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Everything posted by Neemis

  1. It all depends on situation. Anything could be useful if you know how to make yourself survive. You just need to invest time and adena in skill enchanting and good items. I remember back in the day (2011) when I was a cardinal in my team and I received like 20 codexes to enchant my heals and some passives. That +20 major heal . It's such a shame GoD came with the 4th class. It was too big of a change. Eh, maybe lineage 3 will be like its should. I really don't like that lineage eternal. Seems a crappy diablo copy with something different here and there. I find Lord of Vampires skill pretty useless if VR effect is "chance trigger". In this situation I would make it a 5-15 min buff with somewhat lowered VR effect. As I can see COV/VOP are more of an offensive buff since they give p/m atk and casting/atk spd and crit. POF is more of a defensive buff, good for tanks. Powi is good for melee, daggers mostly, but one can experiment with other classes. Powa is undoubtedly for mages (man I remember back in C4 when EE had powa on him/her and Recharge worked on recharges also; full mana in 1min or so).
  2. Vitalize could be a nice group heal if enchanted for cost + clarity + powa + songs. SE has powi which is rather good for melee with that +10% speed boost.
  3. What mass cleanse are you two referring to? Mass cure poison only removes poison... Edit: oh, you're referring to Mass Vitalize . Well, then the chimera reason is the only one that I think of too. Mass cure poison is useless for SE since he has Mass purify. For EE it could be useful and a cheaper version of vitalize.
  4. Hello, A few months ago you advised that a new high five server will be opened sometime in January (or something like that). Yet there has been no new news about it. Will it be opened? Did you cancel the project? What about that 2.0 update you've been advertising since like... forever? I would restart playing on either, whichever one comes first: H5 or 2,0.
  5. ​Seriously ??? We have different healers and buffers for some reason... I really wouldn't like to have everything same on them. SE is better buffer than EE (moustly), but EE is better healer (and b'cos of that he have better ress than SE too). SE/EE/PP buffs for whole pt ? Maybe like OL for whole clan, or whole ally even ? ... And maybe BP should insta heal whole ally too? And for 1mp? And give then new skill to "heal" CP bar too... ​You don't have to answer so aggressively. It was just a suggestion of my opinion of a small boost. And I didn't suggest a change with no consequences. As for that whole party buff possibility I explained that the mana cost goes up multiplied by the number of people in the party. And no, I didn't write anywhere about Bishop healing the whole alliance for 1mp. I didn't suggest SE/EE/PP buffing the whole alliance. You don't have to hyperbolize what I said just to make your point.
  6. I voted for the last one. I would suggest that Spell Master passive to give +5MP/tick or a % of MP regeneration instead of magic critical. This should only be applied to robe supports. Give SE and PP Resurrection with at least 50% exp return. If it's possible, make it so that buffers like SE/EE/PP buff the entire party. BUT, if it's possible make it so that the mana cost of the buff goes up by how many people are in the party. For example, if there are 3, multiply the cost by x3, if it's full party, multiply it by x9. Exclude profecies or high lvl buffs accordingly.
  7. Either I am going crazy and imagining that I'm posting or you are deleting my posts or this forum is screwed up. o_O Seems it's the latter one.
  8. ​Why would they give Major Heal to EE when Greater Heal has the old effects? Greater Heal 29 active 114 0 2400000 600 - Restores the target's HP with 720 Power.Above is the final lvl for this skill for EE/SE, at 74. And below is the final lvl for this skill for Bishop, at 74: Greater Heal 33 active 120 0 2000000 600 - Restores the target's HP with 755 Power. I would rather suggest you remove Mass Cure Poison from Shillien Saint because it's a waste of SP and it only removes poison, while Mass Purify is better and removes poison, bleed, petrification and paralysis. And I still encourage the devs to introduce some sort of mana management system for support robes (not mp elixirs/pots) but either a passive or an active, and I'm not referring to Invocation. Or, rework Invocation in such a manner that it gives less mp, but you can still move and the effect is cancelled if you're hit, and lower the cooldown. You can use it more often and it would help you not to sit all the time for mana. Or bring those low/med mana herbs I've been mentioning everywhere on this forum.
  9. Better wait for that hi 5 server to open than to hope for 2.0
  10. I always liked the idea of Clan Halls in the town of Oren. Maybe you can make some advertisement to attract new people on Classic and give them a chance to win a half priced auctioned clan hall in Oren. Meaning you could try to code 2-3 halls in Oren... if it's possible, I'm not an IT savvy.
  11. NC soft or Classic Club should make a passive skill for support classes that gives back xx amount of mana, with a chance, when hitting a monster while farming. It's not like orc mystic mechanics in god, nor like prophet passive. And it's just to help solo healers when there's no party. Either this or introduce some low/med lvl mana herbs.
  12. ​I think you already know what you want but don't realize it yet.
  13. If you implement the Daily Reward system, don't add shots as a reward because it will fuck up dwarves. You could tweak that passive for mystics a bit: giving some mp regen for healers and supports instead of magic critical.
  14. That herb of progress barely drops. It's completely useless. I would exchange that crap with a low/medium mana herb.
  15. Why do you people come here saying D grade market will die, when the admins said fucking clearly that, after studying the market, there is no D grade one. And the items of D grade available are over-enchanted and and expensive.
  16. ​Pretty low. I got one an hour ago.
  17. For the herb of progress drop in Breka Stronghold, is it limited to breka orcs or it could drop from bugbears too? Does it extend to Gorgon Garden?
  18. Are you going to make a post with the suggestions that were posted here that were considered suitable, then add them to the game or is this just a post for theorizing?
  19. As a suggestion for the new H5 server, you could change the amount of exp required to level from 76-85 by making it hard so that people wouldn't leave cause they are 85 in ~3 weeks or so. Change the xp loss upon death by mob, leave xp loss on siege/territory war/pvp. I don't think it would impact things too badly. You could even remove the 7s quests but make it so that upon reaching lvl 79 and 81 you can buy the rewards those quests give you. Just some late night thoughts.
  20. ​and you still will not have on those other servers most of the stuff you guys are asking here for the newbies. so what would be the point? anyway i think you guys are not considering also the psychological part of a difficulty level burst. imagine we make all that you guys suggested, lets say, herbs for low levels, and extra exp and free d grade and all of this. so guy will start in 2 days he will get to 40, he wont have money for anything becuz he exped way faster then he should so he didnt farmed money, his useless moon knight set is now even more useless, all the easy extras he had till now are now over. so what now? instead of having someone who took 5 days to get to level 40 but he got there and he was rdy for what was coming, you gonna get a guy who got to lvl 40 for free and now he is naked and stomped of how hard this game is. ​I've been playing for 2 weeks and I got a D weapon, devotion set, some bssd and 150k adena, lvl 29. It was/is so boring to rest for mana. Couldn't find a clan, the only raid party I found ended with a server disconnection, so yeah, I will definitely leave for H5, until it dies, cause all h5 servers die. It's such a pity that this beautiful game is being destroyed with every update that comes on official GoD. I mean. I really liked the GoD idea, BUT not the awakening. If they really wanted to introduce that awakening they should've kept the system of 32 classes. I mean, was it really hard to give, for example, Cardinals those Aeore skills: Panic heal, Progressive heal, Balance heal, party celestial, single target celestial? Was it hard to give SE/EE Brilliant recharge and that mass recharge, but NO balance heal or other skills from Cardinal? The most I like about GoD is everything until you awaken. Giving SE major heal, EE greater grp heal, making inquisitor a non-transform skill, so you can heal yourself. Everything before awakening is so nice, except those BD/SWS common dances/songs, cause that was a precursor to eliminating a Bard (BD/SWS) from the party, cause they lowered the number in parties. Let's face it, lineage 2 kind of stopped being the game we loved when Awakening came. I like some things in awakened classes too, the healer for example, it really is a healer with self sustainability in both mana and health. We cling to h5 because it was the last chronicle of the game we loved. This classic game is nice only because it's a hybrid, giving other classes' skills to other classes (PP/SE - might of heaven), giving some new passives, some new skills in 3rd class. I play here because some things are customized and balanced. I don't want extra xp or higher rates, but some mana herbs here or there and actual adena farming would be nice. I for one like to farm my money and buy my gear, maybe craft some jewels.
  21. ​As a fellow recharger you should hate the idea of mana herbs But I agree, the idea of much faster progress will be appealing for many people, that's why I'm so afraid of the H5 server... And +1 on the quest rewards, they're really awful, all of them, for example the Alligator Island quest, you need to kill 1000+ mobs (which drop ~1500 adena each) to get 4000 adena as a quest reward?! I mean, usually I'd say 'if you dont like them then dont do them' but the reward is literally nonexistent, and some of us like doing quests... But getting 2 mobs worth of gold for 2 days of work is just depressing. ​You can make ~1mil adena from those lvl 40 quests in Cruma if the rates are 3x-4x. And other quests are worthwhile in rewards if the rates are 3-4x. I think that all 20s quests are worth it when the adena reward is good. I hate crafting in lineage, too much fail, so I farm and make quests in order to buy my gear. This is possible in H5, especially when you make 76 and consider taking turn undead (as a SE) and farm in pagan temple, or make a DA/SK sub and farm toi with banish seraph at angels and platinum tribe. As one guy wrote on some forum "people think that 50-100 adena drop makes the game nostalgic", Well, you might be right with the herb idea, but I was thinking of herbs that give you small and medium mana amount. It's bad to farm 3 min, then sit 5 min...
  22. I would start on H5 because it's easier to level and get gear. I like playing Shillien Elder and in H5 it will be so much easier and fun. I can make money to gear myself, here it's so hard I have to stay with devotion to have 15% casting speed. The idea of classic and implementations are interesting, giving classes like PP and SE might of heaven for all mobs, and other custom changes like those are appealing to me. If you added some mana herb drops on classic I would reconsider. Quest adena reward is broken... some quests in early 40s give so good adena when the server rates are x3. Eh...when your H5 server dies in 6 months maybe people will return to classic. Your new H5 server announcement made me enter a battle of choices between Classic and H5.... I hate this feeling. I think that I'm 90% sure I will leave classic for H5.