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Everything posted by Rip

  1. Without the biddable CH every month, what's stopping the top 10 clans to just put adena on alt clans and bid for 4+ CHs at the server beginning? This no biddable system really promotes hard core clans while punishing casual/mid-tier clans.
  2. Good luck killing raids first day on 1.5 :D :D
  3. Alright, then Blaze and Aqua Swirl for bards
  4. Combined bd and sws would be even better
  5. Spam aggro and occasionally 10s root. Indeed imba class.
  6. As we all know bards are shitty to play especially on 1.5 I suggest to give them Deadly Strike earlier (lvl 40 or 60 or any level) to make them less shitty. Thanks.
  7. Hello, i am Rip im looking for CP members. CP name: Rip CP CP clan: Deviate CP setup: Mages Activities timeframe: 19-24 We're looking for Spoiler and Crafter Contacts: Forum or Discord #8745
  8. Rip


    Good luck 😊
  9. Dunno, just watching movies from skelth/gran kain where glad kills solo entire room in Cruma and gets 0,3% on 47 lvl makes me cry.
  10. 1. Monthly clan halls - very good idea. 2. No boxes - we could try it at the start and if people will cry to much, it could be changed. 3. Imo x1 is too hardcore but x2 with 25% bonus from PA should be fine.
  11. Noone says we dont come back because we cant catch up. A lack of people is problem (especially in eu prime). And there is nothing you can do to bring MANY new people - new updates, starter bonuses won't convince new player to join 7 years old server. New server will. Sure, if you want stay on this server and have fun killing mobs on empty spots but let others have fun aswell and open new server.
  12. @Rizos @Sensei You guys are crazy. How can u still play there? @San0 New server please.
  13. I think this is orfen which i dropped!
  14. Rip

    Necro 79 lf CP

    Hello everyone! I'm coming back from a long break. I had a lot of time to think about my life, about world, about people. I realized, the most important thnig in our life is peace and love. That's why I'm looking for friendly PVE ONLY constant party. About me: I'm polish kid with fingers like sausages, i like eating pizza (proof below) and dropping valuable items on the ground. Proof of my PVE skills
  15. Russian kid with glasses @V4siukas
  16. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hueheuheuheuheuehuehue