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Cyclic macros

Cyclic macros  

76 members have voted

  1. 1. Keep cyclic macros or not?

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I would like know what comunity think about cyclic macros.

Easy question, like a player who play many times alone i prefer keep cyclic macros but on other hand its hard for GMs and admins find botters.

And if will be off people have to more co-operate.

But i am still for keep them.

Thanks for your opinions.

Gl and Hf

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well, now when even official servers smacked that feature out, i dont think there is mercy for it anymore coz you cannot even argue that its custom change :D

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Тут все сложно ...
я 98 %  времени играю 1  ( есть саппорты - которые естественно на макросах )  --- и такие как я будут голосовать за оставление макросов ...

Ну и бот  тоже за макросы  
есть те  люди которые играют конст пати  ( им макросы не нужны ) они будут голосовать против  чтоб они остались ...


выяснить кто больше прав ... нереально 

есть вариант чтоб устроил всех  -- это изменить нечто 
время бафа   BD  SVS   до 5 минут      (  PP SE EE WARC OWER   76 buff до 10 минут   ...  pof chov cov )
и тогда одиночкам  цикл макросы  возможно не будут нужны  - разве что для ассист цели


It's all complicated ...
I play myself 98% of the time (there are support services - which are natural on macros) --- and people like me will vote to leave the macros ...

Well, the bot is also for macros.
There are those people who play const party (they don’t need macros), they will vote against them so that they stay ...

find out who is more right ... unreal

there is an option to suit everyone - to change something
BD SVS buff time up to 5 minutes (PP SE EE WARC OWER 76 buff up to 10 minutes ... pof chov cov)
and then the macros may not be needed for individuals alone - except for the assist goal

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exp-partys turned into a fking loop fiesta.

there is no way around deleting the automatic loop macros.

Edited by Anytime

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  On 3/26/2019 at 3:19 PM, Alexandr41 said:

Тут все сложно ...
я 98 %  времени играю 1  ( есть саппорты - которые естественно на макросах )  --- и такие как я будут голосовать за оставление макросов ...

Ну и бот  тоже за макросы  
есть те  люди которые играют конст пати  ( им макросы не нужны ) они будут голосовать против  чтоб они остались ...


выяснить кто больше прав ... нереально 

есть вариант чтоб устроил всех  -- это изменить нечто 
время бафа   BD  SVS   до 5 минут      (  PP SE EE WARC OWER   76 buff до 10 минут   ...  pof chov cov )
и тогда одиночкам  цикл макросы  возможно не будут нужны  - разве что для ассист цели


It's all complicated ...
I play myself 98% of the time (there are support services - which are natural on macros) --- and people like me will vote to leave the macros ...

Well, the bot is also for macros.
There are those people who play const party (they don’t need macros), they will vote against them so that they stay ...

find out who is more right ... unreal

there is an option to suit everyone - to change something
BD SVS buff time up to 5 minutes (PP SE EE WARC OWER 76 buff up to 10 minutes ... pof chov cov)
and then the macros may not be needed for individuals alone - except for the assist goal

in atharas patch buffs will be as you want, just wait a little bit ?

Edited by Poseidon

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  On 3/26/2019 at 2:24 PM, Wanali said:


I would like know what comunity think about cyclic macros.

Easy question, like a player who play many times alone i prefer keep cyclic macros but on other hand its hard for GMs and admins find botters.

And if will be off people have to more co-operate.

But i am still for keep them.

Thanks for your opinions.

Gl and Hf

Can you enter one more option in vote?

3: Cancel the cyclic macro every 4 mim

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  On 3/26/2019 at 10:37 PM, MPiRi said:

Can you enter one more option in vote?

3: Cancel the cyclic macro every 4 mim

that would be way too easy ^_^ make solo farming hard again!

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  On 3/26/2019 at 11:01 PM, MoDoy said:

that would be way too easy ^_^ make solo farming hard again!

or cancel every 2 min :D i can survive with out cyclic macros

but im thinking the mp cyclic macro it helps to recharge better




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@MoDoy not everybody like exp in party

some people like play alone cos sometimes the party not online and u have time at this moment (example) - not everybody want go on alt character when is CP offline


i know it will be off but just want know if i am alone who wants keep these macros.

but show that few people want keep but more people want off and it is fair ?

Edited by Wanali

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  On 3/27/2019 at 12:20 AM, Wanali said:

@MoDoy not everybody like exp in party

some people like play alone cos sometimes the party not online and u have time at this moment (example) - not everybody want go on alt character when is CP offline

and thats fine, nobody says anything else, but isnt it a bit unfair if 1 guy can make very similar things that whole active cp can do? and that would be fine as well, if the guy had to generate insane amount of effort (a.k.a. manage all his boxes, instead of just having loop macros to do all the work for him)

i personally dont like party xp, i always preferred powerleveling myself on party spots with ridiculous setups solo/duo, but that was in 1.5 when there were no macros and having to penta box to be able to efficiently farm those spots was just insane, you had to know how many alt tabs you had to do to jump to make s/d every 2 mins, how many alt tabs you have to do to get to SE box to clean anchor from limal, etc. etc.

now people have easy life, you loop bd, sws, stigma, 2 tyrants on assist, you play active on SK to hex/aggro/pull mobs and you have very similar kill speed to full party (if not even better), coz the more people you have, the more slackers you will have, while when you are solo you know nobody is going to do job for you so you are trying hard

so right now loop macros allow lazy people to make solo what you would normally be able to do with full party, which would be fine if you needed extra effort to achieve it, but you are doing literally same job as tank in fully active party

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  On 3/26/2019 at 10:37 PM, MPiRi said:

Can you enter one more option in vote?

3: Cancel the cyclic macro every 4 mim

they want to eliminate every possible botter excuse. even if a botter gets caught red handed controlling multiple windows at once, they can claim that it's cycling macro and he manually resets it every 4 minutes

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  On 3/27/2019 at 12:31 AM, MoDoy said:


i personally dont like party xp, i always preferred powerleveling myself on party spots with ridiculous setups solo/duo

That's my boy,i thought i was alone in this part

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  On 3/27/2019 at 12:20 AM, Wanali said:

@MoDoy not everybody like exp in party

some people like play alone cos sometimes the party not online and u have time at this moment (example) - not everybody want go on alt character when is CP offline


i know it will be off but just want know if i am alone who wants keep these macros.

but show that few people want keep but more people want off and it is fair ?

If you have second pc coz after the cancel cycle macros you need to have active the window, example the BD who use every 2 min dances (Soon...... will be 5min).

You can use the next to you keyboard or second pc to press the F key or can use some keyboard/mouse with macro set (if allowed) or you can use something like this :) Or we cant play the game with foot? ?


  • Haha 1

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  On 3/27/2019 at 12:31 AM, MoDoy said:

i personally dont like party xp, i always preferred powerleveling myself on party spots with ridiculous setups solo/duo, but that was in 1.5 when there were no macros and having to penta box to be able to efficiently farm those spots was just insane, you had to know how many alt tabs you had to do to jump to make s/d every 2 mins, how many alt tabs you have to do to get to SE box to clean anchor from limal, etc. etc.

Solo cdl kariks ftw

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как бы проще всего запретить - ассист  таргет  и все больше ничего  менять не надо  .... 

я люблю играть 1  --- потому что я свободен от CP  ...  
я куплю 2-3 премиум аккаунта и макрос BD PP  заменит мне в EXP  всю пати  - ибо я буду свободен во времени от всех .
отменят макрос  - уменьшится  количество  премиум аккаунтов ... что логично

as if to ban the easiest way - target assist and more and more nothing needs to be changed ....

I like to play 1 --- because I am free from CP ...
I will buy 2-3 premium accounts and the BD PP macro will replace the whole party in my EXP - for I will be free in time from everyone.
cancel the macro - the number of premium accounts will decrease ... which is logical

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  On 3/27/2019 at 8:45 AM, Rip said:

Solo cdl kariks ftw 

y, sadly it was a bit harder with archers than necros with bugged orfen 3 :/ but still even those had to make more effort than what nowadays trains in toi do (just loop 9 chars and play 1 actively like its nothing)

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  On 3/27/2019 at 12:28 PM, MoDoy said:

y, sadly it was a bit harder with archers than necros with bugged orfen 3 :/ but still even those had to make more effort than what nowadays trains in toi do (just loop 9 chars and play 1 actively like its nothing)

I didnt have orfen that time.

3 rechargers, buffer, bd 

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  On 3/27/2019 at 12:30 PM, Rip said:

I didnt have orfen that time.

3 rechargers, buffer, bd  

yeah, but others who did that (like for example jerry) had :D still it was easier than with archers i would say, coz you needed full party of supports (including cat), healer with purify and 2 DDs to have somehow good dps to kill mobs :P good old times

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  On 3/27/2019 at 12:40 PM, MoDoy said:

yeah, but others who did that (like for example jerry) had :D still it was easier than with archers i would say, coz you needed full party of supports (including cat), healer with purify and 2 DDs to have somehow good dps to kill mobs :P good old times

Or just a tank :D 


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