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Everything posted by Aduha

  1. Rumors are about archer party that used to be Cosa Nostra of Dragons Valley.
  2. Wow. So exciting. Much trolling.
  3. Dont want to be rude but i finished reading after this. If u meet something like this firsf time there are 3 options: 1 you dont play 10 years 2 you play alone in servers 3 you just try to say something that everyone knows. How to fix this? Make screen and send to KSE he will chat ban them. And stop creating idiotic topics like me. Its my job. ​
  4. ​Ривер, кто же ему даст в АБГ соло парики водить!?!? ))) Зашел утром - пусто, зашел ночью - пусто.
  5. Делай ВЛ, Спойл, 2 Тира, Варк, СВС, 2 ЕЕ . ТК. И води соло парики в АБГ.
  6. Aduha


    I would buy but... u know.
  7. Aduha

    Music Thread

    i just will leave this here​
  8. I had really good experience when i was 18+ in "Cherry-Berry" Club.
  9. Aduha

    Lucky of Day

    Mind if I roll "need"?
  10. Aduha

    Any news?

    ​mirC casting 2 spells faster than ExaltMe 50% of FatalCounter Q_Q
  11. Aduha

    Any news?

    No, staff will nerf archers and boost meeles. Mages dont 1shot just 2shot in <1s so they are balanced, unlike archers ​Wait for Vortex Slug. with 2k cast speed and 40% M. Crit.
  12. Aduha

    Any news?

    I hope staff will nerf mages and boost greatest class in da world. Because NCsoft making crapeaters mages more powerful in each update. Archers is love, archers is life.
  13. Aduha

    Any news?

    [ in] there are rumors that it is "enough" ​Yard by yard, life is hard; inch by inch, life's a cinch [ out ]
  14. Aduha

    2.0 buff

    ​its event dude
  15. backstab landing rate in back = 72%