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Wanali last won the day on February 25 2022

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  1. 1) Increase box limit with Premium Accounts. - We don't have it in plans right now. We still want players to be more active during CP farm. Can be 1+3 or how it is, for me no problem 🙂 2) Transfer Prophets Auras (Armor Ritual / Counter Ritual) to Dion. - We believe it's too early to have such big changes to classes. We will be looking into new skills later. Agree, too early. 3) Transfer Fruits / 100% EXP scrolls as Strix Daily quest reward to Dion. - We don't want to give scrolls. We are trying to get away from them because players were min/maxing them by logging out to not lose buff duration. Fruits will be added later (same update cycle it was added on Talking Island). Fruits YES, scrolls NO. 4) Increase level cap to level 80 or higher. - Level 80 will bring drastic changes. Skills like Counter Critical / Song of Purification / Insane Crusher / Servitor Share, will have huge affect on PVP/Olympiad. We want more players (we are thinking about 20/30%) to reach lvl 79 at least. We believe that if more players will reach level 80 together, it will affect PVP/Olympiad less and will be more balanced. Wait for more casual players hit 79 or even 79lvl 100%. 5) Set level restrictions to high level zones. - We think that zones should be level restricted by monsters power. Teleporting players out of the open zone will feel like it's not open world as Lineage was meant to be. Areas for now are OK, only when FI comes - do 76level like is on TI. 6) Daggers trains and drop mobs. Do something with it. - We see it as part of Lineage 2. You still can PK them or stun them in order to stop from coming to you or you BSoE. You have enough options to deal with it. Jealous people who cant farm or cannot log so many windows. Or people who want drop and get items for free, in my opinion its not part of L2. I come to play and relax, not deal with daggers. I play olympiad and get trained by BRs cos i m making the oly harder - So cool 🙂 I wanna see how many people on server wanna keep this ON and how many are againts it. 7) Decrease amount of exp players loses per death on sieges. - We already decreased it by 50% from what it is on official server and we are planning to decrease it more when players will be higher level. CS are about PVP, not about loose exp, so should be 0% lost in CS zone.
  2. This change will increase price of Gemstone A, i m not sure how many people will be able craft A items. If is this your interest, i understand than. But for example A grade weapon needs 74 Gemstone A - dont know now price but lets say with increase price 7kk so 1 click will cost only on Gem A 518kk. Where is price of keys, mats ... Maybe is good, maybe is not. In my eyes is too expensive with 60% chance.
  3. Thanks for answer from owners. Now i would like opinions our players ?
  4. Really ??? So long respawn One of few mobs which dropping Gem A ... Good Job 🙂 Now is 20 minutes.
  5. Why i m reading mostly only negative coments on Events? Its better than nothing and they dont want give OP event where u can get "almost" free epics. This is long-term server, u need to work hard to make good items. Merry X mas and dont hate so much my coment xD
  6. Also why not Bracelet level 7 ? What i can do with Daily coins, just buy materials?
  7. I just wanna say one thing: On all servers where i played was RBs farmers and people dont cry about it. If people wanna contest - they need improve and put more to try kill RB. Why u think Nansey kill SV RBs? He is checking almost 24/7 with his guys. Do the same and u have chance.
  8. http://l2help.me/en/recipes Exactly your idea
  9. Again and again asking for open new server? And i always said the same answer - take it like this server is official and u entering to server where people playing for years same like on ofi servers. Just take the challange and catch us! Gl and Hf Btw i started played after 1.5 year server start.
  10. PR - Frantje [WK] Spoil - MikaTT [WK]
  11. Bounty Hunter - Roy Warsmith - Darling PP - Krystynka?
  12. Who said u need go fast your level? U can go slowly, make your buffer - spoil - craft, make equip, +6 set 1st thing, OE weapon. All on this u can work alone or with new people or even with CP. I dont see reason why rush to 70lvl, make it slower, with good equip and after join some ally. This crying about start new server is like crying small kid for a new toy. I always wanted play on offic server but there is much more P2W than here and there is the same problem as i describe above. People who played for ages got better equip than people who play 3 months. For these people who want new start - go to H5 server which opening every 3 months ... perfect place for all of cryers.