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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    HB zone (not the citadel tho, screw citadel honestly with all the deep corners ppl used to hide) reasons: 1) only 78+ people with quest could enter, so no annoying lvl 1 cameras on every 2 steps monitoring your movement 2) even if you had mobs on you and enemy party came, you could regroup yourself and fight instead of just giving up the opportunity, as you got ported to wasteland and not in town (carebears hate it!) 3) HB grind for dynasty armors - so HB was only place to farm dynasty and especially from start before your party got geared with full S80/vesper with attribute, it was freaking hard so you actually had to go there and grind for looooooong time, people would have to pvp for spots because everyone needed dynasty set and thus everyone concentrated on one place, especially fights for Celtus which is something like hekaton, except that it wasnt "chance" to get something good, you always got something good but you needed many of those items for dynasty Hellbound location back in the time, i would compare it to ToI in 2.0 saviors update, it was only spot where you could get tablets for 3rd class skills (which you needed) and you had to grind for loooong time to gather enough to get them, so people were fighting for ToI and farming it as much as possible, except the fact that in ToI you pretty much had no chance to farm if you were weaker side, but on HB there were several spots you could farm even if you were losing side (chimeras upper/lower spot, green spot, desert spot) i think we are missing something like that right now in game, only thing which matters is xp and you can do that on quite many places and there are many ways to do it (and its kinda fast i would say), too bad tbh because people log for 20 minutes for SV bosses and after that instant log out, because why would you go GC
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    One of the biggest "love": back in the times, I was playing 1 private server, it was GF if i don't mistake, and only exp boost which was available was "cake", it could be bought only for real money and after it was used it popped like a new year tree, and gave exp buff (+100% exp). So what was rly fun and exciting - finding these cakes (usually used in catacombs, in center of room, so it would be instabuffed and ppl farm same place) and wiping parties who owned them and stealing exp and spot they was using. This feature made every day full of pvp. Shittiest thing and cancer for me : instance zones. this killed "pvp for the spot". Made ppl play the game called "happy farmer".
  4. 1 point
    Here i was brainstorming like a mad man trying to remember some sh1ts from the past like many moons ago on L2 how everything was, and the curiosity hit me hard about you guys. So i have this topic here for you to mention and let everyone know about features, mechanics, items, systems whatever it was that you guys loved and hated to do back on the days of old lineage, and why if you have a special reason for it. As an example i used to love to just go on hellbound with my BD and murder chimeras for days, there was something with knowing that at any time that chimera could AOE and almost insta pop me but there was something really pleasing and relaxing on just seeing my girl smacking the living sh1t out of those bad ass monsters by her self, specially when stuff like counter haste and counter spirit were triggering and she was just going on acids. AND I hated with all my heart to level up the stupid pets. the baby ones... it was driving me nuts how monsters had a specially liking on killing my poor wolf/cat/chicken/buffalo/hatchling, every time that animal was dying i just felt like punching sh1t around. this is just a honest curiosity and want to know more topic, please dont hate on eachother or turn this topic into one more of the "my side is 20 times better then your side and we have 20 less people" topics around
  5. 1 point
    How can i be mad at u? I don't even know who u are... This server had completly random settings from beggining... I have this ?thing? playing one char till the end no matter what... So nothing changes for me...
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Been thinking how interesting it is that we have access to areas like Goddard, Rune etc atm. Yeah there is no content there, but always wanted to arrange some 9v9 or 18v18 at Varka/Ketra/Fog/Mos.
  9. 1 point
    Loved the hot springs mechanics of mobs giving debuffs/buffs to player and the 7 signs sistem of competition between dusk VS dawn the farm on cata and necro to hope of getting ancient Adena on the end of competition