Koll was talking about almost 200 people and it was about 1st siege 200 ppl from all sides, not perkunas. For other who say we are zerg. why nobody say abaut 3-4 month ago when we exping with 4 pt in DV and 7 pt enemy coming and we fightning with zerg. why enemy never say thay thay have zerg, just perkunas who play not like zerg but like cp, we never make zeg and we dont wana zerg, also we dont take more cp to ally like someone say all join us. we have 2-3 active cp who exp every day... and 5-6 cp max on siege. so i dont think that is it zerg for server. there is lots of clans with +/-30 members. just one problem, thay are so stupid for organized cp, thay think hat if thay come every time with different party members thay can kill ppl who play in the same cp 3-6 months. all cp from perkunas is not ppl who come there from other server, we all regroup there, some cp have crush and organized party from 0, making nev char, exping, and stll play together with friends, WE ARE NOT RANDOM MEMBERS like enemy who cry there, STOP make SHIT there, go speak with other clan, make strong clan, change char for cp if it needed and start fight like fighters not like "kucia kakasak"