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Jsem last won the day on February 19 2019

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About Jsem

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday March 2

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  1. What kind of window or software is that one? O_O
  2. Club should do seasonable servers, this will cure this pain. Long stable servers are gone, players jump from server to server just to have some emotion for 1-2 months and then quit for the next. The only parties than joined Dion, were the ones what played T.I in the past, even since the beggining was SoiL vs sjeks, no new sides just the same people playing opposite sides. At this point i doubt this server will have a bump in population, they didnt make it in T.I and i think it will not work here, again there are so many "seasonable" servers that bring much more fun than this "long stable server" You heared your player base and make a new server, now is dead before the year and a future merge between the two seems imposible due the gear gap. Think about it and for the people who still play here, best of luck.
  3. If patches come faster than T.I there will be no reason to do that. The point of T.I being an star war fiesta is that they were stuck in patches for long period of times, and what people did in these times? farm and over enchant everything they had. If A grade and S grade come faster in DION there is no reason to OE c or even b grade. If they plan to merge T.I and Dion, then DION updates should come so much faster than the updates in T.I, so when the merge comes, at least dion will have "s" weapons and stuff to be competitve against T.I.
  4. Classic was never meant to be, for casuals, so yeah i will quit my job anyway, let see if my old back can handle being sit 8 hours per day.
  5. Damn this new server gonna be huge... Is there still players with no jobs and time to grind like the old good days?
  6. If im not mistaken Skelth have in their moment a super ez pack for newbies, maybe you can do the same with a few changes. These packs can be shadow items ofc and not 30 days, so the items will not disappear after x's amount of days. Maybe put this and add a 500% rune exp till 76 for newbies players. Would be good and a faster way to catch up in lvl i supose.
  7. Honestly? No. At your level every spot is empty, no people to play or even talk while you hunt, you will need to pay for dual box. This place is for people who want to spend tons of money for gear and power level, just to have some mediocre fun every two weeks in sieges. But hey, if you like to play alone, with no one to fuck you around while hunting, no pk, no war and have a decent amounts of time to play, go ahead. Is your time and money anyway.
  8. Dude bd its a support role and class, get over it. Go make dd class or something and stop whining about it.
  9. Still waiting for free box ;3
  10. Agreed with all. The part of the free box for x's amount of time was teh best part, some love for newbie comers will be a huge plus..
  11. Even with all of that 1-76 grinding is super slow and boring without people around. Also there is not a small chance any new player will pay for box in such old and empty server. The only way to a newbie have fun here is to spend tons of money and pay somone to power level him if he want to progress fast. People here is very weird, no offense. Dont want a new server and are highly against newbie boost. But its okey if you enjoy club like this.
  12. It will be to hard for you to add vitality system? or cake systems? A exp boost for newbies would be great, i know you will come and say "CLASSIC" but fucked it, no matter how many updates you bring to the table if you dont do anything to boost 1-76 it will be a waste of time.
  13. Jsem

    17.05 Sieges

    How china actually manage to lose Aden to them? China no number1 anymore? Gz to HdM tho.
  14. Wait a second... Rizos you're or was one of the most stacked daggers around, are u telling me even with all the gear u had and perma hero, u werent oneshotting people? So habber and fucking silent were throwing shit in my face all this time?