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Everything posted by MusulmoN

  1. MusulmoN

    top meele cp POV

    on equal numbers most of time your side lose not us.Other times depends whitch side have more cc simple.Speaking about skills on pvp, we can see how great your members assisting "moon"
  2. MusulmoN

    top meele cp POV

    Mass pvp are the best ones.I dont like 9v9, that's why im not puting them on my movies,just mass pvp.Sadly our taste of pvp is different
  3. MusulmoN

    top meele cp POV

    music is still horrible
  4. but you shows only in olympiad re-malaka
  5. MusulmoN

    saturday drama

    I dont know i was not there.But in the other hand what do you expect from mages with +16 wep Mcrit 2k to tyrants,and they crit 4k ? Everybody knows that Tyrs are to OP class now.
  6. MusulmoN

    Busy Sunday

    so you suggest to count theire's non tags destro pt inside also?
  7. MusulmoN

    Busy Sunday

    27 vs 54 is it okay for you? You can count 3 more as boxes vs 6 active parties if you want so,but that does not change the pvp.
  8. MusulmoN

    Busy Sunday

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the battles
  9. MusulmoN

    Winter fights

    resurrection i would say
  10. MusulmoN

    Zaken blood

    Fix Zaken blood. Ticket name (SXH-257-4725)
  11. MusulmoN

    WTS Top XP 68-80

    Most expensive drake boots++ on the server history
  12. MusulmoN

    WTS Top XP 68-80

    I felt good for that last one msg
  13. Problem is not so many people in server.If goes pvp,90% always same people in same zones,and it's very rare to find some cw in casual farming zones.
  14. we skip this "kill mobs level up" long time ago,who cares about level now,and for new random players is benefict. So daily mobs farming meh not for old players.
  15. Image if all these new rb's were on BR prime
  16. MusulmoN

    Friday 13

    I never told,that your was was better or worst,just Navalon was funner.but maybe 1% better than yours before
  17. MusulmoN

    Friday 13

    no offence,but this bloopers was a little bit funner than your vol. Oly bloopers,cuz it was natural. P.s Both blooper was funny,and we need more of that.
  18. MusulmoN


    90 vs 55 equal numbers. gf
  19. That's what i write before,Admins dont need to think that ' if there is cloth piece in list we will make hard with low chance event.' These items are overated.It will be like last 2 events that 1 guy maybe will have 1 cloth piece on whole server if he lucky.
  20. IEWC has same price as Cloth Piece,so please dont concentrate just on them,it's not so Imba item as before. P.s item drop chance and need amout of them is not proper as last 2 events before.At this point event item will have no price like before,and people just not farm like before.
  21. Verta zaisti,kuo daugiau zmoniu tuo smagiau
  22. MusulmoN

    poor content

    just wait till Sunday,and my nightmare with pc will be over.then we can start normal pvp
  23. Just today we found out that we can't drop items from guards,now this one.Too much information for 1 day