San0 Zaken + v2, update patch notes.

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22 minutes ago, InAir said:

Is this real? Full pt need to kill 9x600=5400 mobs to get 20 coins? 

How can you create such clown desicion?

20 coins, 3 pirate fruits, high xp scroll and 3 buff scrolls

sungs suggestion doesnt seem bad, but on other hand rizos had very good point on discord, that this was made to make bracelets more accessible to new players, in which case if you dedicate yourself to SV farm, you can do it several times a day now and complete your bracelet much sooner

on the other hand, i guess its just extra cookie for farming in GC, its not like you need to finish it in a day or anything, you just get some boost for what you already do nowadays

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IMO, the best way - make this quest weekly, for example 1000 mobs in SV or GC per week. And it will give like 30-40 coins. 

And of course anyway 1 mob must give quest items to all PT.


Now - no reason to farm quest with full pt.  You again made content to farm solo tyr/destr with off party support.  Very bad idea, guys.  I hope this was a mistake, which will be fixed.

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Stuns usually have ridiculously high land rates. They land relatively easy even through puri most of the times. I believe the main issue that it's very easy to get lots of stun resistance on Zaken patch through bw sets. And it's not only that. They make A grade sets look as if it's nothing special if they are not OE'd. 

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34 minutes ago, sung said:

Прежде всего, ХОРОШАЯ РАБОТА с этим обновлением, кроме нескольких вещей, это, в общих чертах, очень хорошее обновление.

Хорошо, я только что узнал, что миссии «Новый квест» по убийству мобов в день Solo / Party работают не так, как я ожидал, поэтому для информирования ппл:
как и в данный момент, 1 моб дает 1 QI 1 случайному игроку в партии, не всем.

Давайте поговорим о квесте 75+, предназначенном для выполнения в SV / GC
SV = Solo Farm Area
GC = Party Farm Area

Если вы думаете, что для выполнения квеста, который должен быть выполнен Ежедневно, стоит инвестировать 3 часа + - с ПОЛНЫМ СТ в СОЛЬНОЙ ОБЛАСТИ, где вы НИЧЕГО не получаете в обмен на exp / farm / PvP (весело), или 1 неделя, чтобы сделать это на GC, где вы не можете сравнить этих мобов с LOA или другими местами, убивающими «скорость ... вы бредите.

Я также узнал, что этот 75+ предназначен для повторения, что позволит одиночным игрокам или полным очкам использовать ферму на SV, чтобы получить как можно больше ежедневных монет.
Разве это не противоположность того, что все хотят для здорового сервера? Разве мы не хотим побудить ppl отправиться на ферму на территории Party Farm, чтобы вокруг происходили драки и действия, чтобы остановить текущую ситуацию на сервере? (журнал логов для боссов и выход из системы после этого, потому что нет смысла фармить что-либо ближе к прогрессу в РБ).

Поговорив со многими людьми об этом и обсуждая разногласия, я вижу, что это очень ясный и очень простой способ сбалансировать ситуацию.


- Сделать квест ЕЖЕДНЕВНО
- 1 MOB даст QI всем PT
- Сделать Свитки Экспресса пригодными для использования в ближайшие часы, чтобы предотвратить большой удар ускорения опыта или складывание их людьми.

Это, ИМХО, побудит ppl переместиться в Party Zones и ИГРАТЬ на сервер, более чем регистрируя 30 минут для боссов ежедневно.
Это предотвратит квест на ppl-квесте по пути квеста Solo, который не сделает этот сервер пвп здоровым раз и снова и не уложит слишком много ежедневных монет за слишком короткое время.
Это не повлияет на повышение EXP с сервера.

Пожалуйста, если вы, ребята, так думаете, поддержите это, пожалуйтесь и заставьте их слушать нас, потому что это будет безумно бесполезно и не принесет изменений, которые нужны серверу для продвижения PvP.

Другие моменты из моего собственного отзыва на это обновление:

- Вы все еще должны исправить навык дальности действия Тирана / Гладиатора, который дает им заряд (в Тире его Ярость, я не могу вспомнить Рад), он делает INSANE больше урона, чем он делал за 3-4 года, которые я играл в Skelth offi Classic.

- Из-за изменений в сегодняшнем обновлении ... Призыватели будут imho слишком хороши в OLY  (и они уже были), я предлагаю некоторые изменения, чтобы сбалансировать их, о чем я думаю: Увеличьте время каста Summoning Pets and Cubics, чтобы его было не так просто чтобы восстановить для них питомцев, с другой стороны, вы можете снизить потребление MP Summon Heal / Recharge / Cleanse, чтобы дать им реальное пространство для игры с вызовами вообще.

- После некоторых испытаний с WL этот Stun по-прежнему не проходит через Puri, в течение многих лет, когда я играл в офффи, и теперь здесь,  Puri - настоящая проблема всегда , это тоже OP, Мое предложение:
сделать Song of Purification обратно 2 минуты назад / 4 Время перезарядки мин, чтобы сделать его более распространенным, не столь уникальным, и взамен уменьшать сопротивление дебаффу до 40-50%.

75+ квест выполнил


3 special  pirate fruit 

3 buff scroll

1 active in player buff-----1 hour  sp/xp  30 %


75+ quest completed


3 special pirate fruit

3 buff scroll

1 active in player buff ----- 1 hour sp / xp 30%

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4 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

20 coins, 3 pirate fruits, high xp scroll and 3 buff scrolls

sungs suggestion doesnt seem bad, but on other hand rizos had very good point on discord, that this was made to make bracelets more accessible to new players, in which case if you dedicate yourself to SV farm, you can do it several times a day now and complete your bracelet much sooner

on the other hand, i guess its just extra cookie for farming in GC, its not like you need to finish it in a day or anything, you just get some boost for what you already do nowadays

Im new player (started at october 2019), and i want to get at least 5 lvl braslet more quickly, but not through such stupid way. You'll see - this quest only for solo meeles (like other farm content in this game).


  • Thanks 1

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12 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

20 coins, 3 pirate fruits, high xp scroll and 3 buff scrolls

sungs suggestion doesnt seem bad, but on other hand rizos had very good point on discord, that this was made to make bracelets more accessible to new players, in which case if you dedicate yourself to SV farm, you can do it several times a day now and complete your bracelet much sooner

on the other hand, i guess its just extra cookie for farming in GC, its not like you need to finish it in a day or anything, you just get some boost for what you already do nowadays

@MoDoy we get your point. However, please ask yourself how does it really help new players. New players have tons of things to do if they want to catch up. They have to farm adena / items and exp their characters. Therefore, bringing this extra thing to do that cannot be done efficiently during their primes only makes them choose and split their time. In this case, exping / farming adena will always prevail, so new players will not actually benefit from this. That is why@ sung suggested to make it obtainable during the course of daily activity and not as an extra grinding goal. 

Edited by DevaK

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4 minutes ago, DevaK said:

@MoDoy we get your point. However, please ask yourself how does it really help new players. New players have tons of things to do if they want to catch up. They have to farm adena / items and exp their characters. Therefore, bringing this extra thing to do that cannot be done efficiently during their primes only makes them choose and split their time. In this case, exping / farming adena will always prevail, so new players will not actually benefit from this. That is why@ sung suggested to make it obtainable during the course of daily activity and not as an extra grinding goal. 

idk, back in the days, SV was popping that you could barely find any spot to farm, because it was such a good xp and adena (on top of full top B weapons), after reworked special aggro and idk what else, its fully dead

if i am new solo player, thats exactly what i would be looking for, if its CP, they get extra boost while farming GC already and they can make this quest solo when CP is offline and like 2 members are on or something to not waste time at all

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Just now, MoDoy said:

idk, back in the days, SV was popping that you could barely find any spot to farm, because it was such a good xp and adena (on top of full top B weapons), after reworked special aggro and idk what else, its fully dead

if i am new solo player, thats exactly what i would be looking for, if its CP, they get extra boost while farming GC already and they can make this quest solo when CP is offline and like 2 members are on or something to not waste time at all

Okay so basically you make it harder for competitive CPs to obtain it and easier for solo players. That's what we mean... So competitive CPs need to pause their activity to farm daily coins efficiently IF they want to get it. For instance I have to stop my GC powerlevel of important characters to go in SV and kill one by one if i want to have it on my main. I am sorry but this makes absolutely no sense at all.

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1 минуту назад DevaK сказал:

Итак, в основном, вам сложно уследить за конкурентными СР, чтобы получить его, и проще для соло-игроков. Вот что мы имеем в виду ... Таким образом, конкурентоспособные ДС должны приостановить свою деятельность, чтобы эффективно обрабатывать ежедневные монеты, ЕСЛИ они хотят ее получить. Например, я должен остановить уровень своих важных персонажей в GC, чтобы войти в SV, и убить одного за другим, если я хочу, чтобы он был у меня на главной. Извините, но это совершенно бессмысленно.

так что место в SV ... нет ...
много игроков в Sv

Edited by Amorfius

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1 hour ago, sung said:

First of All, GOOD JOB with this update, apart from few things, its, in General Terms, a very good Update.

OK, i just found out that New Quest missions of killing mobs daily Solo/Party aren't working as i expected, so in order to inform the ppl:
As it is at the moment, 1 mob is giving 1 QI to 1 Random player in a Party, not to everyone.

Lets Speak about the 75+ Quest, its intended to do it on SV/GC
SV = Solo Farm Area
GC = Party Farm Area

If u rlly think, that in order to do a quest that is intended to be done Daily, it will be worth to invest 3h+- with a FULL PT in a SOLO AREA, where u get NOTHING in exchange in terms of exp/farm/pvp (fun), or 1 week to do it on GC, where u cant compare those mobs with LOA or other places killing' speed... u're delusional.

I also found out that this 75+ is intended to be REPEATABLE, which will allow solo players or full pts to exploit the farm on SV in order to get as many Daily Coins as possible.
Isnt this the oposite of what everyone want for a healty server?, dont we want to motivate ppl to go farm outside on Party Farm Areas so that there's fights and activity around in order to stop the current situation in the server? (ppl log for bosses, and log off after, coz there's no reason to farm worth any closer to RB progress).

After speaking with many ppl about this and Dicussing on Discord, i see it very clear and very easy way to make it balance.


- Make quest DAILY
- 1 MOB will give QI to all PT
- Make Exp Scrolls usable in next hours to prevent big exp boost impact or ppl stacking them.

This will, IMHO, Motivate ppl to move into Party Zones and PLAY the server, more than logging 30 mins for bosses daily.
This will prevent from ppl farming the quest Solo way, which doesnt make this server pvp healty once and again and Stacking too many Daily Coins in too short time.
This will not impact the EXP boost from Server.

Pls, if u guys think this way, support it, complain, and make them Listen us, coz its gonna be insanely USELESS and not gonna bring the changes that server needs atm to promote PvP.

Another Points from my own feedback to this Update:

- You Should still fix the Tyrant / Gladiator Range Skill that gives them charges (in Tyr its Raging force, cant remember Glad), its doing INSANE more dmg than it was doing on the 3-4 years i played in Skelth offi Classic.

- Due to Today's Update changes... Summoners will be imho too op IN OLY (and they were already), i suggest some changes to balance them that i though about: Increase casting time of Summoning Pets and Cubics so that its not so easy to resumon pets for them, while on the other hand, u can lower the MP consumption of Summon Heal/Recharge/Cleanse to give them real space to play with the summons at all.

- After some tests with WL, this Stun still doesnt go through Puri, for years when i played offi, and now here, Puri is the real problem always, its too OP, My Suggestion:
Make Song of Purification back 2 mins time / 4 mins cooldown to make it more common, not so unique, and in exchange lower Debuff resist to 40-50%.

I will agree with this , I wont expend all my day playing just for 20 Daily coins it is insane... and solo players will take profit of it.

We need Farm areas to fight for the spots... this is the most important thing for me. 

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1 hour ago, sung said:

First of All, GOOD JOB with this update, apart from few things, its, in General Terms, a very good Update.

OK, i just found out that New Quest missions of killing mobs daily Solo/Party aren't working as i expected, so in order to inform the ppl:
As it is at the moment, 1 mob is giving 1 QI to 1 Random player in a Party, not to everyone.

Lets Speak about the 75+ Quest, its intended to do it on SV/GC
SV = Solo Farm Area
GC = Party Farm Area

If u rlly think, that in order to do a quest that is intended to be done Daily, it will be worth to invest 3h+- with a FULL PT in a SOLO AREA, where u get NOTHING in exchange in terms of exp/farm/pvp (fun), or 1 week to do it on GC, where u cant compare those mobs with LOA or other places killing' speed... u're delusional.

I also found out that this 75+ is intended to be REPEATABLE, which will allow solo players or full pts to exploit the farm on SV in order to get as many Daily Coins as possible.
Isnt this the oposite of what everyone want for a healty server?, dont we want to motivate ppl to go farm outside on Party Farm Areas so that there's fights and activity around in order to stop the current situation in the server? (ppl log for bosses, and log off after, coz there's no reason to farm worth any closer to RB progress).

After speaking with many ppl about this and Dicussing on Discord, i see it very clear and very easy way to make it balance.


- Make quest DAILY
- 1 MOB will give QI to all PT
- Make Exp Scrolls usable in next hours to prevent big exp boost impact or ppl stacking them.

This will, IMHO, Motivate ppl to move into Party Zones and PLAY the server, more than logging 30 mins for bosses daily.
This will prevent from ppl farming the quest Solo way, which doesnt make this server pvp healty once and again and Stacking too many Daily Coins in too short time.
This will not impact the EXP boost from Server.

Pls, if u guys think this way, support it, complain, and make them Listen us, coz its gonna be insanely USELESS and not gonna bring the changes that server needs atm to promote PvP.

Another Points from my own feedback to this Update:

- You Should still fix the Tyrant / Gladiator Range Skill that gives them charges (in Tyr its Raging force, cant remember Glad), its doing INSANE more dmg than it was doing on the 3-4 years i played in Skelth offi Classic.

- Due to Today's Update changes... Summoners will be imho too op IN OLY (and they were already), i suggest some changes to balance them that i though about: Increase casting time of Summoning Pets and Cubics so that its not so easy to resumon pets for them, while on the other hand, u can lower the MP consumption of Summon Heal/Recharge/Cleanse to give them real space to play with the summons at all.

- After some tests with WL, this Stun still doesnt go through Puri, for years when i played offi, and now here, Puri is the real problem always, its too OP, My Suggestion:
Make Song of Purification back 2 mins time / 4 mins cooldown to make it more common, not so unique, and in exchange lower Debuff resist to 40-50%.

I disagree to make quest daily, better repeatable so more active players can make more quests, not another zombie quest where u log make quest and log off.

About cubic resummon i wouldnt touch it. Take PS for example, he cast stun cubic not too fast compared to some other debufs other classes have and its rng when it activate. About summon cast change dunno, better lets test what we have right now

About puri agree.

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3 minutes ago, Llitus said:

I will agree with this, I wont expend all my day playing just for 20 Daily coins it is insane ... and solo players will take profit of it.

We need Farm areas to fight for the spots ... this is the most important thing for me. 

I believe we need a solution that makes it viable for solo players and CPs to farm the coins.

Here is a solution. Please give me your opinions on this:

- Repeatable or daily doesn't matter to me. It depends on the Admin's point of view and the ideal time frame they have in their minds for people to obtain lvl 6 bracelet starting from lvl 1.
- Party area with difficult mobs like GC - 100% quest item drop rate for the whole party
- Solo area with easy mobs like SV - 20% quest item drop rate for the whole party

In my mind this way you give the incentive to people doing GC to do it more and more without telling them they need to drop other things they are doing in order to catch up. At the same time, you empower solo players by giving them a grinding goal and the opportunity to farm it.

Please let me know your thoughts.


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44 minutes ago, DevaK said:

Okay so basically you make it harder for competitive CPs to obtain it and easier for solo players. That's what we mean ... So competitive CPs need to pause their activity to farm daily coins efficiently IF they want to get it. For instance I have to stop my GC powerlevel of important characters to go in SV and kill one by one if i want to have it on my main. I am sorry but this makes absolutely no sense at all.

yeah, same like with for example zaken cloak, you dont go to DI with full party to farm quest (which i think also works like this, that you get 1 item per party, not 1 per party member), simply said, L2 is sadly not revolving around CPs in general, but main fuel for servers are randoms, hard to get over this fact but it is how it is

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2 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

yeah, same like with for example zaken cloak, you dont go to DI with full party to farm quest (which i think also works like this, that you get 1 item per party, not 1 per party member), simply said, L2 is sadly not revolving around CPs in general, but main fuel for servers are randoms, hard to get over this fact but it is how it is

Yeah zaken cloak is a 3-day matter and not game-changing it is 5% hp. 4 or 3 talisman slots is game-changing and a must if u want to compete on a 4 year old server. @MoDoy I think we are not comparing similar things here and we have kind of lost track of the issue. I believe we are now just arguing for the sake of arguing. I firmly believe this does absolutely nothing for new players and only helps players that have nothing else to do. If anything it penalizes teamplay. 

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You have a chane to make SV a good place of daily pvp 9vs9 in all time.   But no one CP will grind 5400 mobs per day or even per week for pathetic 20 coins. 

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can we do something that doesnt require logging 6 boxes to farm daily coins? maybe fill a few online surveys, click on some ads or something? I will gladly mine bitcoins for you if you provide me with a steady supply of daily coins

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36 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

yeah, same like with for example zaken cloak, you dont go to DI with full party to farm quest (which i think also works like this, that you get 1 item per party, not 1 per party member), simply said, L2 is sadly not revolving around CPs in general, but main fuel for servers are randoms, hard to get over this fact but it is how it is

Then why since L2 was created, all the changes are promoting FULL pt experience and trying to motivate ppl to not go as random and form pts by improving their exp when bigger groups and giving improving or adding Party areas?? i think u're rlly wrong

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what can be said
I don’t need to swing anymore ...
I have DA 80 ES 80 - but I’m leaving that people need to give scrolls (you will cry), why give the young ones a swing.
but the fact is that you also received exp
I have left after exp

193 100% scroll
519 70% scroll
460 50% scroll
580 30% scroll

don't break others game
people want to grind
let be...

nothing will break from these rewards

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1 hour ago, sung said:

Then why since L2 was created, all the changes are promoting FULL pt experience and trying to motivate ppl to not go as random and form pts by improving their exp when bigger groups and giving improving or adding Party areas ?? i think u're rlly wrong

maybe the newest content, MAYBE, but maybe you noticed, that with each update, they make everything accessible to randoms and solo players pretty much, every zone gets nerfed to point where solo ppl farm it with few boxes, etc., l2 was never party oriented eventho they wanted it to look like that, "find friends and play with them", naah, everyone ended playing 3-4 people boxed farming party areas in the end, thats not party gameplay to me

also if its so important, then its not "stopping your main activity", you simply choose whats more important

2 hours ago, MoDoy said:

For instance I have to stop my GC powerlevel of important characters to go in SV and kill one by one if i want to have it on my main

Edited by MoDoy

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2 minutes ago, Maax said:

Everyone talking about deleting 100 scrolls but none new player. Of course why you fckers need completion as a soon as possible? when you can still play prime without serious competition. Why should new people come farm these scrolls to come pvp you during your prime. 

Gz Sano and rest for making this update 


ppl panic bout scrols but didnt realize how long it takes to finnish quest I prefeded oryginal idea too

Edited by Rizos

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10 hours ago, San0 said:

EDIT1: Com o reinício amanhã, os pergaminhos da experiência de todos os níveis serão substituídos por um único pergaminho com duração de uma hora que desaparece se não for usado após 6 horas.

Raciocínio para as mudanças: esse novo recurso foi adicionado como uma medida de progresso e queremos que os jogadores o usem para nivelar em seu nível atual, em vez de apenas empilhar todos esses pergaminhos para usar apenas nas fases posteriores do jogo, onde a luta não é assim muito mais devido aos maiores chefes de comunidade e invasão e melhores zonas e condições agrícolas gerais.

do you intend to bring the stigma that takes away def, bow and area resistance?

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37 minutes ago, Rizos said:

ppl panic bout scrols but didnt realize how long it takes to finnish quest I prefeded oryginal idea too

@San0 Must admit i wasnt right about original idea. It was super good 

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4 hours ago, DevaK said:

Yeah zaken cloak is a 3-day matter and not game-changing it is 5% hp. 4 or 3 talisman slots is game-changing and a must if u want to compete on a 4 year old server.@MoDoy I think we are not comparing similar things here and we have kind of lost track of the issue. I believe we are now just arguing for the sake of arguing. I firmly believe this does absolutely nothing for new players and only helps players that have nothing else to do. If anything it penalizes teamplay. 

I dont agree with zaken cloak being not game changing and bracelet 6 op. I think in many cases this 5% hp will safe ur ass instead of 1 bracelet slot. Ask @Yomana how last week i could finnish oly with -20 pts instead of +20 and +1 bracelet slot wouldnt save me that time

This zaken cloak is very strong for non-hero chars and dont forget u dont only need DI mobs but also zaken raid which is big problem for some ppl

Edited by Rizos

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