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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/21 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    LF CP from any ally/clan/randoms except macaco side for core/orfen/aq farms levels irrelevant(as long as u dont get petrified)/equip irrelevant, classic point system. events manager me. you can contact me on discord or in game to "axzp.
  2. 1 point
    are the timelines converging? did I enter a parallel universe?
  3. 1 point
    @DrunkAngel All i can say. Angerfist and masha are one of kindest team i had chance to spoke in this server. Yes angerfist fuckked up its 100% his mistake. Prove us that world can be better place. Take aq3 as reward and send evrything else back. In the end its only pixels being human more important...
  4. 1 point
    peoples keep bringing this pk stuff up. i dont think its valid . we all signed up for item drops when we die from mobs and under pk status. thats what all wanted and its kinda like going into cassino everytime u play a game and playing . its fair game what happened here if i understand it correctly is more like sending your money accidentaly into cassino bank account and them possibly keeping the money without ever letting u play
  5. 1 point
    well .. items werent deleted, werent stolen, there is no scam .... GMs even tried to return china toi baium that my cp picked up from PK (saying someone with 4 pks shouldnt drop items ... hahahahaha what a joke .... @Sensei can you believe that shit ?!?) ... So @DrunkAngel its up to you ... but you did nothing wrong and by server rules they cant return items to the owner since they deliberatedly sent them to you ... so you should keep it ... just like someone keeps an item they pick up from someone that was PK. But if you also want to return them ... other people opinions shouldnt matter
  6. 1 point
    надо думать когда что-то делаешь ------ если человек вам сам послал . значит это подарок . приятного владения .
  7. 1 point
    Option 3: dont end the game, send it to another random... Type Hellious in mail. Thank you!
  8. 1 point
    is the best time to play dagger since club server opened
  9. 1 point
    go play pvp server if you want pvp ... here we love grinding mobs for hours and hours ... welcome to real korean mmo rpg
  10. 1 point
    Not exactly, the admins were involved in that case too. When i picked up the aq3 sayomi was not around to see who got it neither i knew the owner. The admins found who picked it up in their logs and gave my name to sayomi. In the beggining i thought of it like the "aq 15-days" (which i already had) which you get from the lvling up to 50 reward system and i dismissed it quickly in my WH. When pms arrived and i realized the actual tremendous value of aq3 i opened up the top lvl characters list and asked many of them using mail to buy it while i had it in private store in GH for 1.7kkk Then after a lil bit of chating with sayomi and after realizing their pain to create this item i decided to give it back. I attached it in a mail with sayomi receiver. He is serving his military obligation afaik. There was no direct contact between me and any admin. 500 bucks or perma ban like tys0n? ❤️? Of course he is alive! He is feeling younger than ever, look at him!
  11. 1 point
    Thanks all for your appreciation. To complete the story, i want to say some things about Sayomi After i returned him the item, he offered me position in cp whenever i want, asked me if i want to play sws lvl 76 and said he will help with b grade equipment since i got lvl 52 yesterday. Without Sayo's "mistake" nothing of these could exist Also, a friend told me that my action was right cause Sayo is a good guy!
  12. 1 point
    Some time you need some "Drama" in your life . I am very happy when i see this topic. It not because Sayomi got back QA lv3. It is about "Ludovikos decided to return it for FREE". He is wearing low C armor in Shop and bunt D.Beside alot of Topic about scam/bad people everyday, at least We had 1 topic about good person. Protect him until you die Sayo p/s: next time dont drop Orfen lv3 .