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Everything posted by Aduha

  1. pay for teamspeak when you can crack it and have own server for 1k slots. :facepalm:
  2. Member Targarians? Aka Zergarians, do you member?
  3. not OE weapon? not epic? deserves new topic.
  4. privet brat ​I know you like it and got jealous. ​its toomuch for me a bit Kappa
  5. Lol, dat clan sign ahahah b❤k❤c ?
  6. ​more overs to be immortal
  7. ​pls die ​should i report u?
  8. What is the point of alliance if there is no "alliance protection in pvp" You have to go in CC anyway
  9. Aduha

    Is funny ! hahaha

    ​dunno about nonfactors, but timefordrama was created here by nnyxi cp when fishfood came in i believe, the name of the clan is pretty old and was used on many different servers, so i doubt "perkunas" left server ​TFD its renamed "rain" clan that was created by V1rus and ImbaQ. ffs fakeinfo hurts my eyes. renamed clan, changed crest, different members, yep, its definitely clan "rain" its like imagine cp quits, later on gives chars to friends which want to play on server, they change nicks, clan, hell even classes, but u will adress them by old cp name, totally makes sense dude, fake info my ass ​TFD belong to "Eu" he was member of V1rus cp.
  10. Aduha

    Is funny ! hahaha

    ​dunno about nonfactors, but timefordrama was created here by nnyxi cp when fishfood came in i believe, the name of the clan is pretty old and was used on many different servers, so i doubt "perkunas" left server ​TFD its renamed "rain" clan that was created by V1rus and ImbaQ. ffs fakeinfo hurts my eyes.
  11. ha-ha-ha. Ninja level - below abyss.
  12. Ahahahahahah. No flag - no aoe dmg.
  13. Aduha

    9 vs 9

    Damn, I was writing same comment...
  14. Aduha

    Part 9.5
  15. Aduha


    ​Да. Ну смотря, что ты выставишь. Помоечку не купят.
  16. LOOOOOOL Fishind destroying server? Only if server will have no slots cuz of it.
  17. Aduha

    PvP low lvls

    damn crack your bandicam finally or use shadowplay