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Everything posted by Aduha

  1. Aduha


    ​А что тебе мешает играть дальше? ​Возможно боится расшарить аккаунт, что бы не увели?
  2. Aduha

    Wtb aoba recipe

    500 k Mail to Reaver payment.
  3. Aduha

    Clan/Hall Auction!!

    done. Oh no wrong account
  4. anyway best summoner is not PS its DA.
  5. Aduha


    Lol, that dude with "EAD" im sure he mistype it because the price he set is price of EAD and not of EWD. There is no attempt of scam.
  6. Aduha

    LF Cp

    pm reaver
  7. of course it will be over soon­™
  8. Nah. Better add more starter packs as reward for getting level, like you already did with NG. NG starter pack works till level 20. After level 20 player gets D grade pack with shadow weapon, and pack of shots + some buffscrolls. Each few levels player gets more free soulshots. + scroll for exp. Something like that is best bonus for incoming players. imho
  9. ​Its too late to compete w/o any support. But when you have support its easypeezy for example: meh plays 11 weeks on GK and he is 76 lvl with top gear in core party of RMT. Because he had support.
  10. Ищю активных людей с онлайном 5-6+ часов в день, с опытом игры на офф л2классик. Рассмотрим все предложения. Найду для вас место в пати а также добираю во второй состав полупаки (клан перкуназ) Писать на почту в игре "Reaver "imxo
  11. You can keep trashtalk, but the guy wanted to be a part of our side for a long time and was rejected. After many tries he accepted our politics and became part of the family. His CP came to us with own clan and desire to develop it. wickedsick leading not by him so why u talk about leadership at all?
  12. ​Where is it shitty? They take off all crap out of original korean L2C and at the end it something that worth attention. ​So why are you here? ​I don't have to explain you mine chooses. ​ Hmmm, wouldn't be because you're making $$$ off the server would it? You guys don't give a shit about the server, just looking for ways to maximize your profits. Nothing but cancerous parasites on the server.​ We would have nothing on GK when we were able to start and I had no friend there to help us, so with the odds of 83% we probably would be failers there very soon. But people like we don't like to play casually. Its about ego, and damn we have huge one. Play to be first or don't play at all.
  13. ​Where is it shitty? They take off all crap out of original korean L2C and at the end it something that worth attention. ​So why are you here? ​I don't have to explain you mine chooses.
  14. ​Where is it shitty? They take off all crap out of original korean L2C and at the end it something that worth attention.
  15. ​it will push people to play in clan / party. nobody farm raids its useless, epics its headpain not fun plus it farms with twinks. I was inspired by the new event on 2.0 that was added recently on offi. Each Tuesday from 20 to 24 there is event in TOI 4-11 floors. if you dont know what im talking about google it.
  16. Many things that can be abused and screwd points can be abused with twinksyou can cancel your transformation when you see enemy fraction that will kill youafter losing and getting debuff you can go MDT and die there, stand up to clan hall w/o debuff.2h transform is silly, if fraction is chosen it must stays on you till end of event period. Or you can chose a day that will be fraction war day, like territory wars in previous patches. the option with 2 weeks period will make this game not classical, it will have more common with BSFG. or some other GvE adaptation. I can offer you to make it like clan quest event: Pick a territory for that like LOA for example or BS or ABGQuest starts only one day per week in special period of time and its active around 4 hours.Make a quest that can be started only by clan (to push people play together) Only CL can take questWhen CL start quest he chose the side of his clan.In quest you have to kill quest RBs (with drop or w/o) and rb gives you quest item.due the event mobs in that zone drop quest items alsoall that quest items can be changed at special NPC that will spawn at the end of the event time in special place. It stays there for 5 mins so people will come and PVP to talk with that NPC. If you bring RB quest item to NPC you have decent chance to get random top and low B weapon / For each 100 mob quest items you have chance to get random B grade armor or jewl. For killing enemy fraction during the quest you also get quest items like from the mob but more than for killing mob. Quest items are tradeable and not disappears after end of the quest.
  17. what if all wil reg the same?
  18. Aduha

    dion siege 10 vs 48

    Turn on Subtitles ^^