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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Not classic and will destroy the D grade market.
  2. 1 point
    Bishop Arziit Elven Elder Afrody Shillien Elder Lemer Overlord Eligoz BladeDancer Veigallian SwordSinger Kyoro SpellSinger Kiam Necromancer Trinx SpellHowler Malcriad0 ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZGm2mhvZxI
  3. 1 point
    Chat banned for 600 minutes
  4. 1 point
    you know its much easier to fight when u are in 1 clan than 3 different clans (from which 1 wasnt even in ally), but it was really nice fight, credits to both sides
  5. 1 point
    drops are correct the problm is most likely on the drop spoil patch, since when it was made was on 1.0 and it was not even suposed to have the rates, only the items. so there might be some stuff displayed wrong.
  6. 1 point
    That last fight vs. ES--mmnnyommnyomm..
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    It sounds good in theory but I don't think it would work - when you open a new, similar server, portion of players from the older one leaves there, which means the old one may have problems with population in those ~2 months, which may turn into a vicious circle: players leave -> remaining players see activity decreasing -> more players leave. Also if you were to merge after those 2 months, most solo players will still be under ~50 and they may feel cheated when merged with 9 months old server. Remember that new servers on same project are usually released when majority of players on the original server reach the end game - which is just not the case here. I heard some people were over ~70, but I would say that's less than 5% of the server.
  9. 1 point
    ​I think having a clan is mandatory on this server. I mean, I wouldn't expect someone to give you a full D equip, but if they see you're being active they often help with a tiny bit of this and that. Also if you join some lower clan, it's much easier to find a 'soft constant party' with other low level members - there's a nice party bonus (+30% in party of 2) and it's much less repetitive if you have someone to talk to during farm
  10. 1 point
    Undead mobs locs: Ruins of agony (~20)Execution grounds (20-35)Hardins academy (35-42)Dragon valey (40-55)You should try to use windstrike more often , its more mana efficient until lvl 40. I can kill mobs lvl 55+ with windstrike just fine, so you can give it a go. EDIT: If you go with windstrike, go to EG until you get lvl 35. Then go to Hardins until 44 These 2 locations are the best with monster HP/monster XP ratio for cleric.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    ​This is what i call pvp video. Great job. It shows just skills u guys have in game. Not including stupid commentary or cuts. P.S: What ive seen greetings to Caronte guy that spends full mana into tank. GG L2P bro.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    ​ Вот все КП как один пишут "фарм-ху,,,,ярм епик-ху,,,епик вары-ху,,,,яры" Фиг кто в такое КП пойдет, такие КП уже давно созданы... Вот если б писали вместо замылиных фраз (фан фарм вар) от нас: шмот шмот шмот, заипались бы КПхи собирать))))))))))))
  16. 1 point
    ​You need something to attract new players. Server is quite old already so imo the way to go is to make leveling 1-40 easier. The game slowly starts to shape after you are 40+ before its just a pain. TBH pre-40 there is not much to enjoy. Pre 35 you barely can find a party as a nuker, any other class requires a bow to raid. And if you raid you hope that someone brings high level buffer for a raid and people have C grade bows so you can do it below 20min. You care so much about D grade market that beside top weapons and brig helmet/mithril gloves does not exist. People want to hit 40+ to enjoy clan parties and catch up more levels to factors and perhaps join sieges and wars. Nobody wants to lag behind. Do you know the feeling when you are level 30 you join raid party as a human knight with ng armor and top NG bow while 7 other members have top weapons / top +4,5,6,7 bows? Its "maybe I should start on some fresh server". 7 out of 9 lowbies are geared twinks.What actualy is not bad because it means there are new players around. Make server new-player friendly advertise it as such and the word will spread around that it is worth starting on because it is possible to catch up.
  17. 1 point
    except that there's no actual D grade market for armors, because most people would rather cristallize what they get and sell the crystals for C grade equipment, or shots. right now the only people buying Brigandine helmets or Elven Mithril gloves are high levels that want top D sets for their alts, and i can guarantee you that new people will rather prefer to spend money for an entire mid-tier D grade set in order to be able to level up decently, instead of wasting all their money for a single D grade armor piece of a set that will be obsolete after hitting 40. consider also that not everyone is willing to waste time leveling up a spoiler for money, wich is also why most casuals are giving up after hitting 20. the moon set was added in KR to help new players to catch up, but apparently the elitists here are afraid of people that could eventually bring new competition.