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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. Heals are not visual bugs, when it says 3k I think it shows how much current HP your target has.
  2. SOiL

    Recruiting 55+

    lvl 4 clan-academy, CH, +5 speed, EXP bonus 10% looking for people 55+ prefer from Europe. Mail me here or in game "SoiL
  3. Like your video was something different, you were killing us at bridge with some afk people when we had less levels than you. Always same excuses comes up
  4. Trust me Koukou is one of the best people on the server as character and he's good in pvps also. You can't talk about people without knowing them. Vig used to be a greek clan in the start, but perkunas were pking without reason so we had to make an alliance, we did. We tried pride, didn't work up and here we're
  5. We're much older than NF clan,we left Vigilance to join pride,then alliance messed up and continue Vig again but still not bad hehehe!
  6. About CH you're right but I'm right too. If many alt clans will be created and already are created to support main clans. Big main clans wants CH's in their 2nd clans, like they have. These CH's could be usefull to main but more low clans, if big main clans had more slots in their clan could be better for this, did you get it now guys?
  7. You comfuse things man again.. ES still got alliance, just 1 party left (That's UQ). If you guys don't know about some situations no need to talk whatever your head says.. Server still has 3 sides. Also party of OPPA,Hard1 etc they belong to ES. Damn your brain..
  8. ​Very nice. GL on cooperation UQ+Vig... Tfu! Hahaha, what a shame. ​Read what I said or use translate to your language
  9. You expected a lot from us? We've never betrayed someone, that you're watching is from UQ side not us. They don't have anywhere to go and we're looking our options with them. But i'm not like BR guys that pming me and next pm at me was Bizqquit hi. Don't confuse yourselves, we didn't leave any ally or clan to join enemies, they did. We got a family here, family will decide. Siege is coming, brace yourselves!
  10. I agree with that, 3 clans in alliance it's fine. It's better to open more slots in clans like 3 lvl clan -> 40 people, 4 lvl clan -> 50 people, 5 lvl clan -> 60 people and all will be happy
  11. SOiL

    Part number 10

    Before you talk about 2.7k, I used hex first that means -23% p.def and I was full focus that means 30% more dmg on my best skill. Even no buffs aaaand.. its my best skill
  12. You're 76 and pistolas is 74. In theory you got same lvls. Now about debuff land rate. You said you don't have core, so it's not 4.8% like san0 show us. Core gives 20% mental resist-attack rate, so it's 25%. About stun I won't comment it again, you chose mage, you had warlord you know how stuns are working. The only thing I aggree with you is the +12 weapons we all see everyday, but it's not the right post to do this.
  13. SOiL

    Doom set +6

    nah, I had offer 500mil just for plate-helm. How can I close comments cause I want people send me messages?
  14. SOiL

    Doom set +6

    Plate-Helm-Boots-Gloves +6 Bonus P.Def-MP Regen. 900mil min offer pm me here or ingame "SoiL.
  15. SOiL

    Recruiting 55+

    Up guys! LF people 55+ prefer from europe.
  16. SOiL

    Resist Buffs

    ​I'm thousand miles away to be like him, let's not spam this thread too please
  17. SOiL

    Resist Buffs

    Thanks for testing-screen san0, we did some tests too in arena. I was hitting 950-1.2k dmg with no resist buffs, with resist it was 950-1150 dmg. We didnt realize any difference. So we should have tested with no jewells to compare thousand of damage.. Anyways, alrighty then!
  18. SOiL

    Resist Buffs

    Song of invocation, Resist to Dark, Resist to Holy not working. I know you have job to do about 2.0 but those buffs are usefull, i'm gonna always remind it to you.
  19. SOiL

    on screen message

    I'm wondering how I was playing old times without this screen damage, I just love it. I can calculate by damage on screen how many skills do I need more to kill and change target. That with transfer pain, ye..
  20. SOiL

    Hide from dagger

    ​proof you see on exp zones when we come, and all neutral clans see, we dont need proof nobody ​Hm? Yesterday you PR'd like 17 times and died 3-4 times. Pinkcake was your clanmate until 5-6 days ago and you act like this? Trash..
  21. SOiL

    Doom set +6

    Up, Wts or Wtt for Overenchanted dual sls + adena.
  22. SOiL

    Recruiting 55+

    Groups of 3 or more people to our academy clan lvl 4 (Speed +5), CH at gludin +10% EXP bonus. Pm me here or in game "SoiL.