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Everything posted by FryderykChopin

  1. Looks pretty sick, I'm getting strong 'Final Fantasy' vibes from it btw. that Youtube account... Are you the old @Fenrir? If so, why not on the original account? There aren't many active 'first 1k'-ers, we can't carry it alone with @fishfood
  2. There're plenty of topics for this already but it should be on the side permanently #GiveUsEvent
  3. >2017 >Still believing 2.0 will get released during our lifetime Just gib event with decent rewards and let 2.0 rest for this year
  4. I don't think adding few extra items to reward list will be a huge issue
  5. Wouldn't /ignore *nickname* do the work?
  6. I mean people who want to bot, bot. Since the timed epics would be untradeable, the only difference would be that the event items price would increase and those people would make some extra adena. Which I believe is fairly low price for making events fun again.
  7. How about something new for a change. The rewards are always exactly the same and when you decided to remove enchants from reward list it became kinda boring since you don't really have a chance to get anything exciting anymore. Back in old chronicles on offi, NCsoft decided to add epic jewels with insanely low chance, e.g. The chance was so low basically nobody ever got them, but it was about a principle - it gave you something to be excited about. It was no longer just an extra farm, it was really an event that gave you some hope with each set of quest items you've collected. I don't really think it would hurt if it was added here as well. The chance would be set low enough so it wouldn't interfere with the epics market, but to make people excited about farming again
  8. Summon @San0 - how long till you finish the stuff with scripters?
  9. If Bravo Girls taught me anything it's that if someone's stalking you and bullying you, it means they have crush on you
  10. yeah that's why I was surprised, I'd have thought the price would actually decrease once top clans get the important people equipped. Thanks for detailed info anyway.
  11. Wowzies, this is the price for singles? Thanks anyway, will have to buy some ruskie bot adenki for cash
  12. QA/Orfen/Core price right now +-? ty
  13. With the old style SA, you'd get like, what, 200 crit rate with buffs? With runes you can get 500 with some effort. Unless you're farming 1/2 HP mobs, with the rune system you're going to farm much faster. It will just take slightly more effort since you're going to use corners more and plant the hits more wisely, but unless you're a bot (and even if so) you're going to be very happy with it, trust me.
  14. Yeah it will be awesome... But not only the new features, many people will be coming back with the patch as well so it will be much easier to look for party. Devs just made the mistake of making people believe the patch was going to come towards the end of the 2016, so when it didn't, people got disappointed over the months and lost the interest. Me too, I mean I'm still mostly just checking around, logging in for few mins now and then, but I'm mostly just waiting for the 2.0 patch at this point.
  15. Looking good, tho the white characters on the bottom look kinda random and out of place. I'd probably remove them and made more space for the shield/text. Also random thought, but you could make really sweet, short and simple intro with that sonic blaster shooting at the viewer clip - but instead, on the 'impact' with the viewer, it would fluenty transfer into light colored screen + hit sound with the shield and stuff added on the light colored screen right after.
  16. Wouldn't just deleting and redownloading system folder help? To me it looks like it has saved UI information from the old monitor and just needs to be updated. Or perhaps update drivers as well, but that doesn't look like it should be a problem.
  17. Check it out here: - scroll down for "Othell's Rune" stats Patch 2.0 was due in 2016 but everyone keeps fingers crossed it arrives anytime soon.
  18. Hang in there. In patch 2.0 there'll be new SA system which will allow you to get on >350 crit rate with any weapon, so you'll be able to solo easily while waiting for PT
  19. Oh damn I missed the post because it was written in caps... But still I swear back in old chronicles blunts critted higher than swords, but I guess it was another of those "dwarfs have higher enchant rates" kind of facts after all
  20. Then were did he get the numbers tho and how do you know it was changed in 2k12
  21. tbh I couldn't find even the pre-2012 info... Could you link me to that, because my whole life I've lived just accepting that blunts simply crit higher than swords regardless of buffs, but you guys make me question reality
  22. As far as I remember, blunts used to have higher base crit power compared to swords... Not sure how it works on Classic though.