano plx
  23. MoDoy

    The -4% Prodigy

    ah, all fighters on your side goes deg build to be punching bags?
  24. MoDoy

    The -4% Prodigy

    wait, what? tyrants hit for 3 digit numbers nowadays?