Douglas Furlan

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About Douglas Furlan

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  • Birthday 02/22/1991

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  1. what is the success%?
  2. 1 hour 3 eggs, nice event for you who have time
  3. increases chance of drop. I Need Firework!
  4. Mano, o máximo que consegui foi +12, devo ter gastado uns 200 itens por enquanto. Problema é uma única arma por vez, então +17 tem que estar com o c. pra lua. E, por enquanto as box +9 só merda de drop ... Compensa vender os itens mesmo! Espero que o evento de aniversário seja melhor.
  5. Do you want me to bring you a valakas? haha
  6. For me this was the worst event ever! Large FirecrackerQuick Healing Potion (ABOUT 15 OF THAT SHIT :@)1st class buff scroll2nd class buff scrollElixir of LifeElixir of MindEvent - Fresh BeerSealed Runes lvl 1 x10Proof of Blood x10EXP/SP scroll (30%)EXP/SP scroll - Normal (50%)EXP/SP scroll - Medium (70%)EXP/SP scroll - High (100%) Enchant Armor D Grade Enchant Armor A Grade Enchant Weapon D GradeEnchant Weapon C GradeEnchant Weapon A GradeBae Kisung Holiday Agathion Opened about 75 box I must have missed 80kk haha
  7. 1 - A single item for event; 2 - Remove Firework and Buff scroll (1st and 2nd); * Place MP Potion (5) and Special Pirate Fruit 3 - More fall frequency; 4 - Opinion about the event item: Could put a chance on getting col too, Even if the percentage is low; 5 - Opinion about the event item: Box / Rune EXP 30 / 50 / 70 / 100% for 7 days; 6 - Opinion about the event item: Jewel Boss (Even if the chance is 0.00001%); 7 - Opinion about the event item: Agathion Singer & Dancer; 8 - Christmas costume or Transformations;
  8. Let's have a Christmas event? We are anxious.
  9. Are slang and lol to Portuguese is a laugh not funny! kkkkkkkkk it's much better AUSHUAHSUAHS
  10. "kkkkkk" it's just a laugh, and not a mockery! At least BR's are more fun.
  11. i want eventtttttttttttttttt, ?? all very stopped!
  12. Event announced! Kse, one-hour event? or, will it extend during the month?
  13. Você deve me perguntar, por qual motivos alguém escolhe Dion como um local favorito e mais bonito? Eu te respondo, Dion me traz uma Nostalgia enorme! Além de ser uma vila prática, bonita e pequena, na qual já me aventurei por todo seu território, proporcionando diversos diversos PVP’s, PK’s e claro fazendo muitos amigos, o que mais gosto em Dion... É a música tema, disparada a melhor música do L2, ela traz calmaria e, leva minha alma de volta à minha infância. Graças ao, pude reviver todos momentos novamente e, perceber que o L2 está tendo sua história reconstruída.