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Defiant last won the day on February 4 2016

Defiant had the most liked content!

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77 Excellent


About Defiant

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/24/1984

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  1. Sigue jugando la gente en este server? 😛
  2. Am I the only one who noticed his Skype contacts?
  3. Defiant

    Ping para argentina?

    ​0 problemas, dale nomás!
  4. Defiant

    Busco clan

    No sé, TargaryenS sigue existiendo?
  5. Sí, por qué? Cuál es tu duda concreta? Jaja
  6. Para qué necesitás eso DheMoN? Yo puedo hácertelo pero necesito saber qué post y por qué. Si es un tema ya resuelto se deja abierto un tiempo por si alguien tiene alguna otra consulta y después de lockea. Saludos!
  7. This is true. Happened to me for a month, then had to deactivate it. The process is very long and tiring. So try not to use G2A!
  8. I think it's mostly nostalgia. I played L2 since official C1, so it's been many years, since I was very young. But the gameplay was also very hard to overcome as well. The only game I considered to be better than L2 was Rohan Online before the Giant race was introduced. It all went downhill from there.
  9. So what is exactly the problem??? Your new class doesn't get the SP you think it should??? That has nothing to do with the class change service. Did you ask here in forums if everyone with that class gets the same ammount of SP as you? What class would we be talking about? I hope we can sort it out somehow!
  10. Bueno, claramente hay un problemita con el upload, que ni siquiera lo registra. Justamente yo tuve un problema similar hace una semana, y llamé a mi compañía de internet, ellos me lo solucionaron. Deberías llamar, decirles que hiciste un Speedtest y que no te da upload. Explicale que lo necesitas para jugar online, seguro te lo solucionan.
  11. Miguel, entra a y hacé la prueba, posteá los resultados por favor. Así descartamos que realmente sea tu conexión. Saludos!
  12. As far as I'm concerned, it is legal. Check the server rules here:
  13. I think it's too naive to not ask yourself first if he was actually farming clan rep that way... We all did it that way..........
  14. Just checked, can't log in